Dump everything and the kitchen sink into Carrion Feeder and Body Dropper, take the high ground with Pyrite Spellbomb and Deathgreeter, raise the dead with Crawl from the Cellar and Forever Young, and cinch the win with Crash Through!

Body Dropper, Carrion Feeder, and Mortician Beetle:

Essentially serving the same purpose as "sac tanks", they can get unwieldly large far faster than your opponent could bargain for. At instant speed, they also have the opportunity to get some extra end-step advantage. However, they are very high-value targets for removal and have little to do on their own in the way of combat or target evasion. Body Dropper can also serve as an effective mana sink, should the draws come up dry.

Myr Servitor:

For grindy games, it can flood the board at a moment's notice. In general, for generic sac fodder is especially useful in color drought situations and the self-recursion makes for effective self-sustainability.

Forever Young and Crawl from the Cellar:

Cheap tools for graveyard cycling and sacrifice recursion. Cellar has the added benefit of making your Feeder grow even faster and the flashback ability keeps you busy on an empty draw. FY gets better the later and less frequent it shows up, but it can still keep you busy in a stale early game. Pit Keeper serves the same purpose.

Crash Through:

Gives your sac tanks some important damage potential when the time gets right. The cantrip secondary effect only serves to make it more versatile, but it is restricted in its potential use cases due to its sorcery speed, making it potentially more risky than it would be as an instant.

The most important staples of the deck, the sac tanks that need to stay on the field to reach their maximum potential, lack the kind of protection or evasion needed to keep them on the field against any kind of targeted removal. It's nearly totally necessary to hold off from attacking the opponent with either sac tank until they can be given proper support, which this deck can only provide so much of. The inability of your Feeders to block greatly diminishes their threat factor, for better and for worse. The deck has some tools to stay in the running long enough to get the engine running against particularly aggressive opponents, such as Deathgreeter or perhaps Pyrite Spellbomb to keep up a life lead, but the effectiveness of these fail safes against other prominent format archetypes is yet to be seen.


Updates Add

Updated the deck list and description based on the suggestions of BruhYouFarted (apologies for the delay)


32% Casual

68% Competitive

Revision 3 See all

(2 years ago)

-3 Ashnod's Altar main
+3 Grim Initiate main
-4 Myr Retriever main
+4 Myr Servitor main
Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.28
Tokens Zombie Army 0/0 B
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