Vicious Offering


Kicker—Sacrifice a creature. (You may sacrifice a creature in addition to any other costs as you cast this spell.)

Target creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn. If this spell was kicked, that creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn instead.

LeechBoy on Golgari Saproling Deck

2 years ago

Hey TheoryCrafter I really like your suggestions and think they are good improvements for this deck!

Especially Bone Shards is the obvious upgrade and replacement for Vicious Offering.

Overall, thanks for the strong advices - I will change the deck the way you suggested cause I think it´s the way I wanna go.

Happy Hunting!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Tie-Breaker

3 years ago

This deck looks pretty good, and after reading the comments, you seem to have put a lot of work into it. I do have a intentionally lower-powered deck with a basic aristocrat strategy. A card I really do like there is Doomed Traveler ( Doomed Dissenter is similar). Sgt.Pickles mentioned free sacrifice outlets. A very good, but very underrated one is Spawning Pit . You can sacrifice creatures, sometimes even in response to a kill spell, and then get multiple new tokens later. As many of your creatures have 1 toughness, Skullclamp could be a great addition, as well. If you were to include any combination of these three, Death Baron and Asha's Favor are what I'd cut for them. For removal spells, Ixalan's Binding is fine, but bonesplinter and/or Vicious Offering are great spells that even fit your strategy.

Blue_Flame on Suicidal All-Out Attack

4 years ago

I think you need a sideboard. Unless you don't intend on playing with one, I'll throw you some suggestions. Since you're on a budget, I'll consider that in my card choices too:

Discard Spells - Duress , Divest , Despise

Grave Hate - Bojuka Bog , Faerie Macabre

Creature Removal - Doom Blade , Diabolic Edict , Lightning Axe , Magmatic Sinkhole , Vicious Offering

Artifact Hate - Smash to Smithereens , Ingot Chewer

mal099 on Sacrifice Counter Deck Pauper

4 years ago

Carrion Feeder is probably better than Phyrexian Broodlings in this list. Mortician Beetle might also be very nice. I'd prefer Defile over Vicious Offering , you really want to sacrifice things to your creatures. Generally look at Mono-Black Aristocrats decks, as those have pretty much the same game plan as you.

Joe_Ken_ on Sac outlets

4 years ago

Viscera Seer is a sac outlet that will let you scry.

Ashnod's Altar will get you some colorless mana when you sac a creature.

Spawning Pit isn’t a great one, but will make tokens once you use the other ability.

Altar of Dementia in case you want to mill yourself or an opponent.

Carrion Feeder can become huge by sacrificing creatures.

Vicious Offering can act as a good piece of creature removal around indestructible if you kick it.

Attrition by sacrificing and paying 1 black it will act as removal.

c1charge on Bitch'n Witches

5 years ago

5dollarMTG, those are good suggestions. I have played this deck a few times now and it's a lot of fun to play in its current form (as long as the other player doesn't have a lot of counter spells...) but adding those in would help for sure! Thinking about replacing the Black Cat cards with 2X Vicious Offering and 2X Disfigure as the cats really don't do much for the deck.

Madcookie on Arena Esper Control Deck

5 years ago

I'd assume that the deck is meant for the best of 3 ladder since you have a sideboard. I don't like my record against aggro lists either so I run 4 Fountain of Renewal and 4 Dawn of Hope right in the main deck instead of the usual Chemister's Insight and other forms of draw. You can also replace Vicious Offering with Moment of Craving since this one offers lifegain and you don't have a creature to sack to the first one anyway.

Hope this suggestion helps, cheers :)

zapyourtumor on Gruesome Saprolings

5 years ago

Vicious Offering is an instant, though, while Severed Strands is a sorcery. You can also choose not to sacrifice a creature with Vicious Offering , and the lifegain from Severed Strands may not be relevant with Slimefoot, the Stowaway .

Overall, I think these factors give Vicious Offering a clear edge, although I would consider boarding it out against +1/+1 counters.

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