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Dragon Reanimator

Commander / EDH


This deck presents as a dragons tribal deck that starts the game playing manarocks to fix and gather mana before shifting to filling the board with dragon after dragon. Players can use Scion of the Ur-Dragon 's ability to stock the graveyard with cards to bring back later with reanimation effects. This approach is perfectly fine, but there are also some classic combos in here that can accelerate the game considerably against unwary opponents.

Deck Structure

This deck has been built using the 8x8 method. Half the modules fulfill typical functions you'd expect to see in any commander deck, while the other half support the specific themes of this deck.

For every deck, I include a module for ramp, removal, and card draw, preferably filled with cards that align with the deck's theme rather than generic spells that could go in any deck.

  • Ramp is essential for any Commander deck, but it's even more essential here. While some of these cards are specifically related to dragons, for the most part these are just basic manarocks that can help build your mana base to play all the expensive multicolor cards in the deck.
  • Removal: Unlike ramp, this suite is very much related to dragons thematically, including some dragons that come with removal stapled on.
  • Card Draw & Selection: You don't actually need that much card draw here, as Scion of the Ur-Dragon provides the ability to snag whatever you want and toss it into the graveyard, where you can get it back later. Nonetheless, I included a suite of cards that get you cards in case games go long and you find yourself needing them. One of the deck's combos is included in this suite...
  • Fun: This module includes a variety of miscellaneous effects, including some the other main combo for the deck.

The other half of these modules further contribute to the dragons tribal and reanimator themes.

  1. The Dragons (Monored) module simply includes a decent curve of dragons and dragon-related cards in red, the color that has provided the most dragons throughout Magic's history.
  2. The Dragons (Monuments | Multicolor) module takes the deck beyond its monored heart to expand to many other colors. The monuments provide more ramp/fixing while also presenting more dragon options if that's what you need. The dragons here are just a variety of solid budget dragons requiring more than red to cast.
  3. The Reanimation module includes ways to get dragons back from your graveyard, usually to the battlefield but in some cases to your hand. Using the commander's ability makes it easy to stock the graveyard with whatever you want.
  4. The Scion & Protection module is the "next level" module for players who have learned the true power of the deck's commander. Opponents will soon learn that your commander needs to be eliminated immediately, and the dragons in this suite provide protection from (or strong disincentives for) opponents trying to take out your commander.


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92% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 0 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.34
Tokens Dragon 4/4 R, Dragon 5/5 R, Knight 2/2 W w/ First Strike, Morph 2/2 C, Treasure
Folders Budget Commander - Tribal Cycle
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