Zimone and Dina

Legendary Creature — Human

Whenever you draw your second card each turn, target opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.

, Sacrifice another creature: Draw a card. You may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield tapped. If you control eight or more lands, repeat this process once.

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Asgeren on Garden of Damia

3 months ago

SufferFromEDHD thanks for your suggestions m8!

Infernal Sovereign is indeed great as a back-up commander so far. Wanted Zimone and Dina for the same reasson, but the sac fodder is more difficult to get ahold of than I thought.

Oh yes, Demonic Collusion is for sure going in this deck, thanks!

The budget of this deck is 30€ (35$), so unfortunately Manabond is too big a chunk of that - but what an awesome card for Damia!

Crow_Umbra on 9 To 10 Odds Favor Keene

5 months ago

I recently converted my Zimone and Dina deck into Lord Windgrace. I totally overlooked Nine-Fingers Keene as another potential option for that swap lol. I'll have to keep her in mind, in case I'm ever looking for a change up down the road.

Have you considered Spelunking at all for this deck? Would give you a 3rd Amulet of Vigor/Tiller Engine type of effect.

Crow_Umbra on Terrenos de Don Windgrace [Retired]

5 months ago

Thanks for checking out my decks as of recent, Profet93 I appreciate it. This is my second go at trying out a Lands strategy. Zimone and Dina were pretty interesting, but they felt like they were being pulled in a couple of different directions.

Since this deck is fairly new, I haven't had a chance to try it here yet. I used to run Insidious Dreams in my old Alesha, Who Smiles at Death deck. I liked it the times I played it there, but felt it was kinda clunky at 4 cmc, especially for a Mardu deck. I figured the mana cost wouldn't be as big of a deal in a deck with Green in it lol. I'm also playing it here because my one copy of Demonic Tutor is currently in my Burakos deck. I also figured I'd (ideally) be pitching Lands to the Discard requirement. If it under performs, It'll be one of my first swaps out.

  1. Petrified Field seems interesting. I agree that I'd want to limit the number of colorless mana producing lands I run, but could swap it for one of the others already in the deck.

  2. Lol I picked up a copy of Natural Affinity during one of my ordering batches. I'm sure that I'll give it a shot at some point.

  3. As for the Shamanic Revelation, I currently have about 6 creature token production effects in the 99. Still getting a feel for how consistently I can draw into at least one. In terms of a similarly costed draw effect, I was considering Stinging Study. 5 for always 5 seems decent.

Crow_Umbra on Terrenos de Don Windgrace [Retired]

5 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions UltimateRoxas40. I think I have a copy of Thespian's Stage around, but I'd need to pick up/proxy Dark Depths. I'm currently running Vesuva to help me double up those on those Field of the Dead triggers.

Braids, Arisen Nightmare is probably one of my favorite new cards of the past year. I played her for that exact reason in the Zimone and Dina deck that I converted into this one. I love the flexibility on what you can sac to her.

If you bring yours out of retirement, I'll be keeping an eye out for your updates. I'm excited to play this deck and have it become a part of my regular rotation, but I have this nagging feeling that there will be some new Jund legend in the Thunder Junction set that I'll want play instead lol.

Crow_Umbra on Marchesa, the Black Rose + …

6 months ago

Although your question has been answered already, I would say Braids, Arisen Nightmare is worth the slot. I've played her in a couple of decks (Isshin and Zimone and Dina/soon-to-be Lord Windgrace). The flexibility on permanents that she can sacrifice is super useful, and I typically draw at least one card from her each turn she sticks around.

Crow_Umbra on How do you write you …

6 months ago

Thank you Dangerwillrobinson79, I appreciate it. I like how you've structured your Pantlaza primer.

I'm definitely always brewing or tinkering with my existing lists Kazierts. I think I've shifted more to primarily fine-tuning the 4-6 decks I'll play irl, more than I do brewing new decks. When brewing new stuff, I try to mostly stick to looking for strats that have enough of an existing overlap with a deck I have. I'm currently in the process of converting my Zimone and Dina deck into Lord Windgrace.

After I've put together a list, I do lots of gold-fishing to get a feel for it before I start writing the primer. If I can't get excited enough to want to write the primer, then I'll just leave it to collect digital dust in some folder lol.

The last job I had for 4.5 years was in healthcare research. As part of my role, I interviewed patients for studies, and put together various "how-tos" for those participants on different aspects of the studies. In 2020 we shifted our primary study to interview remotely because of the pandemic. I wrote an instructional guide for participants on how to download, install, and use Zoom on their computers or mobile devices. It was a huge learning opportunity to write for folks that weren't the most tech savvy.

DemonDragonJ on Waste Not

10 months ago

I have replaced Horizon Chimera with Zimone and Dina, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.87 to 3.85, which is very good, since the latter creature fits the theme of this deck far better than does the former creature.

Crow_Umbra on Favorite mtg art

11 months ago

So many cards have "pet card" status for their art, but I'm always glad to see them in my binders. I'd say I'm definitely a sucker for foil versions of Red cards; I just love how the flames pop. A few favorites off the top of my head in no particular order:

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