Undying Flames


Remove cards from the top of your library from the game until you remove a nonland card. Undying Flames deals damage to target creature or player equal to that card's converted mana cost.

Epic (For the rest of the game, you can't play spells. At the beginning of each of your upkeeps, copy this spell except for its epic ability. You may choose a new target for the copy.)

Orange+ on Pinball Wizard

2 years ago

Hey xram666, thanks for your suggestions :)

I have had a look at Endless Swarm, and also other potentially good epic cards like Eternal Dominion, Neverending Torment, and Undying Flames. My problem with these cards is that 1) I don't feel like its safe to cast them early, so if I happen to draw them to the first Golos, Tireless Pilgrim activation, its kind of a waste; and 2) they are a bit boring. I mean, if I play Neverending Torment, I wont be able to play any more big sorceries for the rest of the game. And playing big sorceries is kind of the point of this deck. That said, it could be really good, especially if I have a Reliquary Tower on the board, and have gotten to cast one of the draw spells. That should easily give me a hand of 15 cards.

I really like Feral Incarnation, and will probably add it right in :D. I've done the comparison on token producers really easy for myself (and maybe a bit stupidly), and I am currently just adding power together. So for most of my token spells, they add up to about 8, like Elemental Masterpiece, which is 4x2 in power. So since 3x3=9, it beats several of the ones I have included :)

The categories are a bit tangled, but I like them the way they are. Some spells are a bit hard to place, like Inspired Ultimatum and also Necrotic Hex, because they could have been placed in more than one category. What I've done is added them in the category which identifies why I'm playing the card. And in the case of Necrotic Hex, I'm playing it as a board wipe variation that is able to clear indestructible creatures. Might switch things around later on though, nothing is set in stone.

Hour of Reckoning is good, and I have thought about playing it, but I just barely felt like not doing it. I don't want to swap out a board wipe that doesn't kill Golos for it, and the ones that don't kill him have nice side effects, like killing all enchantments and artifacts or giving me tokens. It's also a bit scary to let tokens live when I know of quite a few decks that like to spam tokens. In many cases, those are the most important board wipes - Like if your playing against Krenko, Mob Boss, and he has created 300 goblin tokens, but they have summoning sickness and there's no sac outlet. I don't know.. I might have to think more about how well Hour of Reckoning would work in the deck.

king-saproling on The 轟音 of Frigid Flame & Scalding Frost.

4 years ago

To preface, chaos decks in general draw a lot of ire, especially when it is chaos for chaos's sake with no direction toward victory. I personally have no issue with the chaos style, though resolving a Warp World or Scrambleverse is definitely a chore haha. Anyway it looks like you aren't going for anything too egregious here, so you should be fine in the eyes of your opponents. Even so, I might describe the deck as "unique/oddball effects" rather than "chaos" just so opponents don't get the wrong idea and try to eliminate you first because they think your goal is Hive Mind + Undying Flames lol.

As far as the general, have you considered Arjun, the Shifting Flame ? He makes it so that every time you cast a spell, you get a new hand. Pretty chaotic if you ask me! You could fill the deck with unusual effects (like you've done here with Jhoira) so that neither you nor your opponents will know whats coming next. Tasigur, the Golden Fang could be an interesting general as well, since the fact that an opponent chooses the card you get makes it both chaotic and interactive. Ruhan of the Fomori and Atla Palani, Nest Tender are pretty chaotic as well.

These cards might interest you: Chaos Wand , Mindmoil , Stolen Strategy , Charmbreaker Devils , Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar , Shared Fate , Telemin Performance , Proteus Staff , Endless Whispers , Infernal Genesis , Bottomless Pit , Thieving Amalgam , Evolutionary Leap , Oath of Druids

TheRedGoat on

6 years ago

Ya know, with Army of the Damned, Worst Fears, and Sorin's Vengeance available, I'm surprised you haven't splashed for black.

Also I recomend World at War among all other extra combat cards because it will rebound for the next turn. Undying Flames at least sounds like a funny card to kill with!

CaptSillva on Do The Goblin Wave

7 years ago

These are cards you should consider. Undying Flames is a crazy combo with this commander since it copies the epic trigger, Precursor Golem is a solid value card for this deck, Seize the Day is very strong and even more so if you can find a way to give vigilance or untap your creatures for more combats, Twinflame and Heat Shimmer will double up your creatures and allow you to alpha strike your opponents.

CaptSillva on Zada, Hedron Grinder

7 years ago

You could try out Precursor Golem and Undying Flames.

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