Will, Scion of Peace

Legendary Creature — Human Wizard


: Spells you cast this turn that are white and/or blue cost less to cast, where X is the amount of life you gained this turn. Activate this ability only as a sorcery.

doc_frank_18 on Oloro

3 days ago

oh ho! Thou must add Will, Scion of Peace! Can't forget Witch of the Moors with a little bit of Vizkopa Guildmage and a splash of Celestine, the Living Saint Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose

DemonDragonJ on Why Are So Many Recent …

8 months ago

Gidgetimer, can you name any specific examples of activated abilities that were too powerful?

plakjekaas, I have no problem with that ability being restricted, because of how powerful it is, but I see no reason to restrict the abilities of Stormclaw Rager, Rowan, Scion of War, Will, Scion of Peace, or Xavier Sal, infested captain.