Woodfall Primus

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Woodfall Primus

Creature — Treefolk Shaman


When this enters the battlefield, destroy target noncreature permanent.

Persist (When this dies, if there were no -1/-1 counters on this, return this to the battlefield under this creature's owner's control with a -1/-1 counter on this.)

scottbaker91 on Budget Meren Eldrazi spawn

4 months ago

I think Hand of Emrakul, Decimator of the Provinces, Kozilek, the Great Distortion, and Pathrazer of Ulamog are too expensive to cast / commander ability for what they do. Some replacement examples would be: Terastodon, Void Winnower, Fleshbag Marauder, Noxious Gearhulk, Ravenous Chupacabra, Plaguecrafter, Eternal Witness, It That Betrays, Woodfall Primus, Acidic Slime, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled, Sepulchral Primordial, Overseer of the Damned, etc.

cards like Dalek Squadron with a sac outlet will get you a lot of Meren counters quickly. cards like Greater Good are great at filling your graveyard and your hand. cards like Oversold Cemetery are great for your low mana creatures and late game expensive creatures. Tragic Slip isn't a very good card for multiplayer commander, unless you are using something like Isochron Scepter

I think your deck is a little heavy on creature token generators, especially your creatures. I know they are there to build up tokens on Meren and to generate mana, in the early game, but they aren't doing much in the mid to late game. Maybe replace a few with some faster reanimator spells like: Living Death, Lifeline (a personal favorite), Necromancy, Animate Dead, Victimize, Rescue from the Underworld, Beacon of Unrest, etc.

Other cards I would consider cutting: Skullbriar, the Walking Grave (too slow imo unless he is your commander), Blisterpod (needs to die to get the token), Pawn of Ulamog, Vorapede, Village Rites, Gray Merchant of Asphodel (starts to shine with lots of reanimator stuff), Woe Strider, Scion Summoner, Brood Monitor, Deathreap Ritual, Commander's Sphere

It's tough to suggest cards for a budget deck. A card that I might consider to be absolutely necessary could require cheaper options in other parts of the deck to make it fit.

DreadKhan on Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest

9 months ago

I've always loved Mazirek, such a cool Commander! I think Make an Example would probably do some work in here, and it's little brother Do or Die would probably be decent as well.

Mitotic Slime is a good source of creatures-from-a-creature, the only ones that can compete are cards like Underworld Hermit, which makes an army of squirrels equal to your devotion to Black. There are things like Grismold, the Dreadsower that can make a lot of bodies (it gives them to opponents as well, but if you can force them to sacrifice those tokens both Grismold and Mazirek go nuts), Grismold even offers a backup Commander of a sort for long games when you might not be able to recast Mazirek.

I'm not sure if you're interested in reanimation effects, but Hell's Caretaker is a free sac each upkeep, and he can bring back your best creature in exchange for your worst. Coffin Queen can reanimate from any graveyard, but it's especially useful to reanimate your opponent's stuff because it gets exiled when it dies. If you want a repeatable reanimation effect there is Demon of Dark Schemes, this offers a small wipe and it works very well with Pitiless Plunderer and something like the aforementioned Mitotic Slime.

Since your Commander cares about sacrifice effects, have you thought about using Diligent Farmhand and Dawntreader Elk in here? There is also Burnished Hart, all of these ramp you and can trigger Mazirek if he's out. There is also Ordeal of Nylea that would work with Mazirek later game (or anything that can get in early). I'm not sure if it comes up very much, but I put Forsworn Paladin in my Golgari deck because it had Haakon, but what I noticed was that it's also a useful way to ramp in Black, which importantly can fix your mana (to let you cast Green ramp), it's very low to the ground and can generate triggers for Mazirek or help recast Mazirek later.

Have you ever tried Sadistic Hypnotist? This offers a free and infinite sac outlet, and the effect can be pretty strong if you've got a bunch of creatures to burn through. Another really versatile sac outlet is Infernal Tribute, this lets you sacrifice any non-token permanent (it has to be an actual card) to draw a new card. I'm not 100% on it being a fit, but Savra, Queen of the Golgari is a pretty impressive payoff if you regularly have creatures being sacrificed, it can put a lot of pressure on an opponent's board.

It can get very out of hand with Mazirek, but I feel like I have to mention One with the Kami, it's very good on Mazirek with a free sac outlet. Similarly any creatures you can find with Persist will work very well with Mazirek and sac outlets, though again, this might be more pushed than what you're looking for. I took a gander and Aerie Ouphes might be interesting, and there is always Woodfall Primus, these might help support your Puppeteers!

If you ever want to throw in something pricier, I think Old Gnawbone would be absolutely hilarious in here.

Cornonjacob07 on [Primer] Slimefoot and Squee's Corpse Catapult

1 year ago


I can assure you that The Mimeoplasm plays very differently from Slimefoot and Squee due to its nature and the difference between Jund and Sultai. For example, the reason why I was thinking about Titan of Industry and Woodfall Primus is that I consider them analogs to each other between these two decks. I've already mentioned why I think Woodfall Primus is a good fit for S&S, but I find its Persist annoying in Mimeoplasm because how it interacts when The Mimeoplasm eats it. On the other hand, The Mimeoplasm's method of "reanimation" may be powerful and uniquely avenue opening, it only works once, and whatever I've committed to it is gone. I much prefer the Titan of Industry here for its slightly better stats and combat ability, and its flexibility of ETB options (ESPECIALLY the shield counter to ensure you're making your investment count).

If Doomgape doesn't work out and you're still in the market for big lifegain in a pinch, I did remember that Momentous Fall exists.

Cornonjacob07 on [Primer] Slimefoot and Squee's Corpse Catapult

1 year ago

I really like the ideas presented in your deck and the fantastic write up. It's always nice to see other people passionate about necromancy decks. My first and still main EDH deck is The Mimeoplasm, and I've been wanting to branch off into Jund reanimation for years, especially since Gyrus, Waker of Corpses wasn't really working, so when Slimefoot and Squee were spoiled, I knew they'd be perfect, especially as a home for some of the aristocrat oriented cards that I've wanted to play that aren't really practical for Mimeoplasm.

I have a few suggestions of varying seriousness I hope you consider. Firstly is Woodfall Primus as a big beater with attached noncreature destruction. Titan of Industry is also a solid option, but I think Woodfall Primus having Persist is a huge advantage in a deck with so much emphasis on sacrifice. Secondly, a more fun than powerful card I'll suggest is Doomgape. I think it fits nicely into a deck that's a blend of reanimation and aristocrats, and it's also huge and can gain a lot of life, which you say is something the deck lacks much of. Finally, Titania, Voice of Gaea  Meld and Argoth, Sanctum of Nature  Meld. You're no stranger to milling, discarding, even sacrificing lands here, so Titania can net some life and meet her condition easily, and Argoth's second ability gives mill in a pinch and has relatively low opportunity cost to run over a basic Forest. If you manage to meld them, that's a World Shaper death trigger and another enormous creature.

iPhalanx on Big Doinks

1 year ago

Update May 2023: I stopped playing the Magic for almost 4 years, back now and made some swaps with newer cards as well as some cards that I should've been running in the first place.



Helnas on Omnath locus of mana (opinions needed)

1 year ago

i see no synergy in your deck. you got some ramp artifact, ramp sorceries, ramp creatures, ramp enchantments, but nothing really synergizes. if you put all ramp into 1 of those, your deck gets alot better.

id say go for creatures, so you can end with a nice overrun effect. So grab all the 1 mana elfs that produce mana, your missing Boreal Druid, Joraga Treespeaker. Then get Priest of Titania, taps for all elfs.

For removal, run creatures aswell, id get Foundation Breaker, Druid of Purification, Bane of Progress, Haywire Mite, Reclamation Sage, Voracious Hydra, Acidic Slime, Duplicant, Kogla, the Titan Ape, Meteor Golem, Terastodon, Woodfall Primus, Ulvenwald Tracker

For draw, run creatures aswell (your starting to see a synergie?) Beast Whisperer, Voice of Many, Toski, Bearer of Secrets, Augur of Autumn

for ramp you have the mana dorks, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Fertilid, Wood Elves Elvish Pioneer, Primeval Herald, Skyshroud Ranger, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds

For bombs, id run creatures that already have trample, Defiler of Vigor, Neverwinter Hydra, Ochre Jelly, Kalonian Hydra, Aberrant, Craterhoof Behemoth and a tutor: Fierce Empath

some other cards i would consider Champion of Lambholt (makes your creatures unblockable, Saryth, the Viper's Fang hexproof untapped, deathtouch when attacking (insanely powerfull with big trample creature).

non creatures i would run: Lifecrafter's Bestiary, Skullclamp, Return of the Wildspeaker, Inspiring Call, Harmonize, Rishkar's Expertise maybe a few things like Fade from History, Beast Within, Nature's Claim, Collector Ouphe is also really strong since you will be running creatures

Sure, the mana doubling can be fun, but is it really needed? your commander is gonna be 1-2 punching people, doubling your mana is gonna waste a turn, and you cant do alot with the mana other then empty your hand, and then you get boardwiped and your sent back to your childhood. Id cut them, and just get more consistency out of your deck

legendofa on

1 year ago

I'm curious what a less-developed bot would come up with, or if you asked another bot for advice on this deck. There are some cards here I don't quite understand. Death's Shadow is out of place (not even a Varolz, the Scar-Striped line), Dead Weight is underwhelming, there's not enough ramp or counters other than -1/-1, and there are some bits and pieces that never quite come together into a unified whole (Yawgmoth, Thran Physician + Woodfall Primus is so close to being awesome).

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