
Technically, Yorion, Sky Nomad can be mono-white. You don't need any blue mana to cast it. Is it the mono-white commander everyone has wanted?

The main schtick of the deck is to cast cheap artifacts, auras, and creatures that catrip, then flicker them all with Yorion and other effects to turn them into card advantage. So far, the deck has been amazingly consistent: it works.

Next, since the commander flickers things and the deck's engine is built around flickering, why not just lean into it? So there is as much ETB ramp as I could get, including Knight of the White Orchid, Oath of Lieges, Loyal Warhound, and Stoic Farmer. These require you to have fewer lands than an opponent, so the deck actually plays OG Karoo and a few other ways to reduce your land count while either breaking even or hopefully even ramping with these. Lands like Lotus Field and Crystal Vein also work to give you recursion targets for Sun Titan and Shepherd of the Cosmos. And almost all the removal is ETB, exile-until-this-thing-leaves-the-battlefield removal, essentially flickering away your opponents' permanents.

As for wincons, there are a few. The best are Mirror Entity and Jazal Goldmane. The deck plays a lot of creatures, so if all goes well, you should have plenty to pump up and attack with. Akroma's Will is in the deck for the same reason. It can also be used as protection, of course. Also, you can sort of just tempo your opponents out of the game if all goes right.

Silly, creative, janky, but most importantly: functional. It ramps. It removes threats. I draws cards. Oh, and it also wins! If you want to build a mono-white deck but aren't into Sram auras or don't have the $$$ for all the equipment and equipment payoffs you need to make that strategy work, you might consider giving the ol' bird serpent a try.

Suggestions welcome!


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94% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.42
Tokens Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W, The Monarch, Wizard 1/1 U
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