MTG Combo: Codie, Vociferous Codex + Training Grounds + Voltaic Construct

Infinite - Engine : Mana

This combo creates infinite Codie, Vociferous Codex activations along with Infinite Mana of every color. Cast a high enough initiation spell and you can pull every instant or sorcery spell from your library to cast for free.

  1. With all 3 on the field, get at least 2 mana.
  2. Tap and activate Codie, Vociferous Codex for 2 to get .
  3. Use any color with the highest mana available to pay 1 to activate Voltaic Construct to untap Codie.
  4. Use any color(s) with the highest mana available to pay 2 to tap and activate Codie.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 an infinite amount of times, then cast an initiation spell.
  6. Resolve the Codie triggers until you've revealed your entire deck and grabbed every available spell.
  7. Let the rest of the triggers fizzle and resolve your initiation spell.

As you are able to cast Instants between Codie triggers, you can cast any of them at any point in time before the initiation spell has been resolved.

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