Zilortha, Strength Incarnate

Legendary Creature — Dinosaur


Lethal damage dealt to creatures you control is determined by their power rather than their toughness.

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Bmphipps14 on Criminally Underplayed EDH Gems

2 years ago

While I do have a bunch of niche pet cards that are really good in specific situations, I tried to keep this list to cards that I just never see across the table yet jam into most of my decks that can play them. Some of which are already climbing in value so maybe they aren't as underrated as I think but still worth spreading the word about. Caveat that I'm mostly a budget/casual player but cards like these are how I build 50-100 dollar decks that go to bat with 2-400 dollar decks

W Glorious Protector If your deck doesn't have Blue and has ANY level of ETB synergy, this card is amazing. Helps your team dodge all manner of board wipe: bounce, exile, -X/-X, good ol' destroy.

U Plea for Power Pay 4 draw 3 is an acceptable rate and there are situations in which you might be able to convince two of your opponents to give you the extra turn to deal with the third. Metamorphic Alteration I've never seen anybody else play this card- I only play it in Zedruu the Greathearted and Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea which have permanent/Enchantment synergy and would recommend doing the same but the sky's the limit on this bad boy. There's the obvious use of removal (I've turned someone's Commander into a Humble Defector before) but it's got the flexibility of copying someone else's Eldrazi or Avacyn for 2 mana. Stubborn Denial Does your Commander have 4+ Power? Are you already playing Negate? Well here's that for half off!

B Vona's Hunger Instant speed Asymmetrical Board Wipe for 3. Do I need to say anything else? This is one I used to be able to pick up for 80 cents and is now 4 bucks :( Incarnation Technique Any time I've cast this I've negotiated a specific creature in an opponent's graveyard that I know won't be too threatening and gotten two bangers for myself for 5 mana. Additionally, if your deck has any kind of graveyard synergy already, the mill 10 is outstanding. Virtus's Maneuver I'm a sucker for political cards as this list can totally indicate, but this 3 mana spell that pays for itself has the option to remove a pesky Voltron Commander or make some friends around the table. Or both! Court of Ambition Why this isn't in every non-cEDH Black deck is beyond me- If you're able to maintain Monarch (and with it board position) for 2+ turns it will essentially seal the deal on anybody trying to challenge you. Even if you aren't, sending Monarchy around the table encourages them to hurt each other while you're draining a sneaky 3 life every turn from every opponent. This card does serious work (in any game expected to go past turn 6).

R Rousing Refrain Best case scenario you're able to play this turn 2 and then have a pretty blowout-y turn 5 (I use it to cast Niv Mizzet while holding mana for counters) but worst case this is essentially a free spell that helps you rebuild from board wipes or push extra hard for a win. Doesn't go in every deck but consider whether yours is right Chandra, Fire Artisan Repeatable card draw isn't super common in Red, plus she comes with her own discouraging rattlesnake clause.

G Sigardian Zealot I love this card! You're in Green so you probably have creatures- my biggest issue with team-buffers like this is that a lot of them only give the buff on swing. This is at worst a 6/6 Vigilance for 5 that boosts your team the turn he comes down, at best he boosts your team to make killing blows while leaving you all the blockers you need. If you natively have any Trample synergy (this dude rips in my Zilortha, Strength Incarnate deck) then take a look at this guy. Blossoming Bogbeast Budget alternative to Pathbreaker Ibex. Guaranteed +2/+2 and full team Trample: not as mana-intensive or clunky as Dragon Throne of Tarkir and more repeatable than Overwhelming Stampede. Are Stampede and Ibex better? Totally. Are they 70 cents? Nope! And that's all assuming you aren't playing any Lifegain synergy- if you are, this absolutely deserves a slot. Wrap in Vigor If you're playing a non-Blue, non Nikya, non-Voltron Green deck (read: most Green decks because even some of those criteria aren't absolute) this card is awesome! Heroic Intervention is one of the best Green spells ever printed imo and while this is clearly its little brother you should still consider doubling up on 2 mana protection like this. I've won tons of games cause someone else wipes the board for me and the "Creatures can't be regenerated" clause is becoming less and less relevant as cards like Vanquish the Horde become the new standard.

L Bonders' Enclave Does your Commander have 4+ Power and you're playing 3 or less colors? This card deserves a slot. This is the other card I've grabbed 5 of for 40 cents and now are 2 bucks a piece. Is it inefficient? Totally. Does it give you options when it's turn 8 and you're looking at your Commander and an empty hand while coming at the low low cost of being a colorless land in every other situation? Totally.

I got a lot of good ideas from this thread, hopefully mine can help somebody out!

multimedia on I Have Not Yet Begun To Fight

2 years ago

Hey, nice version so far with a high budget. Cutting Garruk's Uprising was a mistake, the card is really good in creature decks.

Apex Altisaur and Thorn Mammoth are upgrades for Ravager Wurm and Foe-Razer Regent for repeatable fight. You don't really need Regent since you have Vigor which has a much better ability to put counters on creatures you control. Vrondiss, Rage of Ancients from the new Draconic Rage Commander precon is a target for fight and good with Vigor. He can also be a repeatable source of big tokens to abuse Greater Good, Terror of the Peaks and Garruk's Uprising.

Quartzwood Crasher is a five drop to pair with Garruk's Uprising, another repeatable source of big tokens and it's combat damage trigger goes well when you can double the power of a creature with trample. Garruk, Primal Hunter and Garruk, Unleashed can be repeatable sources of tokens for attacking and fighting. With fight it's easier to protect them to get to their ultimates.

Arcane Signet is a ramp upgrade for Rampant Growth. Harrow is an upgrade for Kodama's Reach. Karplusan Forest, Grove of the Burnwillows, Cragcrown Pathway  Flip are three more Gruul dual lands that always ETB untapped to consider adding. Cinder Glade is an upgrade for Temple of Abandon.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Alena // Halana (Gruulfriends Forever) [Primer]

2 years ago

This is very cool. I'm an absolute Timmy at heart, and I've wanted to play Al and Hal for a while, but couldn't acquire them yet.

Some cards I love in the two most timmy decks of mine are the following:

Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma , God-Eternal Rhonas and Myojin of Life's Web in green.

Moraug, Fury of Akoum , Etali, Primal Storm and Terror of the Peaks .

Finally, Zilortha, Strength Incarnate is pretty cool.

griffstick on Destructive Multiplication

2 years ago

Also Zilortha, Strength Incarnate will work really goo here because all the high power low toughness going on

BrassLord on Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs

3 years ago

Howdy! Gishath is a fun choice for dinosaur tribal, can't go too wrong!

In terms of general advice for cuts, I'd try to evaluate the cards in terms of if it wins the game or furthers your gameplan for the deck. For example, in your current decklist, Slayer's Cleaver doesn't seem to gel with either your ramp or dino matters themes, and it strikes me as a dead draw.

Also, while cool, Morophon, the Boundless unfortunately has the color identity of all 5 colors, so you can't "legally" run it with your current commander.

All in all though, I'd recommend focusing on cards that you enjoy playing, even if it's not "optimal!"

So with that out of the way, here are some cards I'd recommend cutting hahaha XD Frilled Deathspitter Thrash of Raptors Territorial Hammerskull Ravenous Daggertooth Frenzied Raptor Bonded Horncrest Rallying Roar Huatli's Spurring Slayer's Cleaver Overgrowth (There are cheaper cmc options that will both ramp AND color fix for you), Strength of the Pack .

Those are all cards that strike me as cool, but maybe worth cutting.

As for suggestions, Ikoria brought about a LOT of cool dinosaurs! Quartzwood Crasher can put in some work! I'd play Titanoth Rex over Ancient Brontodon as you can still cycle it for less mana, both are just big dumb creatures! It would take some cuts, but I've seen some people run Kaheera, the Orphanguard as a companion for your commander, so that could help you make some cuts as well? And for flavor Zilortha, Strength Incarnate is a flavor win!

I'd also recommend Kinjalli's Sunwing . It's a "hate dinosaur" that has evasion and can stall opponents enough that you can summon your big boy dinosaur! Speaking of, Apex Altisaur and Zacama, Primal Calamity are the biggest.

The thing I'd probably recommend adding over anything is Pyrohemia . It's a board wipe in a pinch (something that is needed to get to late game) and allows for some cheeky interactions that can be frustrating to deal with. It turns Siegehorn Ceratops Snapping Sailback and Bellowing Aegisaur into creatures that keep getting bigger or pump your entire team all while clearing the board for bigger attacks. Not to mention it also is a handy source for one ping damage for enrage triggers.

Hope these suggestions help! Happy hunting!

Caerwyn on How do You Feel about …

3 years ago

I do not mind any secret lair reprinting existing cards - more cards in circulation and new arts only serves to benefit players.

I am not fond of mechanically unique cards as secret lairs, but I wouldn’t be abjectly against them if they followed the Zilortha, Strength Incarnate model. Including a placeholder name for a card that does not currently exist, but could exist in the future, is just basic common sense. Not only would it give players options for “Magic” versions of mechanically unique cards somewhere down the line, it would avoid issues where copyrights or trademarks make it impossible for Wizards to reprint things.

I think they horrifically dropped the ball with the Walking Dead product, specifically because it failed to include placeholder names. But that’s the only drop I take issue with.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Cirdan13: The size of a creature isn't exactly connected to its CMC/mana value (trying to accomodate to that). It may be that way, but that's a point where gameplay strikes flavour. Just look at Traxos, Scourge of Kroog , Doran, the Siege Tower or frickin' Zilortha, Strength Incarnate . These things a ginormous, but are four, three and five mana.

Eleony, savage Striker

Legendary Creature - Viashino Berserker

Partner with Chiara, Staunch Defender

Haste, First Strike

Whenever ~ deals combat damage to an opponent, you may return it to its owner's hand. If you do, untap up to three target lands.


Chiara, Staunch Defender

Legendary Creature - Bear Knight

Partner with Eleony, savage Striker

Vigilance, Trample

All creatures able to block ~ do so.

Whenever ~ blocks, it gains indestructible until end of turn.


Create two legendary cats that Partner with each other.

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