Wall of Denial

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wall of Denial

Creature — Wall

Defender, flying,

Shroud (This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities.)

Last_Laugh on International Justice League of Super Aquaintances

9 months ago

Smoke needs to be added asap. Other ways to protect your walkers like Crawlspace, Silent Arbiter, Baird, Steward of Argive, Archon of Absolution, Archangel of Tithes, Peacekeeper, Pramikon, Sky Rampart (Spark Double can copy this guy naming opposite directions so noone can attack), or even Wall of Denial will serve you well here.

keizerbuns on Prepare to get WALLoped

1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestions kamarupa!

I did actually consider Orator of Ojutai over Wall of Omens, but I figured the guaranteed extra card was better than having a flyer. However, given how often I tend to have Arcades, the Strategist in play or at least in my hand, it's worth at least adding him into the sideboard. Speaking of sideboards, Slaughter the Strong is definitely going in there too!

I also considered running Eladamri's Call but decided it was a little too expensive to run and I didn't really want to take out anything to replace it with.

I'm still on the fence about whether I want to add Wall of Denial or not. It is a really good card with amazing stats, but I wanted to keep every creature in the deck 2 CMC and under, except for Arcades and Axebane Guardian because of how vital they are to the deck. But maybe I'll add Wall of Denial in the future after some more real world playtesting.

Thanks again, I really appreciate it!

Icbrgr on Refraction of Null into Light - Jodah Jegantha

1 year ago

You could always give Wall of Denial a try over Hover Barrier?

I think I would experiment with some ratio of Narset, Parter of Veils and Howling Mine... can really help dig through your own deck/toolbox while shutting down your opponents draw power.

MLS91 on

1 year ago

legendofa Wall of Denial works for me, I'm not so much into Favorable Winds not because it isn't good, but because the angels are already more potently buffing the board. so for sake of removal and other potentially more game efficient cards ill look over favorable winds. I was looking at pearl medallion, and had forgotten about Oketra's Monument. I like the medallion in the current pile.

legendofa on

1 year ago

As a few miscellaneous thoughts, would Wall of Denial fit in here as another bulky blocker? Maybe some "flying tribal" cards like Favorable Winds?

Since you have so many higher-cost cards, something like Oketra's Monument or Pearl Medallion, if you're willing to spend the money, could help you reach the upper end.

legendofa on When did you start playing, …

2 years ago

I started playing with the first Portal, kinda. That was the first set I got cards from. I spent the next few years off and on, getting bits and pieces of collections from people who were leaving the game or offloading bulk commons and uncommons. (I managed to get both Pardic Firecat and Diligent Farmhand and had no idea what Burst meant. I thought it was some action, like untapping, that the rules later dropped.) I started digging in a little deeper in Time Spiral block, then really jumped in with Alara. Since then, I've been either in deep or sitting out.

Favorite block is Alara. It was the one that I really got in with (if you missed that two sentences ago). I usually prefer multicolor builds to monocolor builds, and I wasn't in for most of Apocalypse and Ravnica. It has a unique and deep setting insert Return to Alara screed here. And the cards are just cool: Maelstrom Archangel, Godsire (Secretly pandering to the OP? Never!), Progenitus, Wall of Denial, Conflux, Sphinx of the Steel Wind, Lich Lord of Unx... Add in stuff like Ad Nauseam, the Cascade mechanic, and Noble Hierarch, and the introductions of Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, Sarkhan Vol, Tezzeret the Seeker, and Elspeth, Knight-Errant, and it had something for everyone. Planeswalkers were still brand new, and colored artifacts were a shocking and semi-controversial twist.

I don't like the one-set model. I understand that the three-set model and even two-set model had general dropoff after the first set, but the current model is too much, too fast. The mechanics are underdeveloped and unsupported. (In agreement with "it's always been that way" doesn't make it a good thing. I'm still waiting for Provoke to come back.) The planes are either shallow, limited in scope, or "open for exploration when we return" which may or may not happen.

The biggest and most disappointing change for me, though, is the official website. It used to have multiple articles a week: Making Magic, Savor the Flavor, From the Lab, Building on a Budget, Arcana, Card of the Day, theme weeks, it was all fun. Now, it's a couple of third-party articles, occasional short stories for the lore, and a bunch of promotion and self-advertising.

With my "it was better in my day" out of the way, I think the fundamentals of the game are in good shape. Aside from some cosmetic differences and minor rules updates, it's still the same game I was playing fifteen years ago, and there's a lot to be said for that. Sure, there's been some power and complexity creep, but aside from a couple of high-profile missteps that aren't totally without precedent (Urza block -> Mirrodin Affinity -> Zendikar Caw-Blade -> Throne of Eldraine/Ikoria), it's been well controlled compared to other popular TCGs. A deck from five, ten, twenty years ago can still find a home at least at the casual tables.

RNR_Gaming on Arcades Advice

2 years ago

Walls that replace themselves like Wall of Blossoms and Wall of Omens. Walls that have a good rate Wall of Denial. Walls/defenders that produce positive mana like Axebane Guardian and Overgrown Battlement - these combo with things like Freed from the Real if you have a filter and you can become a wall ball deck. Lastly, cards like Rolling Stones and Assault Formation because you don't want to just lean on your commander for everything.

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