Vivien, Monsters' Advocate

Legendary Planeswalker — Vivien

You may look at the top card of your library any time.

You may cast creature spells from the top of your library.

+1: Create a 3/3 green Beast creature token. Put your choice of a vigilance counter, a reach counter, or a trample counter on it.

-2: When you cast your next creature spell this turn, search your library for a creature card with lesser converted mana cost, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.

DawnsRayofLight on A Fable of Angel and Elf

1 year ago

bingo. this is exactly what I was talking about, just a couple of things:

ugghh the problem is thinking what to drop as the list seems solid as is.

Taurean Mauler: though I see why it would be good

Shadowspear: good, but you it is better in more classic control decks

Force of Vigor: you probably have enough removal for this

Chaos Warp: Probably would be fine without

maybeboard cards


Orim's Chant

Red Elemental Blast


Guardian of Faith

Clever Concealment

Teferi's Protection

^^^ Most of the above suggestions are to help improve the control matchups^^^

Avacyn's Pilgrim

Niko9 on Elves lovers...HELP!

1 year ago

Nice deck : ) I guess my only question is, what do you want to do as a wincon? There are a lot of options to go infinite if you want to, but I completely understand if you don't. But things like Fauna Shaman or Green Sun's Zenith or Vivien, Monsters' Advocate can really make creature based combos very reliable.

Another take would be to go the enchantress route. Green has a lot of ways to get incidental card draw off enchantments, like Rune of Might and Kenrith's Transformation. Those together with Argothian Enchantress or other enchantresses, including Setessan Champion and Eidolon of Blossoms can be a very effective draw engine in green. And enchantress decks love Arasta of the Endless Web who can really help with flying problems. Everyone feeds her : ) No one respects spiders.

But at the same time, enchantress might also make it less of an elf deck. So, I guess, what are you most interested in doing with the deck? It looks like a really good elf combat deck as is, it could be powered up by infinites like Umbral Mantle or Quirion Ranger and Ashaya, Soul of the Wild or Staff of Domination to power a Wren's Run Packmaster or Umbral Mantle pump win. Ezuri, Renegade Leader is also a great mana outlet. But it all depends what you want to play I guess : )

Zugzou on Perrie, The Chopper

1 year ago

A few more that I've found:

Vanish into Memory - This is a flicker card that draws you a new hand. Use it after Perrie made something big so you draw 6+ cards and then discard 3 or fewer when it comes back in.

Parallax Wave - Flicker, removal, protection, combo engine, value engine, this card is bananas and criminally underplayed. Not to mention it comes with fade counters.

Elspeth Resplendent - Honestly a pretty standard walker, not amazing, but it potentially brings 7 types of counters to your board.

Vivien, Monsters' Advocate - Unlike the last one, this is an EDH playable walker, fits the theme.

Nissa, Voice of Zendikar - Three mana walkers are stupid

Endless Detour - Amazing removal that can only be run in these colors.

Glen Elendra Archmage - Most of the persist and undying creatures don't seem that good for this deck, this one seems like the best by a pretty wide margin.

Luminous Broodmoth - Flying counters and a powerful interaction with flicker effects.

Lion Sash - White Scavenging Ooze

Vanquish the Horde - Farewell - Day of Judgment - board wipes

Worx on Competitive Captain Sisay (Proven)

2 years ago

MstrCpr Thanks mate. It's been in the works a VERY long time and has won many many tournaments.

The Paradox Engine ban was at first a disaster, but now, I can still win turn 5-6 virtually all the time, and IF I get a good draw, then I can still win turn 4! ;)

I haven't made any notes for a long time and I really should update...

But to answer your questions regarding Vivien, Monsters' Advocate, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, and Eight-and-a-Half-Tails;

Let's just say that I am constantly tossing up whether to include Akroma's Memorial or not due to it's mana cost and the introduction of Crashing Drawbridge. I deliberately stay away from mana costs of non-creatures of higher than 4 so Gaddock Teeg is not an issue. So having a planeswalker of Vivien, with a cost of 5 with no real instant win - I just can't see it's value. Same with Ugin - just an overkill and horrendous cost of 8.

Ashaya is just to expensive for what it does. I mean I used to ALWAYS run the combo Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa for win in removing opponents lands. But I also have a lot of wincons now so I just want to keep the mana costs down.

Eight Tails was a card I used to run, but I found I rarely needed it in Tournaments and if you are doing it only for removing opponents lands, then the above said Elesh Norn/Kamahl wins hands down.

The latest iteration and what I am working on is to ensure I can get the 'haste' out easily, ie Oswald Fiddlebender with artifact tutor so I can get Thousand-Year Elixir out, and then I can again remove Akroma's Memorial, and put back in Masako the Humorless

The deck has undergone a LOT of changes over the years, but still kicks butt and is VERY reliable. (I did sell some cards - mainly lands and foils - kicking myself over selling my foils of Selvala, Heart of the Wilds) So hat's why the lands don't seem 'stable'.

Thanks for commenting and the appreciation.

MstrCpr on Competitive Captain Sisay (Proven)

2 years ago

Hello, wanted to say love this iteration of the deck, I think Captain Sisay is a real cool commander and I've been working on trying to figure out what I want to do with my non-cedh Cpt Sisay deck, and I like your list a lot. Something I was curious on, besides you most recent updates, are what do you think of lines involving Vivien, Monsters' Advocate, or Ashaya, Soul of the Wild? I think both are pretty solid win con options. The more fun based line I've been looking at is using Ugin, the Spirit Dragon along with Eight-and-a-Half-Tails to remove my opponents lands (fun for me that is).

radvision on Beast Wars >:)

2 years ago

Niko9 - I watch Beast Wars online with my friend on the rare moments we're both free, so I'm just finishing up season one! I wasn't allowed to watch TV very often growing up so it's all new to me. I pretty much find everyone in Beast Wars at least somewhat likable which is pretty rare for me. Happy to talk about Transformers any time tbh lmao

I especially love the alt art for Vivien, Monsters' Advocate - I actually shelled out a couple extra dollars like a sucker. Worth it though :)

Niko9 on Beast Wars >:)

2 years ago

I mean, Beast Wars will always be awesome. Skip season one, completely ignore Cheetor, then later completely ignore Silverbolt, and it's the perfect show : ) Seriously though, Beast Wars Megatron is one of my all time fav villains. Nobody is more "Mmmm-yyyyes Indeeed" than he is. Plus, the Dinobot episode is legit really good. It was the first show to teach 90s kids about warrior's death honor : ) But it's great, and right, how has Dinobot as a velicoraptor with a gun in his hand not become a meme?

On the deck though...sorry...huge Beast Wars fan and it so seldom comes up : ) But Vivien, Monsters' Advocate is such an awesome EDH card. At first I was like, yeah planeswalker, but she really is amazing.

Niko9 on Dark Elves

2 years ago

I really like this take on elfball. It looks like it has a lot of avenues of play, which I have a mono-green elfball deck, and a lot of the time that's the downside. Like, sometimes it feels like I'm just waiting on the right card rather than being proactive with what's on the board, and that seems like a way that this deck really shines. Here are a couple things I can think of from my green deck and from a little bit of experience I have in modern golgari.

Vivien, Champion of the Wilds Emergence Zone and/or Yeva, Nature's Herald can give your creatures flash, which is always nice, but I'd expect it to play very well with deathtouch. Just the threat of flashing things in when you are a creature deck can keep your opponents from attacking.

Crashing Drawbridge will net a ton of mana if you get it down early. It's slower than Thousand-Year Elixir but it can also give you some surprise attacks that elixir can't.

Vivien, Monsters' Advocate is a really nice planeswalker. The tutor ability can be invaluable. It's similar to Pyre of Heroes which is also an awesome card for creature decks.

Eternal Witness and Den Protector are great for recurring things that got removed. Survivors' Bond is great with them too. It can get back and elf plus witness who can then get something else back or wait in hand.

Pattern of Rebirth is a viscous card if they don't have enchantment removal. A lot of the time it basically makes a creature unblockable or makes everyone at the table stop attacking into you.

Kenrith's Transformation kinda just does it all. It's removal, it draws a card, you can buff a dork if you really need to. All in all, it's a very versatile card and always preforms something great.

Wren's Run Packmaster can just be a nice beater that takes the place of a dork, it can be a mana dump, it can create amazing blockers, and can even be tutored by Elvish Harbinger as well as any other creature tutor. It's a good creature by itself and if you do ever go infinite mana, it's a wincon with drawbridge or another haste enabler.

Lolth, Spider Queen is a great planeswalker for a deck with a lot of dies triggers. Getting the ultimate is not that hard and it can turn all of your small creatures into huge threats. Might be a little pricey though, and planeswalkers are never the best in edh, but it's a very potent one.

Slippery Bogbonder gives you a flash in blocker and also protection for any of your creatures. Best part is that the hexproof sticks around and you can even send counters to that creature. It's nice when your counterspell adds another creature to your board.

That's all I can think of :) This deck looks pretty awesome, and is giving me ideas on how to spice up my own one. There are plenty of infinite mana combos in elfball too, but it seemed like you were going for more of an attacking strategy.

Thanks for posting this one!

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