Uncaged Fury

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Uncaged Fury


Target creature gets +1/+1 and gains double strike until end of turn. (It deals both first-strike and regular combat damage.)

kamarupa on Hidetsugu Shakedown (Ogre tribal!)

2 years ago

wallisface First of all, I really appreciate all the time and thought you're giving this deck. I'm def still looking for better instants and sorceries and thinking about what you've written and how the deck can be faster, stronger, more efficient, resilient, etc. Generally, I'm the sort of player that wants to either protect my big threats or have a way to bring them out of the graveyard. Given graveyards may get exiled, possibly even more than once a game, protection seems the smarter gambit in this deck, but I don't see many great options like I'm used to with green and white. Can you tell why I'm not a black/red player, lol?

While Wrecking Ogre's best target is a Vessel, it's not the only target. It can just enter on it's own or it could target Shakedown Heavy. I believe opponents will have to take advantage of Heavy's card draw option before damage is assigned, so if it gets through, I'd have time to Bloodrush a Wrecking Ogre on it. Additionally, I can use the pumps on Wrecking Ogre, which makes it fairly scary. While 5 MV might seem high, for +3/+3 and double strike, 5 is the low end of possible costs. The only other two spells that do the same (or better) are Sangrite Surge & Embercleave, both of which are worse. There are some 3-drop spells that grant +1/+1 and double strike like Uncaged Fury, but +1/+1 doesn't help Vessel kill an opponent, and 3 MV is still a fairly high cost. (not 1MV)

I'd def like to be able to do something other than scry on T1, I just haven't found anything that synergizes. A fatal push t1 isn't always a great game plan.

In my playtests, the deck works decently. I'm certain it could be better. As I mentioned in the deck's description, there aren't a lot of great creature choices in the Ogre tribe. Wrecking Ogre is at least partly in because 1) it's not legendary, 2) It synergizes with with both my 3-drop threats, & 3) It's an ogre. Other Ogres I considered: Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos, Singe-Mind Ogre, Hellhole Flailer.

tru13 on LILIANA’S EMBRACE - Self-Mill Reanimator [Ret.]

4 years ago

Another card you wanna try a 1 or 2 of would be Uncaged Fury.

Alkadron on Sprite and Early

4 years ago


In my experience, Lotus Petal, Miscalculate, and Brainstorm are really underwhelming in this format. The conditions that make them great cards in other formats just aren't present in PDH most of the time.

Winged Words and Secrets of the Golden City are generally much better than Brainstorm.

Doublestrike spells are good enough that I'd consider running more of them, like Uncaged Fury.

Into the Roil is outstanding, I'm glad to see it on your list. Did you know there is another one?

Confound is a tiny bit more versatile than Keep Safe, since it can shut down your opponent putting auras on their stuff. Probably wise to run both.

Flow88 on A Better Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion

4 years ago


Yeah... Breach is bananas! Sad to see Uncaged Fury go to the maybe board... That card's solid. But I definitely can see the reason for including more protection!

DragonLordJippy on A Better Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion

4 years ago


Yes! Underworld Breach (in most all Decks it's featured) is bonkers. Secondly, Swat makes the cut... Replacing Uncaged Fury for now. Not a one-to-one swap, but I'm beginning to value the Protection more for this mid-range Combo Deck.

Harkus959 on Zada Gotta Lotta Gobs

4 years ago

I found that Loyal Apprentice and Legion Warboss make for good additions to a Zada deck, and have you thought about including Spellbook to guard against hand size?

I try to include Elixir of Immortality and Cranial Archive in draw heavy decks, just to protect against milling and to get back things I lose to hand size.

I can also suggest Uncaged Fury, while it is a little more expensive than Assault Strobe that +1/+1 across your board can more than make up the difference.

Loizo on Domri, Chaos Brawler

4 years ago

Arboreal Grazer and Glint-Horn Buccaneer are pretty weird/slow in this list in my opinion. I would recommand Ferocity of the Wilds and Ravager Wurm to replace them. It would make Return of the Wildspeaker and Uncaged Fury better too.

Now I'm not too sure but last I tried playing Domri, the 3-mana one from WAR always felt better. Ramp is always better as early as possible in the game, plus you avoid counterspells decks pretty easily ... And against other aggro matchups, the fight effect is better than just bigger/hasty creatures to win the race. Just my evaluation though, have fun with RAV Domri if you want !

Brawl on !

Spell_Slam on PDH(R) - Syr Carah the Bold

4 years ago

The deck looks great! I'm really excited to build my own version.

You have Flare, Solar Blast, Zap and Spark Jolt twice in your deck.

I don't think you can cycle Solar Blast from exile. You can't discard cards from exile.

Eternal Warrior is the cheapest way to give your commander Vigilance in Red. I'm not sure if it's worth running over equipment, but it is more efficient even if it is riskier.

Faithless Looting seems like a great option for you deck.

Empty the Warrens could also be strong in a deck full of cheap spells and rituals.

Pyromatics is maybe another good way to get some cheap triggers.

I wish there was a good way to manipulate the top of the deck more consistently than with Scry, like a Future Sight -type effect. Maybe Lens of Clarity with shuffle effects and Shenanigans ? Probably too cute.

You are running a large amount of X-spells. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but they are mana intensive, making it less likely that you'll be able to take advantage of the exiled cards after it. Meteor Shower seems particularly bad, and I could see Builder's Bane being more efficient as a Smash to Smithereens .

Seems like you still have lots of room to play in. Maybe you can afford to add in some Double-Strike spells? You talk about it, but I don't see any in your deck. Temur Battle Rage is usually the go-to, after that there's Uncaged Fury and Assault Strobe .

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