Wandering Fumarole


Wandering Fumarole enters the battlefield tapped.

: Add or .

: Until end of turn, Wandering Fumarole becomes a 1/4 blue and red Elemental creature with ": Switch this creature's power and toughness until end of turn." It's still a land.

Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

1 year ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



GrimVeracity on Neera Wild Mage Copy Deck

1 year ago

lego22499 this seems like a very fun and explosive Combo/Copy deck! I think the key to cracking/breaking Neera, Wild Mage is going to be focusing on lower CMC ramp and interaction without jeopardizing Neera's ability. She can be a tough cookie to crack but one idea that comes to my mind is adding some cheap early game interaction that you aren't necessarily disappointed to hit with the Neera later in the game. Another way to aid in this struggle may be to run a higher than usual land count considering you may not want to be hitting many low CMC ramp/rocks with Neera's abillity and would rather hit the lands to get closer to something BIG hiding in your deck plus it wouldn't hurt to draw some extra lands early... especially Utility lands or lands that have a Cycling ability as this could help with draw if you start to flood out. That's the best I've got for now but I'll give it some more thought as well as feature the deck and maybe you can get some HOT tips from EDH players more familiar brewing around Storm, Combo, Copy, Ect. Anyways cool deck looking forward to seeing how it develops!

Low CMC Interaction

Chaos Warp, Pyroblast, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Reality Shift, Swan Song, Peek, Gitaxian Probe, Snap, Prismari Command

Cycling Lands

Remote Isle, Smoldering Crater, Lonely Sandbar, Forgotten Cave, Desert of the Mindful, Desert of the Fervent

Utility Lands

Castle Vantress, Mystic Sanctuary, Wandering Fumarole, Skyline Cascade, Halimar Depths, Soaring Seacliff, Faerie Conclave, Moonring Island, Cephalid Coliseum, Magosi, the Waterveil, Spinerock Knoll, Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep, Ghitu Encampment, Madblind Mountain, Hanweir Battlements  Meld, Kher Keep, Hellion Crucible, Reliquary Tower, Wasteland, Strip Mine

mrweaselman on America Control

2 years ago

Chandra Ablaze does not seem very good in this deck, I can't see a time you really want to use her +1 and her -2 is pretty situational for control. Neither is really worth the cost either. Chandra, the Firebrand is alright, but I think that there are better planeswalker options. Chandra, Torch of Defiance is probably the best Chandra, although she's a bit more expensive. Ajani Vengeant is another pretty solid option.

Detention Sphere is better than Banishing Light in your colors. Mana Leak is probably better than Negate. You can always sideboard swap them if you have the space too.

Fire / Ice can replace Lightning Bolt if you find yourself light on card draw. You'll want to replace Drawn from Dreams with instant draw. A couple options are Precognitive Perception, Sphinx's Revelation, Chemister's Insight, or Thassa's Intervention.

Going over the land base, you may be able to go down 1-2 and replace them with draw, your high end is only 4-5 mana. Take out basics for 4 Mystic Monastery, 3 Battlefield Forge, and 2 either Celestial Colonnade or Wandering Fumarole. I'm not completely sure what your colored distribution is, so those numbers may not be optimal.

If you run any of the artifact bridges like Razortide Bridge you can also run Cleansing Wildfire, which may not be competitive, but is pretty spicy.

9-lives on

2 years ago

Alright! Awesome! forneyt, thank you so much for your help! You are amazing! Yes, nearly all of my cards take at least . Unfortunately, I can't change my manabase this week, and I plan on playing this week. However, I have this small issue: wouldn't it be better to run multiple Raugrin Triome and Mystic Monastery instead of lands that enter tapped while they have only two mana colors, like Needle Spires, Wandering Fumarole, Temple of Triumph, Temple of Epiphany and Celestial Colonnade? That means there are at least 6 tri-land I can add instead of those, and that brings me back to 8x tri-lands as in my original manabase as posted. The advantage of those cards is their activated abilities, but I don't plan on running many of those abilities. And, Everything that is listed on this deck is already owned by me. I also have 3x Soul-Scar Mage, but I can't run that at the same time as Soulfire Grand Master. I don't own Soulfire Grand Master, either.

forneyt on

2 years ago

Okay, thanks for the clarification haha. I think in the case of a more casual environment, Izzet Charm is great because it provides you different options, so it is rarely a dead card. Keep in mind that Izzet Charm only counters noncreature spells, whereas Mana Leak counters any spell, which is why having a couple of each is good. Mutiny looks like a fun, on-theme card, but it is very conditional, so I would suggest only doing 1 mainboard and maybe 1 sideboard. My issue with Illusory Wrappings is that if you enchant the creature and then bolt it, that is a 2-1 exchange in your opponent's favor (your enchantment [1] + your removal [1] for their creature [1]). A good replacement could be Polymorphist's Jest, which is an instant so you could swing in with your creatures then use it as a combat trick to take out more of your opponent's creatures with 1 spell. That is intensive and conditional, so that should probably be a 1-of in mainboard or max 2 in sideboard.

A couple Shocks should be plenty because it's a budget build, but no more than 2 of each because they are inefficient. Although, I think Shock would be better than Opt in this deck because you want to maximize damage, so perhaps you could push those out and replace them with Shocks and Izzet Charms. Once you have the budget for Skullcrack, the Shocks should be the first to go. I also believe that Guttersnipe, while it is undoubtedly a good card, should be replaced with Soulfire Grand Master because 3 mana is a lot when you have so many creatures in the deck. The Electrostatic Fields are cheaper, and they can be good blockers (on theme) and are resistant to opponents' Lightning Bolts, unlike Guttersnipe.

Classic Counterspell could also be good in this deck once your mana base is secure. Negate is also an amazing counterspell in the right meta, and it's cheap! One in the mainboard and/or a couple in the sideboard could prove valuable. Counterspells are important, but they are only helpful if they are applicable and castable. Make sure you have some variety and not too many with severe restrictions. So 4x Counterspell is good, but 1x Counterspell, 1x Mana Leak, 1x Negate, and 1x Izzet Charm is better. The 1x Mana Leak takes away the restriction without taking away the variety, the 1x Negate allows the mana flexibility of Mana Leak without the mana restriction at the expense of restrictive targets, and 1x Izzet Charm allows for greater variety in plays, but it's hard to beat the power of Counterspell so it deserves its spot.

That brings me to your mana base. My biggest suggestion is to avoid lands that don't tap for because almost all of your spells use in some way, and you can get mana screwed really easily if you don't have access to it. The pain lands would be perfect for your deck: Shivan Reef and Battlefield Forge. They provide you with your colors and come into play untapped, which is huge. In my opinion, Nephalia Academy is not helpful and you might as well have a Wastes instead because at least that can be tutored if a creature gets Path to Exiled. But I have some other utility lands to suggest for you.

If you find yourself building up a good board presence, Castle Embereth would be very helpful. If you find that your opponents are going wider, Surtland Frostpyre could be a good boardwipe. Geier Reach Sanitarium would be good to cycle dead draws, but it doesn't tap for a helpful color. Needle Spires and Wandering Fumarole are great manlands in your colors, and although Celestial Colonnade doesn't tap for , it can be the difference between staying behind and pulling ahead in longer matchups and is worth an include. Temple of Epiphany and Temple of Triumph are decent Turn 1 plays, as they can let you plan your next turn and counterstrike. Also, the longer I look at Soulfire Grand Master, the more I think it's perfect for the deck. If you take advantage of the lifelink it gives, the pain lands will be absolutely no trouble. It also allows you to recast your spells as you go into the late game in longer matchups, which is amazing. Keep in mind that for Mutiny, the opponent's creature is doing the damage, so you won't gain life.

Anyway, a solid manabase would be 4x Shivan Reef, 4x Battlefield Forge, 2x Raugrin Triome, 1x Needle Spires, 1x Wandering Fumarole, 2x Temple of Triumph, 1x Temple of Epiphany, 1x Celestial Colonnade, 3x Mountain, 1x Plains, 1x Island. About a third of these land come into play tapped instead of half as your deck currently stands, they all tap for relevant colors, and several give you some utility if your spells fall short. Some of the numbers will need to be tweaked depending on what your spells are, but this should be a great improvement! And all of these lands are around a dollar, many are less than a dollar (except for Celestial Colonnade, which is only a couple dollars, but it's really that good). Depending on the requirements, you may need to switch a Mountain for an Island, but your dual lands should cover it well.

Argy on The order of Wandering Fumarole's ���

3 years ago

Yeah I knew Wandering Fumarole was a goner, but if I can get a Crew out of it, all may not be lost!

Thanks for the speedy, helpful answer.

Polaris on The order of Wandering Fumarole's …

3 years ago

Crewing is an activated ability with no specific timing restrictions, so yes. You can also switch Wandering Fumarole 's power and toughness as many times as you like before Wild Slash resolves, but you opponent has good timing here - there's no way to save your Fumarole because at some point it will be a 4/1 with 2 damage on it.

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