Wrecking Ball

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wrecking Ball


Destroy target creature or land.

DemonDragonJ on Savage Destruction

3 months ago

I have replaced Wrecking Ball with Mortality Spear, since the latter card is more versatile, and doing did upset the balance of red and green in this deck, but that is a minor issue.

Vessiliana on Vast of Vanity

2 years ago

Perhaps Vindicate in place of Wrecking Ball?

DemonDragonJ on Surtur's Grasp

2 years ago

Red and black cannot destroy enchantments, so I have made a card that is both of those colors and can destroy any type of permanent other than enchantments, as seen, below:

Surtur's Grasp Show

I know that WotC did print Feed the Swarm recently, but I personally believe that black should not be able to outright destroy enchantments; instead, it should deal with them in other ways, such as by having its own version of Enchanter's Bane, which is a way for red to deal with enchantments without outright destroying them. I also know that Wrecking Ball is an instant, but I made this card a sorcery, to prevent it from being strictly better than WB and also because I believe that being able to destory a land during another player's turn is extremely unfun.

What does everyone else say about this? Do you like this card?

DemonDragonJ on Flames of Darkness

3 years ago

I have replaced the two copies of Wrecking Ball in this deck with two additional copies of Bedevil , which reduced this deck's average converted mana cost from 3.56 to 3.50, which is very nice. Wrecking Ball is a nice card, especially since it is an instant that can destroy lands, but artifacts and planeswalkers will be annoying more often than will be lands, so I feel that that was a worthy replacement.

Asturonethoriusaline on Pillage Coats Charm Calamity Boom! T1 LD Primer!

4 years ago

Also speaking of Darth's consistency thing. I am thinking of spliting my 3 Wrecking Ball 's, into 2 Beast Within , and 2 Wrecking Ball , in order to add a 2 of a 3 cmc card that destroys everything, to help the deck, destroy lands turns 1,2,3, more consistently.

Asturonethoriusaline on Ode to Hogaak

4 years ago

Nevermind about my previous question, comment.

I finally found a deck, with Hogaak in it(Casual Deck)

While Hogaak is AWESOME, can get out turns 2,3,4, and win turns 3,4,5,6,consistently.

Grafdigger's Cage , Rest in Peace , Leyline of the Void , take care of Hogaak, Just fine.

And my Land Destruction on turns 1,2,3, with Boom/bust, Pillage , Liquimetal Coating , and Primal Command , and Incendiary Command , would nuke lands on turns 1,2,3, make it harder to get stuff out. Then nuke your 2/2's with incendiary command, so that cant use them to convoke out Hogaak. And use Primal command to shuffle your graveyard back into your libary, then use eternal witness to reuse Primal Command to shuffle your graveyard back into your library again, so rhat you wouldnt be able to use your graveyard to delve Hogaak out.

And even if get Hogaak out, I would just either Wrecking Ball destroy Hogaak, or use Liquid Metal Coatings to turn Hogaak into a Artifact, then destroy him with Oxidize, Pillage, etc.

And with either Charmbreaker Devils or Hoard-Smelter Dragon out, I could destroy Hogaak over and over, pumping Charmbreaker up to a 8 to 12/4 creature, and the dragon up to a 12/5 flying dragon.

Hogaak is easily dealt with, and shouldnt be banned, unless can get him out on turns 1,2 very consistently, which I dont think can be done YET. If that can be done, then he should be banned.

gonki on Lifelink Party! starring Bruse and Irka

5 years ago

Besides those suggestions, in general you need some removal and fetches. So Kodama's Reach , Realms Uncharted , Explosive Vegetation , Return to Dust , Beast Within , Angel of Despair , Wrecking Ball (just too hilarious not to run), Mystic Melting etc. I know Realms Uncharted is $5 but it's so perfect for four color decks it's scary.

triproberts12 on Despicable Me: Rakdos and his Minions

5 years ago

Oh, also, now that you've nixed Torch Fiend , you're a little light on artifact removal. You could swap out Wrecking Ball for Pillage or Violent Impact to remedy that, since your deck is packed with creature removal.

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