Valeron Wardens

Creature — Human Monk

Renown 2 (When this creature deals combat damage to a player, if it isn't renowned, put two +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes renowned.)

Whenever a creature you control becomes renowned, draw a card.

Keepper on Gorgeous Girls Deck(list)

5 years ago

@ Double00Riser added Valeron Wardens and Liability

@ PriestessKikyo1 added Quirion Dryad

@ Peppermint_James724 I decided not to include Oona, Queen of the Fae . The art is really good but the sexiness is low.

@ Glaciercold Added all recommendations!

@ Hawk_of_Battle Added all recommendations

Ryjo on Keyword Idea: Preparation

6 years ago

Renown isn't just 1 +1/+1 counter, it's formatted as Renown N. Just look at Rhox Maulers/Citadel Castellan/Outland Colossus/Valeron Wardens.

TheVectornaut on Green/white casual counter deck

7 years ago

You have a lot of competing +1/+1 mechanics going on here. While they can certainly coexist and synergize, focusing in on 1 or 2 may make the deck more cohesive during play.

Strategy 1 is using the renown mechanic to make cheaper creatures into huge threats. Having some way to guarantee that damage will get through is something I'd personally add. Some cheap options are Whispersilk Cloak and Rogue's Passage. If you go that route, I'd up the number of the stronger renowned creatures like Topan Freeblade, Outland Colossus, Valeron Wardens, and War Oracle in lieu of running the maximum variety.

Strategy 2 is using the outlast mechanic and other stuff from the Khans block to create aggressive synergies with +1/+1 counters. In addition to Abzan Falconer, I'd want Abzan Battle Priest, Ainok Bond-Kin, Herald of Anafenza, and Tuskguard Captain. Some other supporting cards include Hardened Scales, Servant of the Scale, and High Sentinels of Arashin. Note that if you have a lot of targeting instants and sorceries like Reap What Is Sown, you can also benefit from the heroic mechanic with creatures like Phalanx Leader, Fabled Hero, and Hero of Leina Tower.

Strategy 3 is going all in on the big bad hydras with all other cards just being a foundation for the bombs. Despite how cool Phytohydra can be, I don't think G/W is the best color pair for a deck with this aim in mind. I'm a fan of going G/U for simic shenanigans, but mono-green works fine as well. Besides creatures with evolve like Simic Manipulator, blue gives access to cards like Lorescale Coatl, Zameck Guildmage, Fathom Mage, Sage of Hours, and Vorel of the Hull Clade. Green also has Gyre Sage, Hooded Hydra, Solidarity of Heroes, Polukranos, World Eater, Scourge of Skola Vale, Genesis Hydra, Vastwood Hydra, Lifeblood Hydra, and Protean Hydra. While much more expensive, Kalonian Hydra and Primordial Hydra tend to be considered the best hydras.

Well, that's all the stuff that comes to mind right now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

zandl on SOI Standard Poor-Man Challenge: Round …

8 years ago

@Tsarius: According to the game logs which I save, your graveyard had contained 3 card types (enchantment, creature, and land). This was from a Vessel of Nascency. Your Thraben Gargoyle  Flip either needed to die or you needed to rip some fourth type and get it into the graveyard. With 3 types in the bin, though, a reasonable opponent would not force you to block with the artifact creature, granting you an active Tooth Collector and Obsessive Skinner. So they sat as you unfortunately drew lands and more creatures (together, the overwhelming majority of cards you could've seen). In the meantime (the picture from game-2 was only turn-7), the Elf deck constructed that board without needing to swing in, with the Tajuru Warcaller in-hand and building up for a blowout with that.

@DaftVader: Game logs show that your deck ran alright and you did get in for some damage (almost winning game-1, actually, before the Retreats took over), but the game descriptions stuck true to what happened. The removal showed up for Elude (the deck plays 20 different spells to kill your 28, after all) and the Retreat to Hagras staved off the damage of whatever small creatures were left over. I, of all people, appreciate the power of Valeron Wardens, but they never had a chance to trigger for value.

I'll fix the names and a few other minor things I found after work tomorrow, but yeah, you guys.

It's a friendly deck-building challenge that costs nothing to take part in (aside from my patience and time). It's a semi-annual community bonding event that yeaGO donates a boatload of Feature Tokens to.

mr_funk on Multiplayer G/W splash shenanigans

8 years ago

i would recommend against Brimaz, King of Oreskos because it will kill the copies when it has myriad. and for that matter, all the "when ~ attacks..." triggers dont happen for the miriad copy since they enter already attacking, so i would shift to a more "when ~ does damage to a player.." effects. i really like the idea of Hydra Omnivore with myriad. that is pretty awesome.

side idea: creatures with Renown. you get the trigger when it deals damage, and you could use Valeron Wardens to draw mad cards.

otherwise, Slith Predator, Slith Ascendant, Spawnwrithe, sword of ___ (basically any of them), Wayfaring Temple, Augury Adept, Blinding Angel, Caustic Wasps, Celestial Mantle, Dawning Purist, Lightwielder Paladin, Living Hive!!!, Ohran Viper, Precinct Captain, Quietus Spike, and Relic Seeker .. to name a few. also, all the old inistrad vampires like Bloodcrazed Neonate have that interaction as well, although you arent playing red.

and with this "whenever ~ deals damage to a player.." trigger, you could use stuff like Rancor or Primal Rage

or you could use cards with Exalted like Sublime Archangel because the trigger happens on declaration of attack before the copies come in with myriad.

DroseraC on

8 years ago

To me, it seems like your attempted central theme is +1/+1 counters. I will guess that your "budget" is to stay under $50 total cost, so I'll try to suggest things that aren't expensive. And I'll also try to keep the color scheme, but I'll suggest things you may want to consider splashing for. I'm also going to avoid Khans/Fates cards because they're rotating very soon.

Loam Larva is not great for constructed. It puts the land on top of your library and kills your tempo. I would remove all 4. Mage-Ring Bully might make it in a Prowess deck, but you aren't that. Ditch him. Prickleboar, Rhox Maulers, Tajuru Pathwarden and Valeron Wardens aren't optimal, but aren't terrible. I'd suggest removing them, though. Territorial Baloth probably isn't the best either since you're not trying to abuse landfall. Removing all of these gives us 10 open creature slots. For your non-creatures, Act of Treason can be good but is typically a side-board card. Having it in your mainboard means it'll just sit in your hand against a control deck. Demolish isn't that great either, and there are better cards for what you're probably doing with it. Lightning Javelin and Touch of the Void are really bad burn choices, they should go. Ruin in Their Wake isn't a good choice unless you have a lot of Wastes - of which you have 0. Out it goes. Zendikar's Roil is like the Baloth, it's not awful but you're not really bringing the right cards to support it. It should go. This gives us seven noncreature slots.

I'd suggest looking in to running 4x Saddleback Lagacs. They're a pretty good Support creature. Bump up your count of Goblin Freerunners because getting a 3/2 Menace for 1R is pretty great, even if you have to surge it.

So, budget creatures you could look in to to fill those 10 slots above could be Servant of the Scale, Rot Shambler and Baloth Pup. They all interact with +1/+1 counters which you're getting from Support spells like Lagac, Nissa's Judgment and Gladehart. Some rares that could work, but are still pretty low cost, would be Undergrowth Champion, Oran-Rief Hydra and Outland Colossus. And of course, more Mana gorger Hydras wouldn't be a bad thing.

Noncreature spells that might work well are Inspiring Call which doubles as a combat trick and a draw spell. Natural Connection or Explosive Vegetation are better ramp spells, respectively because they're Instant or because they dig up more land than Ruin in their Wake does. Retreat to Kazandu might be nice, too, since it gives you a repeatable source of +1/+1 counters to distribute as you'd like. Finally, Sunbringer's Touch might give you a game-ender spell by allowing you to bolster, then swing through with a board of tramplers. Your burn spells would probably be better off as Fiery Impulse. Even if you're not reliably getting Spell Mastery quickly, the fact that they're instant is a huge bonus and it's easy enough to get 4x of them. And, of course, more Nissa's and another Chandra or two wouldn't be terrible.

Obviously, I understand that you're posting what you currently have. I'm just trying to suggest things that are inexpensive and would work with the kind of cards you seem to already be trying.

Malvion on Deck Help - Selesnya Renown

8 years ago

You're not going to be consistently casting double white/double green on turn 2. Try Valeron Wardens? They're pretty good for a renown deck. Also, maybe Make a Stand against board wipes.

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