Wakening Sun's Avatar

Creature — Dinosaur

When Wakening Sun's Avatar enters the battlefield, if you cast if from your hand, destroy all non-Dinosaur creatures.

jdogz32 on Dinosaurs

11 months ago

I love dinosaurs but there's alot of hype since they just printed a bunch of new ones. Your deck has to many 1 of and 2 ofs. You are going to need more 3-4 copies of less different dinos for more consistent game play. Since your deck is based around the enrage ability that is what I will focus on. For starters I'm going to suggest taking these cards out.

Zetalpa, Primal Dawn - too expensive and has no relevance other than being a dinosaur

Wakening Sun's Avatar - too expensive and there's much cheaper board wipes than an 8 Mana dinosaur. This guy is extremely good in commander but not very good for 1v1 60 card decks.

Verdant Sun's Avatar - again he's a good card but there's no relevance to the strategy other than he's a dinosaur and he's a 7 Mana drop.

Rampaging Ferocidon - you are running a creature heavy deck so his ability will hurt you way more than it will your opponent. If you are adding him for the lifefain there's another dinosaur that cost the same but doesn't have that same drawback.

Gishath, Sun's Avatar - extremely good card but he's very expensive for what your trying to build. He will go back down in price eventually but for now I'd suggest taking him out.

Gigantosaurus - he's to Mana expensive. In a 3 color deck trying to get 5 green is going to be more of a challenge than he's worth. If you were running mono green he'd be a great add but for right now I'd take him out.

Bellowing Aegisaur - for 6 Mana the game would gave to continue to go on for a few more turns to get any real value out of him.

Cards you should add more of

Marauding Raptor - one of the best cards in an enrage deck for an immediate activation and makes your dinos cheaper

Ranging Raptors - great for early game and consistent Mana ramp throughout the game.

Raging Regisaur - great for enrage triggers and offers you some removal

Ripjaw Raptor offers consistent card draw which cannot be understated.

Forerunner of the Empire he offers consisten board enrage triggers and you get to search for whichever dino you want

Cards I'd add you don't have listed Drover of the Mighty - offers cheap Mana ramp and is a 3/3

Raptor Hatchling - not very good by himself but when you put him with Forerunner of the Empire he gives you 2 separate counts of enrage.

Last thing is with a deck like this your running too few lands. You need at minimum 23-24 lands for running large creatures that you are hard casting. I know this is alot but I hope this helps.

lhetrick13 on We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s EDH Story

1 year ago

SpeedOfLightning - Gishath Right? You cast him and suddenly games are 3v1!

Always fun to see how others build a similar theme deck as I like some of the different additions you have. I would definately recommend adding in Forerunner of the Empire. He adds a Enrage trigger you may choose to activate whenever a dino enters to field AND allows you fetch a dino to your hand (Wakening Sun's Avatar just in case). Another great potential add is Rampaging Ferocidon. Good way to completely shut down lifegain decks and token decks, both of which are run commonly at my LGS.

Otherwise, how have Bellowing Aegisaur, Burning Sun's Avatar, Raging Regisaur, Raging Swordtooth, Territorial Hammerskull, Thundering Spineback, and Snapping Sailback been? I had some of those in previous iterations of my deck but felt they were a little lackluster and dropped them.

lhetrick13 on Prehistoric Rumble!

2 years ago

Radiant_Draconis - You must play some long games! Star of Extinction is bloody expensive, lol! That is a good combo though. I do the same thing with a solider deck (Boots on the Ground). I have thought of doing something similar but with Wakening Sun's Avatar using him to to blast everything and clear the way for a victory.

I will say though, I kinda put my dino deck together thinking it would be a little slower but it actually does pretty well in Open Modern on MTGO as it holds its own against most decks and overwhelms a lot of creature focused decks with just bigger creatures. The dinosaurs are so fun to play with the enrage, I hope they do another dino themed set in the near future...would love to get more to play with!

Ocachino on Board Wipes for Commander

2 years ago

Wakening Sun's Avatar is also pretty good, especially if you're running Dino tribal

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Rollo, King of Haitabu

3 years ago

DeinoStinkus: The wording on Wakening Sun's Avatar should be used for that case I guess.

Flodoo on Mono-White Dinosaur ***Zetalpa & Wakening suns***

4 years ago

I like to play this Deck.

if you have 8 Mana play Wakening Sun's Avatar booom destroy all Non-Dinosaur ;-)

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