Wave of Vitriol


Each player sacrifices all artifacts, enchantments, and nonbasic lands he or she controls. For each land sacrificed this way, its controller may search his or her library for a basic land card and put it onto the battlefield tapped. Then each player who searched his or her library this way shuffles it.

carpecanum on I wanna be a man, mancub

1 year ago

+1 for title. I always liked Gorilla Berserkers but if you aren't forcing blocks they are pretty meh.

Who is your commander? Jolene, the Plunder Queen? Hard to see whats going on without a commander listed.

Would Kill Switch be ok? You can turn it on or off at will.

Wave of Vitriol, Hull Breach

carpecanum on Slogurk, the Land Gorger - Help Wanted

1 year ago

Wave of Vitriol. Artifact hate and Enchantment hate are usually pretty solid for stopping combos, especially since you have so few in your deck.

Profet93 on Her Royal Fluffness: Gorestorm

1 year ago

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my comment in detail, I know it wasn't easy. You make fair points, you might want to mention budget(ish) in the description so others know how to suggest cards accordingly.

Any weaknesses you feel the deck has?

While I disagree with you decision to keep Primal Order, I respect your decision to keep it. Given you are okay with hurting then via nonbasics, are you into non-basic land hate in the form of Wave of Vitriol or does it go against the spirit of the commander/playgroup and is too expensive? A different card to consider might be Hall of Gemstone. Neither are serious suggestions, just wanted to pick your brain.

Skullclamp - Draw on dorks, deterrant to creature removal. Although you said you don't need much draw so perhaps I'm being a bit overzealous.

Heroic Intervention - Additional form of versatile protection

Ravenrose on Her Royal Fluffness: Gorestorm

1 year ago

I love the theme around this deck and your quotes at the end killed me XD. Have you considered playing Wave of Vitriol or The Great Aurora?

CEO_of_Piss on

1 year ago

I like Massacre Girl because each other creature dying buffs sarulf, so they survive the wipe and get a lot of counters

because you have green/black and a ton of spells consider Seasons Past with any tutor

Treacherous Blessing is a cute draw option here

Wave of Vitriol puts a lot of things in the graveyard and can really screw over people with greedy mana bases

Tainted Strike can surprise people with infect

TypicalTimmy on Too many of the same …

2 years ago

May I ask, what is your decklist? Running Boros land destruction is not something normally seen. Usually black is thrown in for targeted single removal, or sometimes even green. Wave of Vitriol is an example of mass land destruction in green, and black - while I don't believe has printed MLD, has ways around it.

  • All lands are Swamps
  • All Swamps are 1/1 creatures
  • All creatures get -1/-1

Nobody ever gets a land for the rest of the game. If you buff your own side, such as with Gaea's Anthem, your side survives while theirs does not. Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite also works quite well but is a lot harder to get out early game.

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