Zagoth Crystal


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nlabelle on Atraxa(infect)

3 years ago


Budget -2 Plains +2 Forest +1 Gemstone Mine -1 Temple of Silence -1 Zagoth Crystal +1 Astral Cornucopia -1 Gyre Sage +1 Fynn, the Fangbearer -1 (3 total) more Plains for a Blight Mamba . I think we are good w/ 38 lands.

Non-Budget Not sure what to cut in this section, but if yo' wallet is feelin' like a pimp, go on brush yo' shoulders off. Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider Once you add the fetches + shocks, Become Immense becomes...immensely better. Usually will cast for G.

Personal Choices - Prairie Stream - Sunken Hollow + Vivid Grove + Vivid Creek Prairie and sunken will come into play tapped most of the time anyway, so might as well make rainbow colors and get some counters back on them late game.
-1 Render Silent (casting cost is prohibitive). +1 Fuel for the Cause -1 Fathom Mage +1 Steady Progress . Fathom Mage seems iffy for card draw. Steady progress feels more stable, instant speed, and proliferates. -1 Despark +1 Inexorable Tide . Ups your CMC aka mana value by a bit, but I'd rather go the proactive than reactive game plan. -1 Lazav, the Multifarious . He will appear as one of your infecty boiz from the yard, but at that point you're already behind, and he has no forms of evasion. Maybe +1 Sword of Truth and Justice instead. (It's slow) -1 Supreme Verdict (prohibitive casting cost, you're probably the one with the most valuable creatures). +1 Contentious Plan for more draw and more dirty HIV. -1 Phyrexian Juggernaut . Too slow, probably a dead card in your hand, chances of it not getting blocked are small. I imagine best-case scenario is that it goes unblocked and you pump it, but 'bout Roalesk, Apex Hybrid . Ain't nobody gonna attack you when they get proliferate juices on their shirt.

But wait, do you want to make the deck WORSE? Contagion Engine + Magistrate's Scepter . Take all the turns. 7 mana + a boardstate is a steep setup, but do you want to be a winner, or a JANK-ASS BISS?

I'm not really sure if these are good or not. So this section is useless. Strionic Resonator . Seems kinda win-more. But meh. Idk.

Let's f* with Hop -1 Generous Gift +1 Teferi's Protection . I am a terrible human being.

I most definitely could be wrong in this section. -1 Ancient Tomb . You'll take a heavy amount of damage, and your color requirements are strong. I'd replace with +1 Inkmoth Nexus

Aight baby gurl, bedtime. May your infectious love for infect cause infectious hate upon you. Love, Jake Stremers

nlabelle on Atraxa(infect)

3 years ago

This whatcha boi be thinkin' to improve dat' dirty poison build. CMDR next to Atraxa (on the input section) will make her appear as the commander rather than as a creature.

Non-Budget Show

Personal Choices Show

But wait, do you want to make the deck WORSE? Show

I'm not really sure if these are good or not. So this section is useless. Show

Let's f* with Hop Show

I most definitely could be wrong in this section. Show

Aight baby gurl, bedtime. May your infectious love for infect cause infectious hate upon you. Love, Jake Stremers

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