Unravel the Aether


Choose target artifact or enchantment. Its owner shuffles it into his or her library.

soul_knightmare on

1 year ago

Small upgrade but swap the Naturalize and Wear Away for Return to Nature, Nature's Claim, or Unravel the Aether.

Tyrant-Thanatos on Your Cheap Obscure Overperformers?

1 year ago

Stave Off - This card just does everything. It's so easy to miss that this can target creatures other than just the ones you control, and it makes a world of difference. Prevent buffs, debuffs, swing the tide of combat, the shear number of options this affords me feels nuts. I have a very hard time saying no to this in any deck with white.

Supreme Will - Choose between Mana Leak or Impulse for just 1 more. When I'm holding up untapped Islands in blue, there are two options I want: Interaction, or Card Advantage. This gives me both in a single card.

Priest of the Blood Rite - Setting aside my love of the way the mechanics and flavor tie together in this card; this thing is really easy to abuse. Sac and reanimate, flicker or blink, you can lay down a lot of 5/5 flyers with this faster than people expect.

Unravel the Aether/Deglamer - Shuffling things back into my opponents deck is often worse for them than destroying. By now there are a fair handful of "better than Naturalize" cards, but these two are my favorites, and are often met with sighs from opponents that would rather have been Krosan Grip'd than this.

TempestArmor on Swing, Batter, Batter

2 years ago

Looking good! Be sure to level out your ramp situation... you are playing green, after all. Your commander is 5 mana, so run 3 cmc ramp! Thoughts on Yasharn, Implacable Earth? Speaking of, you need some artifact/enchantment removal. If you're winning with commander damage, Nature's Claim, Return to Nature, and Krosan Grip come to mind. Unravel the Aether gets rid of pesky indestructible ones, and Sawtusk Demolisher does the thing and also boosts up Sigarda. I think Sram, Senior Edificer fits better than half the draw you've got already. Don't forget about regular removal (and also graveyard hate)! There's plenty in white. There's some fun exalted and soulbond stuff that might have a home here! Vigilance and trample (and indestructible) are going to be Sigarda's best friends.

Nysten on Hapatra, Venomous

2 years ago

Note to self: Return to Nature or Unravel the Aether for Nature's Claim (or not, unsure) // Veil of Summer for Deathreap Ritual or Talisman of Resilience (or not, unsure)

NinjaKitty778 on Fight With The Power Of Ten (Exalted)

3 years ago

Hello! Thanks for the comment on my deck! I'll see what I can do.

Ok so I see a lot in the way of aggro and not a lot of answers to problems. Don't get me wrong, dedicated aggro decks can be devastating; but they need to be quick and those cards are almost exclusively in red. This deck looks like it kicks off around turn 3-5 so we want to be able to do stuff in the early game. Bant is a color scheme that lends itself well to defensive tactics rather than harming opponents; this can take the form of protection, buffing creatures, or stalling until our game-plan can get off the ground. Now at the end of the day that game-plan is still "turn creatures sideways", so we want to make sure that the creatures we select are aggressive; but, the control colors in our deck (white and blue) can provide us with a fair amount of answers to problems that we can use both early and mid game to ensure our victory.

So what we want from the deck is:

1) Board Control/Stall Tactics 2) Protection 3) Card Advantage 4) Aggressive creatures

Often times these categories can overlap. For example: a creature with hexproof. That fills the "aggressive creature" and "protection" categories so that means we're getting more value out of just that one card, which is what we want. Variety is both the spice of life and the answer to our deck-building conundrum. So we want to make sure that our card selection is refined. So lets break each category down.

Board Control/Stall Tactics

I love the options Bant gives us for board control. Green has a lot of artifact/enchantment removal, white has a lot of good spot removal in the form of "exile" which gets around that pesky indestructible ability, and blue often bounces things off the board or counters things. So what options are best? Honestly, its up to you. But remember that the more options that a card gives you the more value you get out of it. Here are a couple of my favorite board control cards in Bant:

Authority of the Consuls Bant Charm Cryptic Command Detention Sphere Disallow Dromoka's Command Exclude Krosan Grip Path to Exile Qasali Pridemage Remand Spell Pierce Unravel the Aether

That should give you enough options to play with and see which ones you like best.


Protection spells are many and can come in many different forms, but ultimately it comes down to making sure our permanents stay permanent. For us this is most likely gonna be about protecting our creatures. Some of my favorite protection spells in Bant are:

Fog Gods Willing Grand Abolisher Heroic Intervention Mark of Asylum Shalai, Voice of Plenty Simic Charm

The longer our creature(s) stay on the field the more likely we are to win.

Card Advantage

This can either mean card draw, digging through our library, or just straight up tutoring. Some good options are:

Ardent Plea Brain storm Curiosity Eladamri's Call Gaea's Blessing Impulse Serum Visions Wargate

By giving ourselves card advantage, we can find solutions to problems a lot faster.

Aggressive Creatures

And finally we get to the bread and butter of the deck, the creatures. Now the mechanic we're working with is the Exalted mechanic, which states that if the player attacks with exactly one creature, then each card with Exalted (including the attacker) will grant that lone attacker +1/+1. This aggro tactic minimizes casualties in battle but doesn't reduce the armies strength during the attack phase. So the more instances of exalted we have the more powerful our lone attacker is. Here are some cards worth looking at into for this combat style:

Finest Hour Invisible Stalker Knight of Glory Noble Hierarch Rafiq of the Many Sublime Archangel

With these creatures at our disposal, opponents will often find it hard to outgrow our aggressive playstyle.

Now keep in mind that the exalted mechanic itself is very aggressive and simultaneously acts as the "buff" aspect of our defensive tactics that mentioned near the top. So we need little in the way actual buffing spells like Giant Growth; that leaves much more room open for including a lot more control and card advantage spells. Ultimately what you pick is up to you but try using the cards I've listed above as the basis of your card selection and go from there. Cross reference which cards fall into multiple categories for the best options possible. I don't want to just straight up give you a decklist, I want you to choose the cards yourself and make a deck that's entirely your own. I hope my longwinded advice helped LOL happy deck building.

Magic_Faqs on Elfzuri, claw of counters

3 years ago

I would remove Narset, Parter of Veils. Her static ability may come in handy, but her loyalty ability doesn't work with your deck since only 33% of the deck is noncreature, nonland. Instead, try running Guardian Project so you can get some more card draw.

I would remove Deconstruct and replace it with Beast Within. A free artifact removal spell sounds nice, but you lack serious removal spells. Beast Within offers flexibility and is fairly inexpensive. Unravel the Aether is another solid option that can remove indestructible artifacts/enchantments.

Next, take out Pelt Collector. It will take awhile for him to get big enough to become a serious threat, and even when he does it will be easy to kill him. Even a Fatal Push would kill him. Try replacing him with Evolving Wilds. This will raise your land count and also help with deck thinning.

You should consider removing Folio of Fancies. This really just helps all players and doesn't necessarily further your own agenda. Yes, it will give you card draw but it also helps give your opponents more opportunities to mess with your board. And with so much removal in the format, creature=based strategies can be fragile at times. Everyone is running board wipes. I'd substitute it with River's Rebuke. It's not a Cyclonic Rift, but can help still remove problem boards. Ensnare is a sweet option that you can play on someone's end step so you can swing in with beefed up elves.

Replace Planewide Celebration with Reap. The proliferation is nice, but you want at least some ways to get back key pieces from the graveyard. Reap can potentially be a whiff, but black is a popular color in Magic so it's possibly to get back a lot of cards with this cheap spells.

Finally, I would recommend removing Ezuri's Archers, Quest for Renewal, Personal Tutor and Hypnotic Sprite. The archers is an okay turn 1 play, but won't stack up to some flying threats. Quest for Renewal is an okay card, but in this deck it's kinda useless. You don't have instant speed ways to take advantage of the mana you are cashing in on other than Folio of Fancies. You run very few sorcery spells that really won't impact the game, so Personal Tutor is pretty underwhelming. Hypnotic Sprite is nice since it offers some flexibility as a counterspell, but the counter side is only good in the early game. If you're in the late game and someone plays a Damnation, you will want a Counterspell more than a Hypnotic Sprite. I would recommend replacing these with x3 Forests and Counterspell.

Hope this helps.

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