Vampire Cutthroat

Creature — Vampire Rogue

Skulk (This creature can't be blocked by creatures with greater power.)

Lifelink (Damage dealt by this creature also causes you to gain that much life.)

wallisface on Modern Vampire/lifelink

5 months ago

MotelWifi the big problem with your revised list is that your mana curve is still waay too high - decks often can’t justify more than 3-4 cards costing 4-or-more mana, and you’ve got 15. Your revised list also still has almost no 1-mana cards, which means you’ll often be starting a full turn behind your opponent.

And finally, 63 cards might not seem like much over 60, but every card over that 60 number is weakening the deck & making it less consistent.

A good tip for new players for deckbuilding is to pick 9 cards and run 4-of each of those (for 36 cards) alongside 24 lands. The mana costs of those 9 cards should look something like 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4.

For an example deck and/or inspiration, if I were building a White-Black vampire deck, and trying to keep to your budget, it’d look something like this:

Now, this list is by no means perfect, and could still do with more thought, but it covers some important points:

  • the mana curve is efficient/low
  • most cards are run as playsets (4-ofs) to keep the deck consistent
  • the deck is just 60 cards
  • there’s a good selection of turn-1 plays
  • the cards work well with one-another
  • the lands enter untapped, so you don’t lose tempo
  • the deck has ways to both pressure the opponent while also disrupting them

Raven_of_Arella on Eternal Vampires II

7 months ago

DarkKiridon thank you for the suggestions. I really wish Stromkirk Captain was Pioneer legal as he is an old favorite of mine. I definitely plan to add Fatal Push to my deck in place of Fake Your Own Death. I am going to keep looking at what vampire to swap my Sanguinary Mage for as it just recently replaced Furyblade Vampire. I am considering Child of Night (old fav) or Vampire of the Dire Moon or Vampire Cutthroat or Indulgent Aristocrat. Sanguinary mage isn't the right fit though. I am also considering Falkenrath Perforator as it is a more guaranteed way to ensure my opponent takes damage so I can trigger Vampire Socialite when I play vampires in my 2nd main phase. The lifelink will help ensure my opponent a quick life drain from Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose.

DreadKhan on Power Word Death

10 months ago

I'm pretty sure you want to run Dark Ritual x4 in here, it's a really good card in Legacy mono-Black and you're very light on 1 drops. It's higher budget, but you might want to replace some of your removal spells with Liliana of the Veils, these can do more than just kill a creature, potentially helping vs other decks.

Since you have so many 4 drops, have you considered Phyrexian Totem? This is very good with a heavier removal package and if a Black deck wants to cast some 4 drops. It's really sweet to play a Dark Ritual on turn one to cheat out a Phyrexian Totem, and you can still use the B mana the Totem can make, so if you added more 1 drops, such as Vampire of the Dire Moon or Vampire Cutthroat.

You might also look into replacing some of your removal with Murderous Riders, these offer both a removal spell and a body in one card, and it can hit a PW in a pinch.

DreadKhan on Claim The Dark

11 months ago

You probably want to add a ton of 1 drops to this, a few you might try out are Falkenrath Gorger, Falkenrath Pit Fighter, and Indulgent Aristocrat. There are also options like Vampire of the Dire Moon and Knight of the Ebon Legion that are probably better but cost more. I think running less than 8 spells that are good turn 1 plays is going to put you behind every game, Modern is a pretty aggressive format in most areas.

People do sometimes run 4 drops in Modern, and rarely higher MV stuff, but 6 drops are a lot of mana, and half the opponent's life might not matter enough if you play it late (half of 10 is a lot smaller of an effect than half of 20), so I feel like you shouldn't run more than x1 Blood Tribute, if any.

If you're very 'all in' on aggro, I feel like Curse of Stalked Prey will feel more playable than Curse of Shaken Faith, those +1/+1 counters add up quickly, while later game people are less likely to double spell. I could see Shaken Faith showing up in a sideboard, but it seems like a strange card in the main deck.

I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but Balustrade Spy seems like a terrible card in here, do you have some synergies with self-mill, or are you hopping to force your opponent to draw lands maybe? I think there are better cards than this. If you have enough life gain effects you could try either/or Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose or Marauding Blight-Priest, either is pretty unpleasant if you've got a bunch of lifelink vampires (Gifted Aetherborn and Vampire Cutthroat are 2 more that are solid, though Vito can give your board Lifelink by himself fwiw).

DreadKhan on Red/Black Vamp & Wolf

11 months ago

I'm not very experienced with Modern, but I think there are a few pointers that I can give you.

Your curve should be more to the left, most Modern decks run plenty of 1 drops, Black Vampires have Vampire of the Dire Moon, Indulgent Aristocrat, Pulse Tracker, Vampire Cutthroat, Knight of the Ebon Legion, and Vicious Conquistador, some budget and some not. Red has Voldaren Stinger, Falkenrath Pit Fighter and Falkenrath Gorger, those last two play together pretty well and are quite exploitable, there are some other vampires that care about discard effects. I think those are all Modern legal, maybe something will work for you!

As a general rule, if you almost always want at least 1 copy of a card in your opening hand then it should probably be a run at x4. Most people try to run quite a few x4s of key cards, this tends to make a deck quite a bit stronger. You can certainly run less copies of a card, x3 is for stuff you really want but don't necessarally want 2 copies of, 2 seems right for stuff you are fine with not drawing every game, but would like to draw in longer games (bigger creatures/spells are often 2 ofs), people often use singleton copies of cards that they usually don't want to draw or never want to see in their opening hand. There is a fair bit of artistry to getting the ratios of cards 'just right', so I hope some of those tips are useful. I think Good Morning Magic (a Magic Youtube channel) had a video on how to know how many of a card to put in a deck, the guy behind the channel is one of Magic's designers. I can't properly link, but is the vid.

I had a vampire deck for awhile, it was Legacy and ran a x4s of Vampire of the Dire Moon, Gifted Aetherborn, Vampire Nighthawk and Gatekeeper of Malakir, these offered some pretty good board control. I'm not sure if you have enough board interaction effects, there are also endless Black spells that remove creatures. There is also Nighthawk Scavenger, which is probably better than the old Nighthawk. This might tie into my other thought, your deck would probably be stronger if you leaned harder into a specific typal theme, there are a few Zombies and other types in here. If you do lean into just Vampires or just Zombies there are quite a few fairly strong cards that really care about those types, these can make good finishers, stuff like Bloodline Keeper  Flip can quickly take over a game.

A final point, most decks really want more cards. You might not want to buy x2 or x3 of The One Ring, but Phyrexian Arena is an old standby, it's much better in a Vampire deck because you can recover via lifelink. There are also cards like Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper.

vorpalaxe on Vampires, vorpalaxe

1 year ago

Bumping the thread because it is updated with the new Markov Baron. Other improvements also make this my favorite deck. I am sure Vampire Cutthroat in the sideboard could be something better, but I am not sure what. Let me know what you think! Thanks =)

amicdeep on

1 year ago

guessing your trying to stay budget so will try to keep that in mind in recommendations

Dauthi Voidwalker unlockable, utilises discarded cards, alows you to steal opponents removal and tempo plays. run 4

Thieves' Guild Enforcer play a couple of rogues and shes a 3/2 deathtouch for 1. ideal 1 drop run 4

Changeling Outcast strictly better than boggart or stinger, run 4

Vampire Cutthroat runs better than boggart or stigger most of the time, use as extra 1drop if needed

Bad Moon you have only one load effect, this doubles your lord run 3-4

lands Castle Locthwain run 2-3 Hive of the Eye Tyrant run 2-3

as your a creature deck sometimes you get wiped an need to rebuild (this is not a budget card) Agadeem's Awakening  Flip run 1-2 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire literally no downside and makes the deck slightly better, run 1

if you have a land slot left unused Ifnir Deadlands also exists and is solid removal in the late game.

you ideally need some more and better removal literally anything. a mix of Victim of Night, Eliminate, Infernal Grasp, Bloodchief's Thirst

in an ideal world you'd also run 4 Bitterblossom (if you do run 4 Morsel Theft which you should be running 4 of anyway the 6 life shift on a cantrip for 2 is on of the main reasons to run rogues)

cards to drop. Oona's Prowler, Frogtosser Banneret, Noggin Whack, Defile, Prickly Boggart. all have better options for the slot

i also find that Earwig Squad tends to do much better in the sideboard (its an excellent hate card agaisnt some decks but a bit useless against others)

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