
Creature (1)


"A storm is coming. Our storm. And when it arrives, it will shake the universe!" - Paul Atreides, Dune (1984)

First appearing in the 1965 novel Dune by Frank Herbert, the Fremen inhabit the desert planet Dune, which is the sole source in the universe of the spice melange. Long overlooked by the rest of the Imperium and considered backward savages, in reality they are an extremely hardy people and exist in large numbers. As humans in extremis, over time they adapted their way of life to thrive in the incredibly harsh conditions of Dune. The Fremen are distinguished by their deadly fighting abilities and adeptness at survival in these conditions.

Lady Jessica is a fierce Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother, concubine to Duke Leto Atreides, and mother to Paul Atreides who leads the Fremen to overthrow the Imperium and restore Dune.

This is a white weenies human tribal aggro deck led by Adeline, Resplendent Cathar as Lady Jessica. There are many low cost humans to help attack early and trigger Adeline's token making ability. Buff effects like Cathars' Crusade and Coat of Arms help add power while cunning protection spells like And They Shall Know No Fear allow humans to go wide and dominate the battlefield without fear of board wipes.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

  1. Play hands that have 2 lands or more.
  2. Play 1 and 2 mana cost humans that can attack by turn 3.
  3. Ideally play a proactive protection spell like Benevolent Bodyguard or Lightning Greaves.
  4. Play Adeline, Resplendent Cathar as soon as possible and attack with any creature to create 1/1 human tokens.
  5. Keep playing creatures and attacking to build your board state and leave mana up for protection spells.
  6. Play a finisher like Coat of Arms, Eldrazi Monument or Cathars' Crusade to buff your creatures for lethal damage.

  1. Combat damage

If you want an alternate win condition, consider Halo Fountain or Strixhaven Stadium.

  • You like Dune or the sci-fi humans theme.
  • You enjoy straightforward gameplay and winning through combat damage.
  • You prefer efficient decks that play for the win from the outset instead of slowly building up resources.
  • You want to play a white weenie tribal deck pre-built to withstand removal.

  • You prefer diverse gameplay and multiple ways to win.
  • You don't want to play your commander in every game.
  • You would rather play a competitive token deck with combo potential like Krenko, Mob Boss.
  • You hate sand.

The low mana curve of this deck has less demand on mana resources which is great because mono white can struggle to keep pace with the ramp of other big mana decks and because running more lands often leads to flooding when this aggro deck is seeking to keep up the pressure before games run too long. Here we convert that weakness into a strength by playing cheap effects that ramp us when our opponents have more lands than we do.

  1. Land Tax - Another weakness of mono white is card draw. This 1 mana cost enchantment makes sure we are always keeping the mana flowing.
  2. Sol Ring - This is another incredible low cost card in mono white's ramp desert.
  3. Weathered Wayfarer - A human that grabs lands? Yes!
  4. Ambitious Farmhand   - Another human that puts a land into hand? 100% underrated card here.
  5. Pearl Medallion - Make all those white spells even cheaper at a very efficient rate. Since we are playing multiple spells a turn this card gives a huge return for just 2 mana cost.
  6. Herald's Horn - Mana reduction on humans and card advantage on one card. When the deck has to play few spells that aren't humans, multiple functions are key.
  7. Smuggler's Share - Another way to ramp as our opponents ramp while also drawing cards.
  8. Knight of the White Orchid - Human ramp when your opponents have more lands.
  9. Lotus Field - Remember all those cards that ramp if opponents have more lands? This land forces the issue!
  10. Lotus Vale - Another ramp forcing land. This is some of the spice that makes this deck unique.
  11. Flagstones of Trokair - The perfect land to sacrifice to the Lotus lands.

Card draw is not a natural strength of mono white. Here we use creatures and creature triggered effects as a primary solution. And similar to ramp, we also draw when our opponents draw.

  1. Chivalric Alliance - New card that is perfect for drawing as we attack with multiple creatures almost every turn.
  2. Esper Sentinel - This 1 mana cost human can draw us multiple cards per round. It's a primary target for human tutors for this reason.
  3. Folk Hero - We are always going to want our commander on the board so this is a great source of draw as we play humans.
  4. Herald's Horn - Puts a human in hand almost every turn with our low land count. Also reduces cost of humans.
  5. Idol of Oblivion - We are attacking every turn if at all possible. Might as well draw while we do it. No activation cost is what makes this card shine.
  6. Mentor of the Meek - Human source of card draw.
  7. Ranger of Eos - Another human toolbox card. Need protection? Grab Mother of Runes. Need card draw? Esper Sentinel can help.
  8. Ranger-Captain of Eos - See above.
  9. Recruiter of the Guard - See above.
  10. Skullclamp - Sacrifice a token and pay 1 mana to draw two cards. Great rate!
  11. Smuggler's Share - We draw when our opponents draw.
  12. Thraben Inspector - Every little bit helps makes this another handy 1 mana cost human.
  13. Tocasia's Welcome - One card per turn and triggers when tokens enter the battlefield.
  14. Tome of Legends - 1 mana for one card per turn is not bad.
  15. Verge Rangers - Human card selection that smooths out land draws. Performs better than I thought especially with the ramp strategy.
  16. Secluded Steppe - Why waste a land on just being a source of mana?
  17. Desert of the True - See above. Also the desert flavor win.
  18. War Room - Lands that draw cards are another slot not wasted.

The greatest threat to tribal decks and token decks that win exclusively through combat damage is removal. We need cards that protect our commander and all of our creatures on the battlefield. The best protection protects all of our creatures and is proactive so we don't have to hold up mana. The second best protection comes from reactive cards that protect all of our creatures. The third best but still vital protection are cards that keep our commander on the table.

  1. And They Shall Know No Fear - Protects all creatures for 2 mana and that sweet flavor win.
  2. Benevolent Bodyguard - Usually only protects our commander but it's a 1 mana cost human and we can play it proactively.
  3. Dauntless Bodyguard - See above.
  4. Devoted Caretaker - See above.
  5. Mother of Runes - See above.
  6. Ollenbock Escort - See above.
  7. Brave the Elements - Protects all humans unless its a wrath. Also gives them evasion all for 1 mana. Makes me feel warm and safe from spot removal when I play Adeline.
  8. Clever Concealment - Protects everything through multiple opponent turns. Higher mana cost but comprehensive.
  9. Dolmen Gate - Helps all creatures attack into bigger creatures. Phenomenal card in a weenie deck.
  10. Eiganjo Castle - Land that also protects one creature.
  11. Tyrite Sanctum - See above.
  12. Eldrazi Monument - Persistent protection and evasion for all creatures. Pairs well with a commander that makes tokens each turn. Best protection in the deck.
  13. Flawless Maneuver - Protects all creatures for zero mana.
  14. Frontline Medic - A human that protects all humans and helps them attack. Bonus counterspell for x costed spells.
  15. Kytheon, Hero of Akros   - 1 mana cost human that flips easily into Gideon who protects one creature until next turn.
  16. Lightning Greaves - Can be played before Adeline comes down even though it only protects her.
  17. Sanctifier en-Vec - Rest in Peace on a human. Graveyard hate is important or our creatures will be outclassed.
  18. Selfless Spirit - Not a human but can be played proactively on turn 2 and activated for free to protect all of our creatures.
  19. Stalwart Pathlighter - Protects all humans and helps them attack into bigger creatures.
  20. Teferi's Protection - Protects everything through multiple opponent turns.
  21. Unbreakable Formation - Protects all creatures and buffs them.
  22. Ranger-Captain of Eos - Can be sacrificed to prevent opponent non-creature spells for one turn. It can help an alpha strike.

Weenies are efficient creatures but they don't have big power stats that can push 120 damage to win. Here are the buff cards that power them up.

  1. Cathars' Crusade - It shares the namesake of our commander for a reason. It permanently buffs our creatures every turn we attack.
  2. Coat of Arms - This is the best game winning effect on one card in the deck. It's kill on site for opponents so play it only when you can swing that turn and win if possible.
  3. Eldrazi Monument - Small buff but combined with evasion and persistent indestructibility you get to play this as soon as you can.
  4. Goldnight Commander - Human buff that triggers off tokens.
  5. Honor of the Pure - Small buff but can be played early and strengthen the middle game until we can attack it with other buff effects.
  6. Inspiring Leader - Bigger buff for 1 mana more than Honor of the Pure. Only affects tokens and it's still a house!
  7. Intrepid Adversary - Human based buff that is great in the late game.
  8. Mikaeus, the Lunarch - Human based buff that can run away with the game of unanswered.
  9. Thalia's Lieutenant - Fantastic human buff in a human tribal deck.
  10. Valor in Akros - Great buff source in a deck with 30+ humans and also triggers on tokens entering the battlefield.


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97% Casual


Revision 34 See all

(2 months ago)

+1 Court Street Denizen maybe
+1 Lossarnach Captain main
-1 Plains main
-1 Tocasia's Welcome main
-1 Tome of Legends main
Top Ranked
Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 months
Exclude colors UBRG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

50 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.27
Tokens Clue, Copy Clone, Eldrazi 10/10 C, Human 1/1 W, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Knight 2/2 WU, The Ring, The Ring Tempts You
Folders White Aggro, Too Cool Decks
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