Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Legendary Land

Each land is a Swamp in addition to its other land types.

EDH 78 / 111
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician feature for Yawgs Win cEDH
EDH 0 / 0
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth feature for Swamp

Profet93 on The Inevitable Annihilation

1 week ago


Love your updates, I enjoy reviewing your deck.

Have you considered Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth for synergy with newly added Mana Web to deal with blue players and help 2 of your lands? Or does the potential benefit to the opponent heavily outweigh the limited synergies noted above?

UltimateRoxas40 on Kakariko Graveyard Tour™️[Primer]

2 weeks ago

Since you've retired your Lord Windgrace, you could potentially include him in this deck. Not only would he also put cards into the graveyard that Coram can then play, but he can also pseudo-ramp you by allowing you to play lands out of your graveyard that may have been self-milled away.

Also, since you've got both Anger and Brawn, you could also run Filth just to continue the cycle. If you do, maybe swap out a land for Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth.

Overall, looks fun! I ended up rebuilding my own Lord Windgrace, but with the release of The Necrobloom, he might end up getting shelved again haha.

MrSilk on Bridge to Sanctuary - Land Prison/Punishment

2 weeks ago

nuperokaso These are outstanding suggestions.

The Ornithopter is really just a free flying dork so its removable.

Board the Weatherlight is mostly there to snag Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth or Ensnaring Bridge depending on if I need to tutor for Karma (for the urborg + karma combo).. Or if my opponent is beating me down with creatures

Knight of the White Orchid or Loyal Warhound are great suggestions. I was also thinking about Weathered Wayfarer to do something similar

I also really like Roiling Vortex and its interaction with Personal Sanctuary.. I've never actually seen that card.

I would love to have more prison/lockdown pieces in here somewhere too.

In my notes "possible upcoming changes" that I made last time I looked into updating the list, I kind of noticed a few things in testing which back up what you're suggesting, but I never actually made the changes to the list.

Id love it if you made your own version of this decklist and shared it with me. I think it could be a really fun list to play! Thanks for the suggestions!

TheFallingWhale on Sheoldred Shadowborn

1 month ago

is there any real point to the Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth you only have 2 lands that aren't already swamps

DreadKhan on bungo

1 month ago

I'm not super familiar with Zombie decks (and have zero experience with Crime decks), but I think I can spot a few cards that you could probably cut for something better. Brain Pry seems like it'd be embarrassing to cast, I'd cut this unless you want actively bad cards (I keep them in some decks so I know when I'm drawing truly awful, but it's very suboptimal). Crippling Fear seems pretty small when there is Kindred Dominance and even Necromantic Selection, either of these is a much bigger, beefier effect. Diabolic Tutor is not a very good card IMHO, if you have access to large amounts of mana potentially (and you do from multiple sources) Diabolic Revelation is a much bigger, better effect, I like to run it with Emergence Zone. Gravestorm is a pretty uneven card if your Commander isn't out, I'd cut this for Phyrexian Arena, your Commander comes out late and resolving Arena on turn 3 feels amazing, if you miss 2 or 3 free cards you might not even be able to cast Gisa. I feel like I'd run Sadistic Hypnotist over Cabal Therapist, even at 5 mana the effect is so much stronger. I might be missing something with Hunted Bonebrute, it's not a Zombie, and Hunted Horror exists, offering a much stronger political play. I usually like Keen Duelist, but your MV might not be high enough to support this kind of effect, in general you should be regularly walloping your opponent with huge MV stuff to justify this. I guess if you throw in Kindred Dominance and/or Necromantic Selection Duelist gets a bit better, but your MV probably needs to be closer to 4 or this will just give free cards to opponents unless your Commander is out (and people are going to be wiping you a lot I suspect). Unless you throw an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in I don't know if Oblivion Sower is good enough, ymmv. If you already have it by all means keep it in, but I feel like Urza's Incubator is not a very good card in here? You have a lot of mana requirements, and your zombies aren't especially big overall, I'd switch this for Sceptre of Eternal Glory if possible.

This is a bit out in left field, but can you imagine if you have Zombie Trailblazer out with your Commander and an Amulet of Vigor? That's infinite, right? Not sure if you want infinites or not, just wanted to mention it (because it'd be a sweet combo because you'd still need Haste or your Altar of Dementia, so it'd still be a 'look out next turn!' thing at 3 cards).

Generally I'd say discard effects are a lot less powerful the less of them you use, but I get that you want to commit crimes in here, perhaps you could look into repeatable removal sources? Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief is a budget card that can commit a crime for BB, and if you have extra mana you can also pump Drana while killing off Blockers. You might also try out Transmogrifying Wand, this can commit 3 very useful crimes, 2/4 vanillas are about as useful as floppy carrots in Commander, especially compared to 3 of the best creatures on the board (which you can reanimate I guess, since it's a Destroy effect). There is always good old Royal Assassin, this is SO MUCH better than Urza's Glasses in practice, and it's only BB more to make a gigantic impact on the board.

Here's some stuff you might consider adding, Night's Whisper is a very good low-to-the-ground card draw effect, as is Sign in Blood, both can help you get your Commander out on time more consistently. Sign can even be used to finish off a vulnerable opponent in a pinch. You also might be curious about War Room and Bonders' Enclave, both are lands that can draw, very useful with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth.

Sorry if I missed some synergies, I like the idea of this deck but am a bit agog at how much this Commander can do if properly supported, Ward seems like major overkill! Have fun out there!

CickNason on Prosshy Prossh

2 months ago

I would add more mana dorks: Ignoble Hierarch adds Jund colors and gives exalted as a bonus Deathrite Shaman acts as graveyard hate and can drain/gain at instant speed on on top of exiling any lands from anyone's graveyard for mana of any color also at instant speed. Delighted Halfling adds colorless or any color for legendary creatures and makes them uncounterable.

I would also add more aristocrat/sacrifice effects: Korvold, Fae-Cursed King crazy draw engine with sac synergy and a potential one-shot kill if he gets big enough Mahadi, Emporium Master generates treasures EOT based on how many creatures died, setting you up for big plays in the coming turns Pitiless Plunderer generates treasures whenever another creature you control dies immediately Chatterfang, Squirrel General basically a 3 mana Parallel Lives. Goes infinite with Pitiless Plunderer 1.Activate Chatterfang by paying b and sacrificing two other Squirrels. 2.The Squirrels die, triggering Pitiless Plunderer twice, creating two Treasure tokens and two 1/1 Squirrel tokens. 3.Activate a Treasure token by tapping and sacrificing it, adding b. 4.Repeat. 5.Resolve all Chatterfang abilities, causing any number of target creatures to get +2/-2 until end of turn any number of times. This gives you: Infinite colored mana. Infinite death triggers. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite Treasure tokens. Reduce all opponents' creatures to 0 toughness.

Some pay off for sacrificing Mirkwood Bats, Blood Artist, Garna, Bloodfist of Keld & Poison-Tip Archer are good win condition for infinite sac outlet effects

Some better tutor effects: You can replace Diabolic Tutor for some other options below Diabolic Intent Tutor for 2 mana for any card with an additional sac requirement for sac effect synergies Demonic Tutor The OG best tutor Diabolic Revelation You wanna be cheeky? If you have big mana you can dump it all to grab multiple pieces to win the game

Some ramp effects: Cultivate & Kodama's Reach puts one to hand one to battlefield Nature's Lore & Three Visits puts any forest card onto the battlefield Entish Restoration is a new card that is better than harrow because you sacrifice a land on the resolution of the spell rather than paying the additional cost upfront, which makes it more safe from a feels-bad counterspells which puts you down a land. If you have a big enough creature you get 3 basics to the field all at instant speed as well. Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip is a pet card of mine which allows you to search for a basic and when you have 7 lands she flips and generate lands and card draw for pretty much free. Oracle of Mul Daya Allows you to play an additonal land every turn and allows to play them off the top of your library. If you dont see a card you like you can shuffle it away with a fetch land to try to get another off the top.

Better Lands: Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth & Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are must includes allowing all your lands tap for B/G respectively in addition to your other colors. The pain lands Llanowar Wastes, Karplusan Forest & Sulfurous Springs are cheap dual lands that give you all your colors The reveal lands Game Trail, Foreboding Ruins & Necroblossom Snarl are also good cheaper options which give you dual colors The shocklands Blood Crypt, Overgrown Tomb & Stomping Ground are fetchable and come into play untapped for a measley 2 life are some of the best lands in the game Verdant Catacombs is the last fetch of your color not included. I would include it if you could because it allows all three of your fetches to fetch any of your shocks or battlelands. You can also include other Fetchlands as well such as Arid Mesa, Misty Rainforest etc to fetch because they can fetch for one of the jund colors of lands at least, however, they aren't as efficient Ziatora's Proving Ground is a must include because you can fetch it out and it taps for jund as well as cycle if it comes too late. If you don't have a turn one play you can fetch it out as your best land with no plays.

Hopefully this helps

SufferFromEDHD on The Abyss

3 months ago

Cabal Interrogator tech! Well played. Ill-Gotten Gains is my Tergrid tech.

That Maze of Ith needs Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth.

Deserted Temple is always nice alongside utility.

Tyrite Sanctum Tergrid wears a target. This solves most problems.

Blighted Fen perhaps.

HeavenlyAxe on

3 months ago

Hey Indie,

First off I really like the lands you have assembled and the suggestions from SufferFromEDHD are all good.

You are definitely going to want an artifact ramp package.

Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, Arcane Signet, Fellwar Stone, Gilded Lotus, Thran Dynamo

Special Mention to Nyx Lotus, it could be good being in mono black. and Jeweled Lotus, pays for your commander for free on turn 1 even.

Sword of the Animist is not bad ramp at all and buffs yours rats

Commander's Plate might be cute.

Liliana of the Dark Realms, makes sure you always get a land drop and could make your swamps tap for four.

Chittering Witch if your playing with more opponents.

Crypt Ghast is sort of ramp, but doubles your swamps. Very good in mono black.

Dauthi Voidwalker is not on theme at all but is just sooo much value in a two cost card I have to recommend it.

God-Eternal Bontu is excellent draw power in the right situation.

Dont forget you can run any number of Relentless Rats

Gray Merchant of Asphodel will heal you up a lot and hurt your opponents

Krav, the Unredeemed is also great card draw.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, has card draw, removal, and proliferate all on one card

Deadly Rollick, potentially free removal

Defile, cheap good removal

Thrilling Encore saves you from a board wipe or lets you bring everything back after sacrificing it all to like God-Eternal Bontu

Phyrexian Arena some ok card draw.

Bojuka Bog if you are worried about graveyards

Mutilate, a good board wipe in mono black

Night's Whisper, Read the Bones, Sign in Blood, are a great draw package for mono black

Toxic Deluge a great board wipe for when things need resetting, and you could follow with Thrilling Encore and get it all back

Syphon Mind is great draw if your playing with more players

Victimize - is really really strong, get rid of one weak thing for two of your best things

Yawgmoth's Will - lets you treat your graveyard like your hand for a turn

Lord Skitter, Sewer King makes rats

Marrow-Gnawer - lets you make lots of rats

Infectious Inquiry - good draw and gives poison

Ogre Slumlord - makes rats when your creatures or your opponents creatures die.

Tangled Colony - if your opponent has to block it or it dies to like Blasphemous Act will make you rats

Vraska's Fall removal and poison counter

Drown in Ichor removal and poison

Bontu's Monument all your creatures cost less

Rat Colony can have any number and they buff themselves, and cost less mana than Relentless Rats

Typhoid Rats deathtouch rat opponents wont want to block

Crypt Rats can board wipe but can also win the game if you give it infect, doesnt work with your commander because toxic specifies combat damage but does work if you give it infect and deal damage with it's ability.

Ratcatcher tutors rats, and gives you card advantage

Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm - buffs your rats and lets you get rats back

Wave of Rats has blitz and reanimates itself

Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni rat that steals opponents stuff

Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion rat that steals opponents stuff

Adaptive Automaton is a rat and buffs rats

Okiba-Gang Shinobi rat makes opponents discard and has ninjutsu

Filth gives all your rats swampwalk pairs well with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Dark Ritual lets your get a head start or some extra mana a turn you need it

Tainted Strike instant speed infect, funny in multiplayer because you can use it on anyone's creatures.

Phyresis Outbreak gives poison and might kill opponents creatures

Feed the Swarm enchantment removal in black

Vat Emergence gets a creature back and proliferates

Spread the Sickness destroys a creatures and proliferates

Pact of the Serpent strong tribal card draw

Living Death swap graveyards with battlefields, great after sacrificing your whole board to draw cards

Skullclamp sack small rats for card draw

Thrumming Stone if you go the Relentless Rats or Rat Colony route

Coat of Arms your rats will be huge

Bolas's Citadel this card is dumb lol, lots of casting power and then you hit Gray Merchant of Asphodel and keep going lol

Icon of Ancestry kinda draw buffs rats...is ok

Contagion Engine proliferate twice each time you activate

Eldrazi Monument gives creatures flying indestructible and +1/+1

Grafted Exoskeleton gives a creature infect, great with Crypt Rats

Sword of Truth and Justice proliferate sword

Bad Moon buff all black creatures, opponents too

Phyresis gives infect again good with Crypt Rats

Greed card draw

Vraska, Betrayal's Sting proliferate planes walker

I know that's a lot but hopefully gave you some ideas to work with!

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