Winds of Change

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Winds of Change


Each player shuffles the cards from their hand into their library, then draws that many cards.

Zeddicuus on "You've Heard of Chaos Theory?"

9 months ago

I was working in a very similar concept with this same character. Have you considered Winds of Change or Windfall? That butterfly effect has to happen somehow haha

Caerwyn on

1 year ago

I would recommend cutting Howling Mine, Temple Bell, Fevered Visions, Dictate of Kruphix, Lore Broker - though it might look like "drawing more cards = win faster", they actually end up hurting you more than they help. Nekusar's biggest problem is that he gives your enemies plenty of opportunities to draw the cards they need to win--these cards only do small amounts of damage (and even then, only if you have other pieces on the board) while giving your opponents huge amounts of card advantage. That furthers their victory more than it furthers your own and ends up hurting more than it helps.

Instead, focus on cards that inflict massive amounts of draw simultaneously - Teferi's Puzzle Box, Dark Deal, Windfall, Winds of Change, and similar cards.

The_Biking_Viking on Mono Red Mid Range CEDH

1 year ago

Think you need some more card draw. Faithless Looting Winds of Change Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Misfortune Also these could be good includes Abrade Walking Ballista Splinter Twin. Maybe some of the rituals for fast mana if that becomes an issue Pyretic Ritual Seething Song

BRAZATO on Locust God EDH

2 years ago

Hi, I'm also another Locust God player!

I'll recommend some key cards of my deck. (I know some of them are not very budget friendly, but just giving ideas)

  • I play Rites of Initiation in my deck. When you have drawn a lot of cards, playing that card discarding (for example) 9 spare cards can seal the game, making all your locust tokens 10/1. Very explosive!, similar in effect to Shared animosity you already play.

  • Another powerful card is Mana Geyser. If nobody responds, you'll win that turn with all the mana it generates.

  • Sorcerer Class is also awesome in this deck. Draws you some cards, and then transforms all your locust tokens in mana generators.

  • I also recommend some other darw/wheel cards like Winds of Change, Echo of Eons or Whirlpool Warrior

  • Finally, as this decks usually discard tons of cards, Underworld Breach can also seal games when you get access to some of your combos in graveyard.

*Here you have my deck if you are interested: "FOCUS THE LOCUST"

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

2 years ago

Hey abierto,

Indeed it’s been awhile since you commented, glad to hear from you. Thank you for bringing these cards onto my radar, let’s discuss them - I can easily tell that Survival of the Fittest would dramatically change the way the deck plays – with Survival of the Fittest + Dregscape Sliver on the board, access to at least 3 mana, 1 creature in hand, and at least an additional I can combo out and win the game on that turn. The only drawbacks I can see here are the mana requirements coupled with the more than likely opponent interaction that would be coming my way. Given that Dregscape Sliver’s ability is only sorcery speed – that only solidifies my concern as A simple Bojuka Bog could wreck me If I do not populate my graveyard with care and proper timing. This makes me wish that Paradox Engine wasn’t banned – I really miss that card. The verdict is out on Survival of the Fittest, I want to like to this card but I can’t help but feel hesitant in including it (let alone the investment). I think I’ll maybe proxy it in and see where that takes me. Speaking which, check out this really awesome alter:

Survival of the Fittest Sliver Alter Show

Dregscape Sliver on the other hand I’m considering including. Maybe cutting Patriarch's Bidding, as I do not like the mana investment and the potential added bonus of assisting opponents. In the metas I play in there are a lot of tribal decks – I’m sitting across from at least one or two other tribal decks every game. I’m ordering a copy today, so thank you for mentioning that card again.

Hi Sneuxfox (death by Snu snu?),

Welcome to my deck page! Thank you for posting. I’ve always wanted to work Magma Sliver into this decklist, but I don’t think it would be a good fit – Magma lends itself toward a Sliver deck that compliments a more Aggro strategy where the goal is to hit a “critical mass” of creatures and abuse enough evasion keywords to get a single creature to knock an opponent out. First Sliver's Chosen would be an absolute must include alongside Magma Sliver, as it would solidify a Voltron strategy by stacking Exalted triggers alongside Magma’s ability. I definitely agree that the aforementioned can get out hand when you have just one Sliver be the target of multiple triggers.

I agree that it's criminal that Magma doesn't make it's way into alot of lists, maybe it's due to most decks wanting to lean into the Mid-range Sliver tool box? Or maybe it's because the deck would need to be more Voltron centric? I decided to throw together a quick decklist as an example of what I think the average deck running Magma Sliver would look like:

Budget Aggro Sliver Decklist Show

What're your thoughts on the list, Sneuxfox ?

multimedia on Spellweaver: The Deck

2 years ago

Hey, I'll first comment here then at a later time at your Zombie deck.

The theme you have here is called Spellslinger and with Spellslinger you want less creatures than normal, more instants as well as sorceries. Spellslinger is essentially control in Commander therefore the cards you tap out for need to be impactful. If you're new to the Spellslinger idea then overall with less than $200 budget you've done well so far, but you forgot Command Tower. You have several really nice cards, but also some stinkers that could be upgraded on a budget.

Consider more lands and ramp? To keep mana open at all times when you cast noninstant spells. 31 lands is low, not really enough land when you want to be making your land drops each turn. My advice is try 36 lands and 12 or more ramp sources. If you don't want to add more lands than instead add more low 1-2 CMC draw or best a combination of both.

If your primary win condition is Niv enchanted by Curiosity then you're going to want ways to shuffle all the cards in your hand back into your library. You'll want this effect to be able to keep drawing and doing damage with Niv since Niv only does damage to one target for each trigger. Ophidian Eye is another Curiosity. Each opponent will have 40 or more life thus you won't consistently have enough cards in your library to end all your opponents with Niv's damage without having more draw. Psychosis Crawler can help since it makes each opponent lose 1 life each time you draw a card.

Curiosity/Ophidian Eye is a may, you don't have to draw when you do damage with Niv. Because you can stop the combo then you can stop drawing so you don't draw from an empty library and lose the game. Stopping the combo also lets you cast a creature or sorcery to shuttle all cards from your hand back into your library to keep drawing and continue the combo. Whirlpool Warrior has this effect at least twice and Whirlpool Rider is only two mana.

The better cards for this effect are not budget options: Valakut Awakening  Flip, Winds of Change and Echo of Eons flashback. Awakening is an instant and Winds is only one mana.

Consider streamline/cut the creature base down to the 10-15 best creatures, less creatures the better and use the other spots for more instants?

A streamlined example of the current creature base (sorted by CMC):

  • Goblin Electromancer
  • Birgi, God of Storytelling
  • Guttersnipe
  • Veyran, Voice of Duality
  • Palladium Myr
  • Archmage Emeritus
  • Galazeth Prismari
  • Talrand, Sky Summoner

I'm also suggesting some creatures upgrades who most have better interaction with Niv:

Tandem Lookout soulbond to Guttersnipe/Electrostatic Field can draw a lot of cards because Lookout cares about any damage that the paired creature does and Guttersnipe does 2 damage to each opponent. You draw a number of cards equal to the number of opponents you have each time Guttersnipe triggers. Lookout is Curiosity, but the draw is not a may, you have to draw and Lookout can change who it's soulbond unlike auras.

Tandem Lookout can be soulbond to Niv, but it's risky because you can't stop the combo because you can't stop the draw without help. You'll need an instant way to shuffle all cards from your hand back into your library or an instant way to kill/bounce Lookout before you draw the rest of your library. If you don't do this you will lose the game from trying to draw from an empty library since you'll draw your entire library. Drawing your entire library can enable a win condition of Laboratory Maniac or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries and Jace has the advantage that he can draw card/cards to trigger Niv.

I've suggested a lot of card upgrades and hopefully given you advice to think about. Let me know your thoughts and if you would like me to continue in another comment including more cuts to consider. Good luck with your deck.

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