Wizards' School


Tap: Add (1) to your mana pool.

(1), Tap: Add (Blue) to your mana pool.

(2), Tap: Add (White) or (Black) to your mana pool.

WBG on Rats and Curses and Discards, Oh My!

6 years ago

If you have Curse of Misfortunes attached to an opponent, then you don't need to pay the cost of a blue, red, or white curse. Maybe take out some of that mana and/or replace it with more Diabolic Tutors. Also, depending on what it is that you want, a card like Arcane Sanctum or Wizards' School depending on what you want.Reito Lantern also seems like a very helpful card. Why don't you have more of them?City of Brass and Chromatic Lantern could be helpful to pay for the non-black curses as well.I don't know if you play much two headed giant or multiplayer, but Curse of Vengeance also looks fun to play.

correcthorsebatterystaple on "HELP" - All suggestions taken

7 years ago

You're going to need some color fixing.

An-Havva Township, Aysen Abbey, Castle Sengir, Koskun Keep, Wizards' School, Cloudcrest Lake, Lantern-Lit Graveyard, Pinecrest Ridge, Tranquil Garden, and Waterveil Cavern are some quality dual/trilands you should definitely run.

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