Viashino Sandswimmer

Creature — Viashino

(Red): Flip a coin. If you win the flip, return Viashino Sandswimmer to its owner's hand. If you lose the flip, sacrifice Viashino Sandswimmer.

Shai-Hulud on NEED HELP Coin Flip themed …

6 years ago

Great deck idea! I like coin flip cards a lot myself, the randomness brings a fun element. They are mostly red, I think. Mana Clash, Viashino Sandswimmer, Fickle Efreet, Wild Wurm, Winter Sky, etc.

trixster87 on Yuan Shao, The Menacer

7 years ago

Saw you post in the forums- I think you should jam as many coin flips into this deck. He's indecisive and what do people do when they can't decide? they flip a coin or let someone else decide.
Planar Chaos
Viashino Sandswimmer + Chance Encounter - dump all your mana into swimmer than go to town flipping coins lol.

Krark's Thumb to better your odds.

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