Undercity Sewers

Land — Island Swamp

(: Add or .)

Undercity Sewers enters the battlefield tapped.

When Undercity Sewers enters the battlefield, surveil 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your graveyard.)

Balaam__ on Reanimate, but I have no clue what im doing

1 month ago

Great effort for a youngster’s first foray into a daunting format. Much better than my first attempt.

A few suggestions that might work within the constraint of a tight budget:

•If you’re running , double down on the control aspect blue opens up. Countermagic is cheap (both mana wise and dollar wise) and crucial to sticking big plays. Your strategy should go something like ‘Play spell to get big creature into graveyard, play spell to get big creature out of graveyard, and keep a counterspell at the ready in case the opponent tries to interfere with that process.’

•Cut anything and everything that doesn’t directly contribute toward that gameplan. Try to ignore those ‘But I really like this card’ thoughts, and pay attention to the increased consistency this will net you.

•A specific observation I would make is that you don’t have anywhere near enough mana at your disposal. Aim for at least 22 lands in the deck. You won’t be hardcasting any 5+ cmc spells, true, but you absolutely must have mana at the ready when you need it or it’s basically game over. Incidentally, consider something like Drowned Catacomb instead of Undercity Sewers. There are other fairly inexpensive options as well, and they function more reliably than a land that is guaranteed to enter tapped.

fluffyeel on What do you have that I cannot obtain?

1 month ago

Stealing things and caging is fun: I've seen a lot of degenerate things with Mairsil. That said, I have a few small suggestions:

Swing4Lethal on Esper Control 3.0

3 months ago

Hello again! I am back with some ideas that I have been working on. With the addition of the surveil lands, I am thinking of testing the deck at 27 lands with a copy of Undercity Sewers in place of Jwari Disruption  Flip, 99% of time that card is a land, and swapping the basic Island with a copy of Meticulous Archive. Both surveil lands are searchable from a Boseiju channel. I am curious to see how the Restless Reef has done for you. It occurred to me that, even though the Amalia combo shouldn't be a deck we should ever lose to, if they somehow manage to gain infinite life on us, the Reef can be our way to still win by milling them out. The new card from Thunder Junction Aven Interrupter seems like it may be a strong add to the sideboard for the mirror and against mid-ranged decks like Rakdos.