

Exile all permanents. Exile all cards from all hands and graveyards. Each player's life total becomes 1.

SteelSentry on All the combos

2 days ago

Worldfire + Oblivion Ring exiling either Barren Glory or Near-Death Experience is a combo I've always wanted to put in a deck, but any red damage enchantment like Sulfuric Vortex works as well.

DemonDragonJ on How Are Red, Black, and …

3 weeks ago

legendofa, I certainly understand that, but how should red and green, the enemy colors of blue, be able to deal with counterspells, in that case?

Also, I very much believe that both Worldfire and Bearer of the Heavens are color pie breaks (I shall forgive Obliterate and Decree of Annihilation due to their ages), so I definitely can see your perspective, on this matter.

Made_Compleat on Davros, Dragon's Approach

6 months ago

Rasaru, for the purposes of your Spellweaver Helix + Worldfire combo, have you considered Final Parting? It sets everything up perfectly by giving you Spellweaver Helix and dumping Worldfire in the graveyard.

Also, Azoth2099, that's a really cool take on a more graveyard-focused Dragon's Approach deck. I have my own version of this deck Daleks & Dragons [[Davros EDH]] and you've inspired me to add Kess, Dissident Mage. While I don't think I can maintain my deck while pivoting strategies as you've described, I really want to see how you would make a more graveyard focused Approach deck with Kess or maybe Inalla, Archmage Ritualist. If you build that deck, please show me!

indieinside on Barren Glory and Planeswalker Emblems

6 months ago

Barren Glory is the win condition in my Super-friends deck. I just got to thinking about it and I have a question about Barren Glory triggering if there are Emblems on the table?

My removal cards are Apocalypse and Worldfire.

Rasaru on Davros, Dragon's Approach

7 months ago

Minor changes include:

Snow-Covered Mountain -> Flamekin Village (Hasty dragons are nice, but this can also be political)

Fiery Inscription -> Worldfire (Fiery Inscription is excellent, but makes it almost too easy. Going add alt win, Worldfire + Spellweaver Helix combo)

Notorious Throng -> Spellweaver Helix (Tokens are nice, but this is more on theme and goes toward the Worldfire + Spellweaver Helix combo)

Metroid_Hybrid on Are Worldfire and Bearer of …

9 months ago

@FormOverFunction: Note that Worldfire was printed in the set immediately before Return to Ravnica (the earliest set allowed in the newer Pioneer format), and later on, Bearer of the Heavens was printed in the second-to-last set with "Modern" frames.

These are hardly "older cards" in the context in which you speak. Or in other words: wrong era for that argument. The OP is discussing late-Modern-era cards of 9~11 years ago, not the sometimes insane cards that came out of the mid-90's; 25~30 years ago..

plakjekaas on Are Worldfire and Bearer of …

9 months ago

Mythologically speaking, Atlas (who Bearer of the Heavens is based on, was literally turned into Mountains (the Atlas mountain range in northern Africa), so there's your top-down connection with .

The Worldfire one is most likely portraying an apocalyptic inferno, burning away everything in existence down to ashes. When the world itself is burning, no graveyard will survive. The flavor text mentions it started as "the smallest spark" and recklessly consuming all with no heed for your surroundings or the future, does sound like the ultimate expression of the red philosophy, mechanical card implications be damned! Burn those to a crisp too!

At least that's my interpretation :P

DemonDragonJ on Are Worldfire and Bearer of …

9 months ago

I believe that both Worldfire and Bearer of the Heavens are color pie breaks, because both of them do things that red is not supposed to do: i.e., they both allow red to destroy creatures, enchantments, and planeswalkers (red is not supposed to be able to destroy enchantments and is supposed to deal with creatures and planeswalkers via damage, not outright destruction) and Worldfire interacts with zones in ways that red does not typically interact (i.e., red is not supposed to exile cards from hands and graveyards, nor does it directly interact with life totals outside of dealing damage). If Bearer of the Heavens was white, it would have been perfectly acceptable, so I feel that it is a very weird oversight that it is red, although I am not certain what colors that Worldfire would need to be in order for it to be in-color; red/black would cover everything except for exiling enchantments, while black/white would allow for all effects, but would not make sense from a flavor perspective, being styled as a fire-based spell.

What does everyone else say about this? Are Worldfire and Bearer of the Heavens color pie breaks?

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