Reason for each card:(IP)

Altar of dementia: Sac outlet and self mill. Possible alt wincon to deck out the table with gravecrawler set up.

Animate dead: recursion.

Apprentice necromancer: a decent recursion piece but shines best with a protean hulk in the grave since apprentice has a built in sac for it.

Arcane signet: ramp.

Ashnolds altar: sac outlet and possible alt wincon to go infinite colorless then hard cast walking ballista.

Bird of paradise: mana fix/ramp

Blighted woodland: land that ramps

Blood artist: wincon piece

Body snatcher: can toss protean hulk from the hand to recure later or acts as a recursion piece for any creature we may need.

Bojuka bog: Grave hate. May add a way to bounce.

Cabal coffers: combos with Urborg to ramp

Carrion feeder: wincon piece

Caustic caterpillar: interaction

Cord of calling: tutor to the battlefield

Command tower: rainbow land

Corpse conniossuer: creature version of entomb

Culling ritual: interaction that suppies gas for the turn.

Deathgreeter: wincon piece

Darkbore/slitherbore pathway: mana fixing land

Demon of dark schemes: recursion piece but kinda falls flat since I dont generate tokens thus rely on the opponent's board state. May replace.

Demonic tutor: tutor

Devoted druid: ramp

Dina, soul steeper: is two wincon paths sitting in the command zone for whenever you need it. Plan A is sac protean hulk, plan B is exquisite blood loop.

Disciple of the vault: wincon piece

Emergence zone: a land that allows us to flash in a response to something.

Essence warden: wincon piece and token hate

Eternal witness: recursion piece

Exotic orchard: in a 4player game, this will 99% be a color you need.

Exquisite blood: wincon piece

Fabled passage: a better evolving wilds

Fleshbag marauder: interaction

Forest: may need to tweek the ratios. Unsure atm

Golgari grave troll: fill the grave with dredge

Grave pact: interaction.

Gravecrawler: wincon piece

Grief: interaction/tutor hate. May replace with something like unmask so I can target my own hand for a sweet reanimate target.

Grim backwoods: a land with a sac outlet.

Grim harupex: draw engine

Grisly salvage: grabs a body or land and fills the grave.

Gaurdian project: draw engine

High market: a land with a sac outlet

Jarads orders: sets up combo

Lesser masticore: wincon piece

Life from the loam: fills the grave with dredge and a psuedo ramp

Mana confluence: rainbow land

Mana crypt: ramp

Mana vault: ramp

Mausoleum secrets: tutor. May replace for a better

Melira: wincon piece

Merciless executioner: interaction

Meren: recursion piece that used to be the commander.

Mikeaus: wincon piece

Miren the moaning well: land with a sac outlet

Misty rainforest: fetch land to thin the deck

Moonsilver key: ramp or finds altars

Natural order: tutor to the battlefield

Outland liberator: interaction

Overgrown tomb: shock land

Pattern of rebirth: tutor to the battlefield.

Phyrexian altar: sac outlet and combos with gravecrawler

Phyrexian delver: recurrsion

Phyrexian tower: sac outlet on a land

Pitiless plunderer: wincon piece

Protean hulk: The meat and eggs of the deck.

Razeketh foulblooded: tutor

Reanimate: recursion

Sakura tribe elder: ramp

Skullclamp: draw

Skullwinder: grabs back tossed noncreatures. May swap for something that does the same without letting my opponents get a piece back.

Smothering abomination: sac outlet and draw

Sol ring: ramp

Spore frog: protection that can be brought back

Stitchers supplier: fills the grave

Swamp: May need to change the ratios. Unsure still.

Twilights call: recurrsion

Urborg, tomb of yawgmoth: combos with cabal coffers for ramp. The deck used to also run filth for synergy but was cut since I dont win via combat. Might put it back in but unsure.

Veil of summer: anti counter

Verdant catacombs: fetch land

Victimize: recursion that also can be used to sac hulk and revive combo pieces that arent in the deck.

Viscera seer: combo piece

Walking ballista: combo piece

Wood elves: ramp

Woodfall primus: interaction that combos with melira to nuke all the noncreatures on the table.

Woodland cemetery: dual land that can come in untapped.


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93% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.82
Tokens Day, Experience Token, Morph 2/2 C, Night, Treasure
Folders References, Liked
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