Wave Goodbye


Return each creature without a +1/+1 counter on it to its owner's hand.

UltimateRoxas40 on Countdown to Infinity [Counters Primer]

2 months ago

Crow_Umbra Yeah, that's always been a factor when building a Simic deck for me. Too many options kinda paralyzes my thoughts and deck building direction, which is why I decided to lean more towards The Millennium Calendar style shenanigans.

And thank you for the suggestions! I've got Ripples of Potential and Wave Goodbye from the Simic Ixalan precon, but I just haven't gotten around to opening it yet haha. I've never even heard of Ravenous Slime! It could be a contender for something like Scavenging Ooze. I'll look into that.

I thought about Mutational Advantage, but it feels very situational. I'd probably stick with Heroic Intervention for more of a catch-all defensive card.

Like I said, most of the deck was assembled with stuff I've had in my binders for a while. I'll work towards grabbing copies of those soon.

Crow_Umbra on Countdown to Infinity [Counters Primer]

2 months ago

Great mana curve! I love a great curve like that lol.

The tough thing with +1/+1 Counters strats is that there's always so many good options to choose from; some a bit more meta dependent & narrow than others for sure. A few ideas for potential considerations:

  • Ripples of Potential - Board protection & proliferation, but def the priciest of the recommendations

  • Mutational Advantage - A more narrow Heroic Intervention that can also proliferate.

  • Ravenous Slime - I've played this in a few counters decks, especially since I play in a meta with a decent frequency of Aristocrats & Reanimator decks. Def a more meta dependent option, but one that can get huge pretty quick.

  • Wave Goodbye - Should be fairly asymmetrical most of the time.

Last_Laugh on All Will Be One

2 months ago

I'd personally suggest cutting:

Viral Drake for Danny Pink

Guildpact Informant for Mutational Advantage

Lux Cannon for Beast Within

Atomize for Generous Gift or Stroke of Midnight

Juniper Order Ranger for Anduril, Narsil Reforged

Fuel for the Cause for Felidar Retreat

Tamiyo, Field Researcher for Marcus, Mutant Mayor

Otherworld Atlas for Breena, the Demagogue (make em earn the group huggy card draw)

Also consider Wave Goodbye and Ripples of Potential if you own them or they're in your budget.

Last_Laugh on Kalonian Hydra or Bristly Bill?

2 months ago

I'd personally suggest cutting:

Viral Drake for Danny Pink

Guildpact Informant for Mutational Advantage

Lux Cannon for Beast Within

Atomize for Generous Gift or Stroke of Midnight

Juniper Order Ranger for Anduril, Narsil Reforged

Fuel for the Cause for Felidar Retreat

Tamiyo, Field Researcher for Marcus, Mutant Mayor

Otherworld Atlas for Breena, the Demagogue (make em earn the group huggy card draw)

Also consider Wave Goodbye and Ripples of Potential if you own them or they're in your budget.

*copied and pasted onto your deck

Last_Laugh on The Black Rose Never Dies

2 months ago

Ripples of Potential and Wave Goodbye are 2 cards I added fairly recently. Ripples is especially nice if you're seeing Farewell ran more as an answer to Marchesa.

Gidgetimer on thieving amalgam and wave goodbye

4 months ago

Assuming that none of them have +1/+1 counters on them, they go back into their owners' hands. Wave Goodbye returns creatures to their owner's hands. The manifested cards are creatures. They will be returned to their owner's hands.

Swebb87 on thieving amalgam and wave goodbye

4 months ago

If I have manifested say 2 cards from the top of all 3 of my opponents' library using Thieving Amalgam and someone casts Wave Goodbye do those cards I manifested go back into their owners' hands? Or do they go to graveyard? Or go to the battlefield if permanents and go to exile if non-permanent?

Have (1) orzhov_is_relatively_okay819
Want (0)