Witch Hunt


Players can't gain life.

At the beginning of your upkeep, Witch Hunt deals 4 damage to you.

At the beginning of your end step, target opponent chosen at random gains control of Witch Hunt.

jamochawoke on Wacky Waving Infallible Life Flailing Masochists

9 months ago

This is a really solid deck!

But how would you deal with things that mess up your lifegain?

I mean stuff like Erebos, God of the Dead, Forsaken Wastes, Everlasting Torment, Havoc Festival, Knight of Dusk's Shadow, Leyline of Punishment, Giant Cindermaw, Rampaging Ferocidon, and Witch Hunt.

I've seen people just scoop and leave when they were running a lifegain-based deck when they run into those cards. You've definitely got removal for sure, but you should either run more or have ways of digging for them just in case since those are total hosers for your strategy.

Also, to note, Atarka's Command, Molten Disaster, Sudden Shock, or Skullcrack could kill you in the middle of doing stuff so you shouldn't get too low if you've got a red player on the board. I've seen this very thing happen to someone running a K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth deck. Just something to keep in mind!

darksideownedu on Zedruu Shenanigans

3 years ago

Hey Exoflo, thanks for the comment on my Zedruu deck! I appreciate the feedback.

I agree with your take on Witch Hunt . The thought process was that it's a free donate, but it works counter to the other strategies in the deck. I'm going to look for something to replace it. Probably Laboratory Maniac for the additional wincon. More below on that.

I've had moderate to good success with cards like Glacial Fortress and the like. I didn't include any of the fetchlands mainly because the ones I do have are currently in other decks. But, I'm looking to pick up some more soon with all the reprints in MH2.

As for Thought Lash , I think it definitely serves a role in this deck. While it's true that it doesn't add a lot of value for the donate aspect, it can immediately facilitate wincons like Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac . The errata text allows you to exile X cards from your library for free (and at instant speed no less) to prevent the next X damage dealt to you. Now I'll freely admit, I thought I already had Laboratory Maniac in this deck. Not sure how he slipped through, but he's a perfect replacement for Witch Hunt . I'm also considering trying to add Approach of the Second Sun , but I'm not sure I like having to pay the 7 mana cost for it twice.

Exoflo on Zedruu Shenanigans

3 years ago

Hi darksideownedu !

Your deck seems really cool. I'm not a big fan of Bad Gift Zedruu but I have to admit it's an archetype that works.

I don't know if you've already played the deck, but does cards like Glacial Fortress trigger all the time ? Personally I don't run this kind of land, but I have less basic land than you. Also, fetchland are incredible cards in a manabase. If you have money for, add Arid Mesa , Flooded Strand and Scalding Tarn to your deck.

For the deck itself, it seems very consistent. I honestly think Thought Lash is a bad card : it take in average 13 turn to mill 90 cards (counting the natural draw of the opponent) and 10 turns to get rid of 60 cards.

Also, I wonder why you run Witch Hunt . It seems not really synergistic with Zedruu's life gain and cards like Angel of Destiny or Aetherflux Reservoir .

Finally, medallion cards (like Sapphire Medallion ) seems really good, I will try them in my deck some game to see how strong they can be. I advise you to run Thought Vessel rather than Spellbook (no maximal hand size while ramping ? Amazing !). Pentad Prism and Sphere of the Suns are pretty good rock to give away.

I love your idea to run Angel of Destiny : that's a so good political card, I've never seen it used like this.

In a nutshell, I think it's a really cool deck to play, Zedruu's ability is what make me fall in love with her, so I love seeing how people exploit it. Have fun, and don't forget to spray joy with our MotherGoat !

Tzefick on Barabbas, False Prophet

3 years ago

I would always try to pair these types of effects with Sulfuric Vortex , Leyline of Punishment , Witch Hunt or their ilk.

I don't think it's a bad thing to change it to trigger on life loss. Transcendence works with Evra, Halcyon Witness . Whenever you activate her ability while having more life than she has power, you lose that life and then gain double back, effectively gaining the difference in life. You still have more life than Evra has power, so you can keep pumping up her power and your life total. Then you can finish with Chandra's Ignition . Granted that's a lot of mana.

Transcendence has the issue that it immediately kills you at 20+ life, while a modernized version with a softer drawback could be utilized in interesting fashion.

If it only triggers on damage, it is effectively a catch-all against black's life drain abilities and it means you can freely pay life to keep below the threshold - eliminating the drawback. And it is a creature, so black has plenty of ways to sacrifice it to get out of the drawback. All-in-all I don't think it needs to be easy to eliminate the drawback, because it is easy to get rid of the effect.

KIRK77 on Crappy Birthday!

4 years ago

Well i've always found zedruu to be very mana hungry and have had success with things that give themselves away for free. Things like Witch Hunt or Jinxed Choker have been pretty fun and I think they would go well in the deck your building since it looks like somewhat of a pillow-fort deck. I haven't really liked bronze bombshell since it's usually 7 mana for 7 damage. Form of the Dragon and Transcendence are game ending bombs to drop on people but it's really hard to be able to dodge them yourself. I have a Mana Flare and Smothering Tithe in mine to be able to have enough mana but the mana flare can and does backfire at times. Summoner's Egg is a pretty good way of getting a creature out of your hand and ready to donate, plus you don't have to deal with the downside of the creature, or you can pretend something bad is under it to cheat out other creatures like your Agent of Treachery

Columbia_Knight on JLK's Obosh | The Command Zone #330

4 years ago

Witch Hunt could add a little chaotic fun.

BlackSirius on Mogis, God of Why-I-Have-No-Friends

4 years ago

Honestly based on your description I'm surprised you dont have Torment of Hailfire and Witch Hunt . I really, really like this deck though it's a deck built of pure table salt XD

BMHKain on Best Mono-G CMDR for "Impurity" …

4 years ago

@SP3CTR3_chelts: Interesting... "Aurelia's Parhelion △ Legion of the Damned". Not a bad idea; in spite of Her being created by Feather, retaliated against her, & became a Guildleader, & Razia is a Parun… I suppose I'll deal w/ that; though I dunno about the "of the Damned" part now...

Already knew about Leyline of Punishment , but I wonder how good Witch Hunt really is...

Definetely sucks, since I'm making CMDR Decks for both; including Kruphix. I'll leave the mass draw from here...

Yeah, Ajani Vengeant ; though he abandoned the Mana by the time he followed a now dead Elspeth Tirel to Theros; but if Elspeth was mentioned to be a part of Tamiyo 's Story Circle, is Elspeth REALLY ALIVE? If the Final Moments of FATE REFORGED told us nothing, I'd reference BlazBlue while I'm at it. So how did Elspeth Tirel Escape the Starfield of Nyx , & Planeswalk to Kamigawa to meet up w/ Tamiyo in the first place?

It's odd. Gideon Jura did side w/ the Boros Legion for awhile, & his background as Kytheon Iora  Flip came from an area of Theros (Gideon's Home Plane) centered on Red & Mana; & most of the cards' lore based upon this further demonstrates this point. Even Heartwarming Redemption of WAR further expands the story after Gideon's death as well. Which was Ironic as he did wield Blackblade Reforged ; which is Black mana incarnate of Weaponry.

I'll talk about a Boros OC Planeswalker another time. But she's definitely no War-Like individual; preferring to actually think than just react alone as an action.

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