You Are Already Dead


Destroy target creature that was dealt damage this turn.

Draw a card.

legendofa on Anyone else kinda.... really let …

3 months ago

Gleeock Okay, I get where you're coming from. And yeah, there are a lot more specific references like that. I think You Are Already Dead was an experiment along those lines. That kind of theme naming is probably going to be around for at least the next couple years as they see how popular it really is.

Also on board with avoiding that five-color zero-relevance card.

I feel like a lot of what keeps me invested in the game and its future is on the less popular side.

K4nkato on death by 1000 papercuts

7 months ago

Some thoughts:

1) Troll of Khazad-dum should be in some of your land slots to fix your mana. He should be fetching Geothermal Bog

2) The deck doesn't have a timely win condition. I ran some test games with your list against Goblin Combo, Grixis Affinity and Mono Blue Faeries. If a creature deck plays out a creature every turn then your removal absolutely runs them over at first, but there comes a point around turn 7 or 8 where you simply run out of cards. There's no draw cards in this list. It can wipe every card drawing Ninja, Faerie and Myr that hits the table but those decks will draw an addition 2, 3, even 5 cards over the game. Faeries wins out by holding all their Ninjas until the middle game, casting Of One Mind for full price to pull ahead, then casting a single Ninja and attacking into an empty board. Goblins wins by doing nothing until they have the whole combo in their hand / graveyard then they just win on the spot. Affinity draws cards until they can play two/four Myr Retrievers in one turn and defend them with Metallic Rebuke.

Fang Dragon costing seven mana puts him too far into the future to cast as a timely threat. By the time this deck reaches seven lands your opponent will have a removal spell, counter spell or other answer waiting for him. Gurmag Angler is big but most top decks can answer him. Thorn of the Black Rose refills your hand if you can watch the throne, but attacking for 1 isn't a reasonable clock.

I think Ichor Drinker is a good choice for the deck. It gives you a reasonable early turn play & some recursion post-board wipe, but I wonder if something like Nested Shambler, Persistent Specimen or Putrid Goblin would be a stronger choice for a threat. They naturally replace themselves on their own.

3) You aren't running enough support for You Are Already Dead in my opinion. I'd love to brew a deck built around these removal spells but they need a lot of support going for them. Someone else has recommended Crypt Rats but if you're looking for an interesting card with a lot of potential, have you considered Cuombajj Witches? One damage to any target, then you immediately pick it off. Fits the deck, provides a win condition, etc.

Icbrgr on death by 1000 papercuts

10 months ago

would Electrickery be good in here? i love the You Are Already Dead synergy with this deck +1

nuperokaso on Ninjas and Rogues

1 year ago

Remember that you are an aggro deck. As such, you want to lower your mana curve. You don't want to give up on card advantage, but you are willing to ignore life gain and pay some life instead.

soul_knightmare on Fiendish Tendencies

1 year ago

Heya, I see that your deck is mostly lacking in card draw/ card acceleration. You have about 3 while most decks need 10+. Remove Costly Plunder for Night's Whisper so you don't have to sacrifice your demons. Remove Feaster of Fools, Spirit of the Night, Bladebrand, Grasp of Darkness, and You Are Already Dead (I know the meme), and add Dream Devourer, Bloodgift Demon, Herald of Slaanesh, Phyrexian Arena, Blasphemous Act, and Rakdos Charm.

I hope this helps your deck building. Other upgrades would mean removing Ecologist's Terrarium, Lightning Bolt, Grasp of Darkness, Warp Artifact, Insult / Injury, Price of Betrayal, Skulltap, Witch's Vengeance, Blight, and Inevitable End which are okay, but could be improved. Pick more cards that draw cards without condition or ramp on two mana, Wish you the best!

flapjackwars on The Jeremy Renner App Experience

1 year ago

Cool deck! I love the concept and some of the more niche cards here.

Mogg Salvage is a slam dunk here. Free spells in general will enable you to tap out for Jeremy Renner more often and still be able to use him in a pinch. Maybe Snuff Out and Thunderclap are worth considering too. I'm not sure I'd go as far as Gut Shot and Pyrokinesis but you could think about it. Corpse Dance and Slaughter give you as many Tor triggers as you can pay for with the buyback. You Are Already Dead can be like a one-time Bladebrand and it cantrips which I feel like is pretty important for your deck. On that note, you might want some more card draw

Crow_Umbra on Snowflake

1 year ago

I took another look at your deck, and I think you could add a bit more draw and removal to help keep you in games. Some of the removal you have is a bit conditional, like You Are Already Dead. Some options that can hit multiple targets that are decent are Ashes to Ashes, Dismantling Wave, Wear / Tear. You also can't go wrong with stuff like Swords to Plowshares, Generous Gift, and Path to Exile.

In regards to draw, I noticed you mostly have some cantrip effects like You Are Already Dead. Some potential options to help out include Tome of Legends, Deadly Dispute, and Plumb the Forbidden(especially if you lean into creature tokens). Skullclamp and Commissar Severina Raine are also both awesome if you are making a lot of creature tokens. Breena, the Demagogue can be kinda fun and adds a political wrinkle.

I hope these suggestions are helpful.

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