Zur's Weirding

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Zur's Weirding


Players play with their hands revealed.

If a player would draw a card, he or she reveals it instead. Then any other player may pay 2 life. If a player does, put that card into its owner's graveyard. Otherwise, that player draws a card.

Neotrup on How will Eruth, Tormented Prophet …

4 months ago

If you would draw a card you may reveal the top card of your library and any player may pay two life to have you put it into your graveyard. If no player does, you'll exile the top two cards (including the one you revealed) of your library and be able to play them that turn. Alternatively you can just exile the top two cards without asking the question about life in the first place. This is because you are the one drawing the card, and there are two replacement effects trying to apply. You'll choose one and then check again if any are relevant. If you apply Zur's Weirding you may or may not be drawing a card now, so Eruth will only apply if you still are. If you apply Eruth first, you won't be drawing a card, so Zur's Weirding will not apply.

ArmchairRuler on How will Eruth, Tormented Prophet …

4 months ago

I am thinking of adding Zur's Weirding to my Eruth, Tormented Prophet deck to help even out the drawback of having my card revealed every turn. My question is how will Zur's Weirding interact with Eruth's effect? Is this dependant on which was played more recently? Can I play Zur's Weirding then play Eruth to negate the drawback only for myself?

Basshunter on Let the chaos begin

1 year ago

Hi dude, if you want pure chaos - what do you think about Zur's Weirding?

DoomNoodle on

1 year ago

Ever consider Zur's Weirding for redundancy or is that to risky for your game plan?

lagotripha on Counter Everything?

2 years ago

Jwari Disruption  Flip is great as it sits in land slots - sandbar will do fine in its place so long as your spell count is high enough. Even a one of in your list massively improves tempo if your opponent plays around it.

Mana leak has some sweet alternatives - Lose Focus in particular lets you scale up as the game draws on, and is hard to protect against due to copies.

Thassa's Intervention is both cheaper than memory deluge and acts as a counterspell.

I'd give a little thought to old Grindclock style decks, where you just play protect the artifact until you can win - or play something like Zur's Weirding where you reach a point where you just lock out the game and win on life. As is, you'll need to use recursion on mill spells which isn't being used holding up counterspells.

The main thing I'd consider going outside budget for is Surgical Extraction - hitting the shuffle eldrazi is essential to mill decks, while being able to remove a deck's main threats or answers when you see them in the graveyard is incredible. On that note, Gut shot/Void mirror is a nonbo- you'll want one of them in the sideboard to swap into. Tormod's Crypt or similar will do on a budget, but you do need to have an answer for milling a Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger or similar somewhere in the 75.

Baral's draw/discard is mostly land filtering here, and the cost reduction isn't as crazy as it is when ramping - you could safely swap it for more draw power.

Broken Ambitions is traditional for counter/mill.

I'd want a wrath effect or comparable card in the side or main - as is you have 4x suspend, 4x gut shot for creature matchups, which doesn't feel like enough what with the time counter thing meaning you need another card afterwards - its a great synergy with void mirror, but I'd want a bit more.

More important than any of this advice is this - target your meta. Put sideboard cards maindeck to win your FNM - the control decks that make it through tournaments aren't the ones that have the best 'generic answers' (though they feature them), but ones that target metagame weaknesses - the maindeck Steel Sabotage or Narset's Reversal or for example. The void mirror setup is an incredible start for that - build out from there.

Jack32226 on Rot and Ruin (Muldrotha EDH)

2 years ago

Thanks for commenting, Lord_of_Cardboard!

This deck would do exceptionally well against a Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger deck. This is for the same reason that cards like Jace's Archivist do so well in the deck: if you have have Muldrotha on the battlefield, any cards you discard might as well still be in your hand cause you can simply replay them from your graveyard. If anything, an opposing Kroxa player is almost helping you by disrupting your other opponents' hands.

As for a budget version of the deck, here's some advice on budget options and replacements. Just note that this is advice specific to my Muldrotha deck, i.e., advice for the big mana and big X-spell strategy. If you'd rather play a more typical creature-based, swing-to-kill type deck, there may be better Muldrotha lists to look at.

The mana base makes up a large portion of the deck's budget, and I would leave that mostly up to your own discretion. Just keep in mind that fetch lands like Evolving Wilds and slow fetches like Bad River are good for being replayed every turn with Muldrotha. Also, for a budget version of the deck, it's important to run more basics than I do since you'll probably need to fetch more with your ramp. Cycle lands like Lonely Sandbar, Tranquil Thicket, and Barren Moor are fantastic, especially with Life from the Loam. Some other good options:

Which brings me to another point: if I had to pick one somewhat expensive card that's worth putting in a budget Muldrotha deck, it's this one. It's a one-card value engine, giving you card draw, mill, and lands. And depending on what utility lands you choose to run, it can do a whole lot more. And if you're worried about Kroxa in your meta, Life from the Loam is a great counter to it, allowing you to fill your hand with lands to discard.

Now to address key cards for the deck's "big mana" strategy. Important cards for generating a lot of mana include Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Cabal Coffers, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Crypt Ghast, and Nyxbloom Ancient. You could just replace these cards with normal ramp; casting X-spells for X=10 is still good and easy to accomplish without these cards. If that's unsatisfying for you, you could consider options like Zendikar Resurgent and Mana Reflection. Unfortunately there aren't many great cheap options for producing a lot of mana. This is an important part of the deck though, so it's up to you if it's worth spending some extra money on it.

To avoid this comment being any more lengthy than it already is, here's an extensive list of some budget alternatives for the deck. The great thing about Muldrotha is that being able to replay removal makes a lot of sub-par removal actually pretty good, so it's pretty budget friendly.

Win-Conditions: What's in the deck isn't too expensive, but here's some cheaper options.


Draw / Mill:



Control and other good stuff:

If you have any other questions about budget options, let me know. I'm always happy to help!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Zur of the Weirding

Legendary Creature - Human Wizard

Whenever ~ enters the battlefield, you may create a token copy of Propaganda, Ghostly Prison or Zur's Weirding. You may cast that copy until end of turn.


Create a , or pillow fort. You can choose to make it a legendary creature.

Scytec on The Troublemakers

2 years ago

Blind Obedience, Intruder Alarm, glad to ssee you using Zur's Weirding (my personal favorite).

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