Weight of Conscience

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature can't attack.

Tap two untapped creatures you control that share a creature type: Exile enchanted creature.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Saskia: The Human Element

2 years ago

This looks pretty powerful, great job! I might have some ideas for you:

Thalia's Lancers is a tutor on a somewhat big creature, and with your high amount of legendaries, it seems useful here.

Weight of Conscience is Pacifism with upside for tribal decks. Not broken, but unusual and handy.

Sanctuary Lockdown is another anthem which can use tokens to handle threats temporarily. A fine card.

Cryptic Gateway is similar to Belbe's Portal, but costs mana only once. It's another powerful card with tokens.

Species Specialist would be an additional Grim Haruspex.

Odric, Lunarch Marshal is a powerful card and very powerful with Saskia.

passimo on Aces in Exile

2 years ago

Really like to see some Angel deck, seems fun too!

In my opinion being mono-white you could add another Seraph Sanctuary without any trouble. Also because I didn't see a lot of costs in the list. On the same note, needing some cantrip and not having etb-tapped lands, what do you think of Secluded Steppe ? I think it would be useful because given white's draw rate, you could risk late-game landflooding.

Maybe you're interested in Scroll of Avacyn instead of Potion of Healing , the first being probably straight up better in this deck, and more on flavor.

If you ever partially give up on the Angel theme (which I'm not telling you to do, I love theme decks, and playing with friends using them is very fun) I'd consider Heliod's Pilgrim and in that case 1 or two Weight of Conscience , but that's purely hypothetical. I hope you find some use in my comment, cheers!

junga on Mono white +1 counters and lifelink

2 years ago

So, ur deck is kind all over d place, no offense. U decided wat u want ur deck 2 do, but not How (+1 counters vs enchantments, win con etc) and some cards haver no place in there (some odd ones R d Soul's Attendant (fits swarm strategy better), Rhox Veteran (needs swarms and .. i really dont like dat card lol) and d Arcbound Mouser (needs other artifact creature 4 it's ability), Rising Populace (outclassed as far as cmc goes, and ia more of a aristocrat card)and u lack evasion (only d princess may avoid some blockers. Ill assume u want a more direct aggro strategy. Lets focus on creatures first, Sacred Cat os quite Nice, even better agains removal heavy, Healer's Hawk is another 1cmc slot and adds evasion. At d 2cmc u can fill with some 2/2 lifelinkers (LL) (there r some Functional reprints of Ajani's Sunstriker If u want other models and Sungrace Pegasus 1/2 flying LL. On a heavier cmc u can consider Seraph of Dawn as a finisher, a 2/4 LL with flying is Nice. u could consider ETBs pumpers like Dawnfeather Eagle so u can hit and still keep ur defenses up. On d +1 counter profit u could consider maybe Ainok Bond-Kin giving ur creatures with +1/+1 d first Strike ability. I would drop d enchantments pumps since u wont b protecting ur creatures. As Far as removals Go, 8 cards should b enough i Guess. U could use Oblivion Ring or Journey to Nowhere and Sunlance , there r some other Fun options like Weight of Conscience . I would also drop Battlefield Promotion , Moment of Triumph and Wanderer's Strike . Shoulder to Shoulder could be paired with Unbounded Potential for some card draw. White doesnt have dar many card advantage maybe Revitalize could help u 2, and drop 2 Idyllic Grange 4 2 Secluded Steppe . Dis r Just some random thoughts, d most important is 2 have Fun. Oh, and when starting a New deck, think about d rules of 4 (9-10 different non-land cards, 4 copies each so u can reproduce more consistent outcomes )

StopShot on I want an enchantress commander …

3 years ago

I would personally run Nethroi, Apex of Death. Nethroi has lifelink which can be fun to pump up with auras, but Nethroi's reanimate ability can be seriously powerful at enchantment reanimation if you build your deck right.

Auramancer, Griffin Dreamfinder, Monk Idealist, Restoration Specialist, Trusty Retriever, Acolyte of Affliction, Golgari Findbroker, Lurrus of the Dream-Den, Eternal Witness, Felidar Guardian. These make excellent targets to recur enchantments and auras with as you could recur 4 to 5 enchantments every time Nethroi mutates.

Do keep in mind a few card draw enchantment creatures also have 0 power making them free to reanimate too. Creatures like: Argothian Enchantress, Mesa Enchantress, Verduran Enchantress, Kor Spiritdancer.

Since you're in black it should also be easy to recur creatures with cheap mutate costs such as: Vulpikeet, Migratory Greathorn, Insatiable Hemophage, Huntmaster Liger and Gemrazer.

So if you get creative with the deck building Nethroi, Apex of Death can practically be a Crystal Chimes on a stick.

Also if you run out of enchantments to recur I'd recommend running these enchantments as they're easy to both put into the graveyard and obtain value off of them which is what will make this strategy even stronger: Sinister Concoction, Seal of Primordium, Seal of Cleansing, Soul Snare, Weight of Conscience, Aura of Silence, Font of Fertility, Sterling Grove and Unbridled Growth. Sigil of the Nayan Gods and Cast Out also work if you only intend to cycle them.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Siona

4 years ago

Dude, this is a well elaborated Siona list, great job. Mine is far away from such a state. I'll try to take some inspiration from yours.

A card I found to be quite useful in Siona, especially with enough recursion, is Weight of Conscience. With only two of her tokens, this is a two-mana removal spell. Seems pretty good to me.

Prettyfun on Fountain Control

4 years ago

So I guess to make room for Heliod's Pilgrim , you would cut 2 Squee's Embrace and 2 Weight of Conscience . Drawing the pilgrim is the same as drawing one of those anyways. But you might want to trim something else.

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