Words of Wisdom


You draw two cards, then each other player draws a card.

thefiresoflurve on Praise Be?

1 year ago

Nice list! I saw Heliod get spoiled and figured it would be a really fun commander.

One thing you neeeeed to put in here: Approach of the Second Sun. It is purpose built for wheel, and really fun when you cast it at flash speed. As a bonus, it's also a cool card to run with Eldrazi.

Geier Reach Sanitarium might be good also. Basically a second Mikokoro, but also potentially gives Heliod's ETB targets in the yard.

Minds Aglow is essentially a more political version of Prosperity, if you have a table that leans that way. Does forfeit control, but might be fun in certain places.

Words of Wisdom might also be worth considering as another cheap "everyone draws" spell.


Necrosis24 on Prosperity or Vision Skeins?

1 year ago

I personally would keep running Prosperity over the other two for its modality. Idk how much mana you can generate but ideally it is a win con as well as card advantage. It seems like you don’t run many instants in the deck anyways so more often than not you won’t need to leave mana open anyways.

However, if you do find yourself only playing prosperity for (mana <= 3) to draw 2 or less cards then yeah I’d switch out for Words of Wisdom.

DemonDragonJ on Prosperity or Vision Skeins?

1 year ago

I have a copy of Prosperity in my Nekusar, the Mindrazer EDH deck, but I am considering replacing it with Vision Skeins, mainly because the latter card is an instant; it is true that the latter card cannot draw as many card as does the former, but it is more mana-efficient than is the former, so I am contemplating using it.

Actually, what about Words of Wisdom (why has that card not yet been reprinted)? Should I use that one, instead? What does everyone else say about this subject?

Hybrow on Snakes on a Planeswalker - Xyris EDH swarm

3 years ago

Hello Pikobyte. Thanks for the view,

My group generally plays 3-4 player games. I have found that Teferi's Puzzle Box was phenomenal in the games I have played. It generates snakes every round.

Although I only have a few cards that so a classic wheel, there are a lot of cards that make players draw. Temple Bell, Howling Mine, Dictate of Kruphix, Fevered Visions, Rites of Flourishing, Standstill, Arcane Denial, Dream Fracture, Minds Aglow, Molten Psyche, Windfall, Vision Skeins, Words of Wisdom, Jace's Archivist, Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist. Most of these end up generating snakes on other players turns, so that on my turn they do not have sickness.

I do have one Wheel of Fortune, but its currently in another deck. May end up adding a proxy into this one and swapping it back and forth. I do also want to get a Windfall. Those two will definately find a place in this deck, probably replacing Lhurgoyf and Frantic Search

Are there any in particular you would suggest?

SideBae on Aminatou in Progress

4 years ago
  1. So Preordain is awesome for the same reasons your Brainstorm and Ponder are... I suggest running it.

  2. Narset, Parter of Veils is a great way to limit your competitive opponents. Especially if you pair her with a well-timed Windfall . Ashiok, Dream Render happens to be another way to punish people for playing tutor-tribal kinds of strategies.

  3. Another hallmark of competitive decks is their ramp, especially zero and two-mana. In your description, you say you want to stay budget -- unfortunately, that rules out about all of the good zero mana ramp. ( Mox Tantalite is bad, and Mox Amber is hardly better most of the time.) So I suggest increasing your two-mana ramp, and maybe including Ancient Tomb if at all possible to speed up their presence on the board. Some to consider: Talisman of Progress , Talisman of Hierarchy , Talisman of Dominance , Coldsteel Heart , Fellwar Stone , Mind Stone , Everflowing Chalice , Prismatic Lens , etc. None of these should be more than a few bucks.

  4. Concerning your lands: I think you're running too many, especially if you add some of the ramp mentioned in (3). I'd cut four-ish, maybe five. Generally, once you have a few (3 - 4) lands, you'd rather have a rock and a land in hand than just two lands, since you can cast the rock without using your land-drop. I'm not sure HOW budget you want to keep this deck, but Mana Confluence and City of Brass are each around $10, and they're great in any three or more color deck. Pain lands ( Caves of Koilos , Adarkar Wastes and Underground River ) are better than your tapped lands like Sejiri Refuge , as far as I can tell.

  5. I think a reanimation package is probably better than running Show and Tell . Show and Tell is symmetrical, and is often actively dangerous to resolve in EDH, when everyone is trying to do busted stuff. I'm much more a fan of Buried Alive and Entomb to get your fatties in the bin, and then using Animate Dead , Dance of the Dead , Reanimate and/or Necromancy (which is $$$ for some reason) to get them back.

  6. Tutors like your Demonic Tutor are good, but like zero mana rocks they tend to be pricy (see Vampiric Tutor and Enlightened Tutor ). One I do suggest is Lim-Dul's Vault , which is only a couple dollars these days. It also happens to be instant speed, which is kinda dumb-powerful, if you ask me.

  7. Cumulative upkeep was designed to make powerful effects transient; however, Aminatou, the Fateshifter sorta changes that equation with her -1. Consider cards like Mystic Remora , which you can blink to keep around relatively indefinitely. Similar cards to consider are: Musician , Phyrexian Etchings , Tidal Control and Infernal Darkness (if you're particularly mean).

  8. Divining Witch is interesting -- I'd actually never seen that card before. If you're trying to exile your deck and win with your Jace, Wielder of Mysteries , I think Demonic Consultation is probably a better way... though you might want to keep both. Another method (that I think is worse) is to use the card Doomsday , which is only a few dollars. The problem is that if you run Doomsday , you'd likely want to run a Doomsday -package, so you could win by just casting it and drawing into your top card... For that, I'd suggest talking to someone smarter than me, as I've never been able to get the hang of what the hell is going on with that strategy. All I know is that the package usually has something like Gitaxian Probe and Lotus Petal and ends with me being dead.

  9. You may have good luck with card draw spells. Repeatable effects, like Phyrexian Arena and/or Dark Confidant , tend to be expensive; luckily, the spell versions are often decidedly less so. I suggest running a few or more of the following: Painful Truths , Night's Whisper , Treasure Cruise or Dig Through Time (running both can be tough since delve can get in its own way), Fact or Fiction , Thirst for Knowledge , Concentrate , Chemister's Insight , Oona's Grace (questionable, due to the high mana requirement), Ancient Excavation (good with the reanimation mentioned in (5)), Archmage's Charm , Chart a Course , Syphon Mind , Deep Analysis and/or Words of Wisdom -- pay extra attention to the instants you can cast on an opponents end step. Another way to do this is simply to steal your opponents' card draw with Notion Thief or Plagiarize .

  10. Lastly, I know its around $11 these days, but I think Counterbalance would be dumb in this deck. Using your general's +1 will let you stack whatever you want on top, which can be especially devastating if you can keep an opponent's general off the board that way.

Good luck man! Love this deck.

Zomgasa on Treasure!!

4 years ago

Jace's Archivist would pair nicely with Narset, Parter of Veils but otherwise, looks out of place to me. Good card, just unsure if this is the right deck for it. Storm the Vault  Flip is out of colors and would take Vault of Catlacan out. And Having Treasure Map  Flip doesn't necessarily count as a land with Treasure Cove . In EDH I don't like to help my opponents unless I can guarantee that it would help me more. So I try not to play cards like Minds Aglow , Words of Wisdom , or Howling Mine . I have nothing against Venser's Journal , I would simply rather play it as a land with Reliquary Tower . If gaining 3 life wins you the game, then stick with Revitalize . Otherwise, I think there are more, better ways to use this card slot.

All in all, wonderful deck idea!

More thoughts: What do you think of Thopter Assembly and it's interaction with Time Sieve ? Maybe with Myr Battlesphere as well? Now that you're starting to narrow down on colors, what do you think of running Sen Triplets ? it was one of my favorites. I'm not seeing a Sol Ring was that intentional? All Is Dust may make a good field sweep for you. Master Transmuter will help in getting big stompy out earlier. Demonic Tutor , Vampiric Tutor , or the like would definitely help you get tools you need to your hand quickly.

I hope that helps.

SideBae on Yet another Oona, queen of the EDH

4 years ago

So, I have a couple suggestions. I found this deck under the 'help' tab, but your description doesn't ask for help. So please forgive me if I sound presumptuous.

  1. Preordain . Ponder and Brainstorm are already in your deck, and Preordain will help dig to lands if you need them, and past lands if you don't. One-mana cantrips are some of the best cards for getting a deck more powerful. Importantly, running more cantrips means that you can cut a land or two, meaning your deck will have a higher average card power.

  2. Your mana-base has room for improvement. Watery Grave is great, especially if you end up running fetch lands. Zendikar/Onslaught fetches like Polluted Delta or Misty Rainforest are easily the best fetches, but slow-type like Bad River and Rocky Tar Pit can also be useful. Also, consider Prismatic Vista . With a high concentration of land-based shuffle effects, Brainstorm becomes more and more powerful. Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse are good substitutes. Sunken Hollow and Fetid Pools are also fetch-able. Other duals, like Underground River , Morphic Pool and Choked Estuary are also good.

  3. In non-green EDH decks, artifact ramp is of prime importance. Talisman of Dominance , Fellwar Stone , Mind Stone and Thought Vessel are all great. Two-mana rocks are significantly better than three-mana rocks in EDH, as by the time you have three mana you usually want to do more powerful things than cast a rock. Additionally, if you end up running Ancient Tomb or Mana Crypt (which are hard to get ahold of), you can land a two-mana rock turn-one. Mana Vault also happens to be busted.

  4. In magic, it happens that it's a LOT easier to exile your deck than an opponent's. Jace, Wielder of Mysteries works great in Doomsday -style decks; if you're smarter than me, you can probably use Doomsday to tutor up your infinite mana combo. More simply, you can just cast Demonic Consultation with Jace, Wielder of Mysteries on the table, naming a card not in your deck (I generally use Atog or Singing Tree ), and then draw a card to win. So you may want to include Demonic Consultation and/or Doomsday , the latter if you have a lot of power in the brain-thingy.

  5. I see you're running Ashiok, Dream Render ; I love that card. Narset, Parter of Veils is also worth running, especially if you choose to include Windfall . Narset's been kicking ass in Vintage recently, and I have found her to be completely nuts in EDH.

  6. I may be missing something, but I am unsure as to why you're running Seat of the Synod and Vault of Whispers . If you had a Mox Opal in the list they might make more sense, but as things stand I think they're just worse than Island s and Swamp s. Back to Basics , Blood Moon , Magus of the Moon , By Force , Null Rod , Stony Silence and Collector Ouphe are all rampant in EDH (at least in my experience), so I think you'd be better off cutting the artifact-lands.

  7. Vision Skeins is an interesting include; you may be interested in running Words of Wisdom , which gets your opponents less out of the card. Also, if you run Notion Thief , the card is pure value. Note also that Vision Skeins becomes Words of Wisdom if you have Narset, Parter of Veils out.

  8. Ovinize is worse than Rapid Hybridization or Pongify , in my opinion. I think you should run two to three boardwipes -- Cyclonic Rift , Toxic Deluge and Damnation are the best ones, I think, with Toxic Deluge on top (you can cast it while Gaddock Teeg is down).

  9. Demonic Tutor is the best tutor, and Scheming Symmetry is good in a deck heavy in mill effects. There're some other good tutors to consider, of varying price: Vampiric Tutor , Diabolic Tutor , Fabricate (to get Isochron Scepter ), Mystical Tutor (for your Dramatic Reversal ), Dark Petition , Beseech the Queen , Mastermind's Acquisition and Lim-Dul's Vault are all good. Ideally, you wouldn't include the four-mana tutors, since they tend to take a whole turn to resolve. I suggest running around two or three more tutors than you have now.

  10. There're a couple of ways to generate card-advantage that I think are worth including in a final list of this deck. I'm not entirely certain how the deck plays, but if you have Oona, Queen of the Fae out frequently without an infinite-mana combo, Skullclamp is definitely worth including. Sticking it on one of your faerie tokens means butt-loads of card-advantage. Slate of Ancestry is similarly good if you tend to have a high creature-count. Fact or Fiction and Chemister's Insight are alright instant-speed card-draw. Phyrexian Arena is a good piece of permanent-based card-draw, and Dark Confidant , if you have access to it, is great with your low average CMC. Speaking of low CMC, Ad Nauseam is a great card-draw spell; I recommend including it for the high-value card-draw.

  11. If you want to pour money in here, Cavern of Souls is a great way to make sure your general isn't countered.

  12. There're a few counterspells you don't have that I think you might find useful. Counterspell itself is good, and it's far pricier cousin, Mana Drain , is also great. Spell Snare , Swan Song and Flusterstorm are all great counters as well. Turn Aside is one I've thought about but never used... you may want to consider it.

  13. If you choose to keep mainly basics and avoid the duals mentioned in (2), consider Back to Basics . The card is under $10 nowadays, and it's a great way to punish greedy mana bases.

Ok! That's all I got. Good luck, man!

ownagefactory on Adviser Mill

5 years ago

One thing that is very important for an EDH mill deck are instant speed targeted player draw spells Stroke of Genius Blue Sun's Zenith Geier Reach Sanitarium Mikokoro, Center of the Sea even Words of Wisdom .

The shuffledrazi effect Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre or effects that put cards back in your deck Bow of Nylea are put on the stack. You can force a draw before it resolves to take someone out.

Maybe lab maniac is Taboo in your playgroup but he's a good way to get around hexproof opponents like Shalai, Voice of Plenty Leyline of Sanctity and such. Detection Tower also helps with that.

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