

At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player may pay 2 life. If they don't they return a permanent they control to its owner's hand.

TheBestMagicCard on Emrakul, the Promised End

2 weeks ago

Blood Clock and Umbilicus came out. I liked the experiment with The One Ring and the Eldrazi, but they're ultimately just too slow and janky.

Plus, now with so many new cards from MH3 I had to make room!

TheBestMagicCard on Emrakul, the Promised End

7 months ago

So, after all that conversation and consideration, I did end up putting Temple of the False God in a special land slot, which I think rebalanced the land base to like 38 technical lands, but 4 of them being "special" because they are conditional and/or don't always produce land.

Also, I ended up deciding to put The One Ring in, because it's busted, and the deck wanted more card-draw anyways.

Now, I had always wanted a way to recur Eldrazi triggered abilities, and had considered cards like Strionic Resonator, or Abstruse Archaic, but I never felt like they really quite cut it...

Another option would be to return Eldrazi to my hand and re-cast them with bounce effects, but in colorless that's a little bit limited. Erratic Portal has been in and out of this deck a lot through the years, sometimes I thought it was worth the condition and mana price, and sometimes I didn't... but it always kind of seemed like the best option even if not great... I had also always cosidered Umbilicus and Blood Clock, but never really thought they'd be good enough to include.

But once I decided to put The One Ring in, it made a little more sense to put Umbilicus and Blood Clock in, even though I think this is a little janky, the fact that it also synergizes with Eldrazi was a bonus... so then I decided to put the original Ulamog and Kozilek in too, which I had previously excluded, just because I thought the new ones were a little more versatile, and I thought that Annihilator is a cheap and OP mechanic... but now with 3 ways to bounce Eldrazi back to re-cast, as well as The One Ring synergy, it seemed like a more viable strat...

And then they printed Roaming Throne. I've included this in the decklist as an Eldrazi, even though it isn't actually Eldrazi, so doesn't get noticed by Eye of Ugin or Eldrazi Temple, but you choose Eldrazi type as it enters, so it is an Eldrazi on the battlefield, even thought there is currently nothing that really synergizes with Eldrazi creature type on the battlefield, except this card. This is the ideal copy-an-effect card for Eldrazi! All the titans have triggered abilities, and this just automatically copies them if you choose Eldrazi as it's type, for free, whenever an ability triggers! It's so good, and makes the other janky bounce cards even more worth including. Imagine Emrakul's cast trigger copied, or Annihilator triggers... It's so much better then Abstruse Archaic or Strionic Resonator ultimately, because it's free, and happens every time instead of having to tap for just one ability once...

So now, yeah, I'm bouncing Eldrazi to recast and get triggers, and copying those triggers, and I think it works... I like it!

Ultimately, I added Temple of the False God, The One Ring, Umbilicus, Bloodclock, Roaming Throne, and oh yeah, Collector's Vault, because it's card draw, and discard, and makes treasures... Still trying it out, but it seems p versitile...

legendofa on Help me torture

1 year ago

Hand = hurting: Black Vise, Ebony Owl Netsuke, Iron Maiden, Misers' Cage, Sword of War and Peace

Bounce: Blood Clock, Crystal Shard, Surgical Skullbomb, Umbilicus

Standard stax/tax effects: Smokestack, Tangle Wire, Winter Orb, Thorn of Amethyst, God-Pharaoh's Statue, Damping Sphere, Trinisphere, Sphere of Resistance, Cursed Totem, Static Orb, Meekstone, Norn's Annex, Mindlock Orb

Artifact creatures with these effects: Viseling, Neurok Replica, Esper Sentinel

Pulled mostly from EDHrec, and I only hit the highlights.

gdm1989 on Spirited Away

1 year ago

if you want to piss them off more and abuse etb look up Blood Clock, and Umbilicus bounce and spirits :)

DreadKhan on Barrin's Megrim Mindfuck

1 year ago

Not sure if you're looking to tweak this, but I feel like Warped Devotion + Megrim would enjoy Umbilicus, might make a nice reserve Barin.

I also like Bottomless Vault, which clears out people's hands, Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage both clears cards and punishes for a small hand, while Folio of Fancies might be handy to make your opponent has a card to pitch.

Evolving Wilds might be nice, it can find either a swamp or island, making you safer from Blood Moon and it's ilk, if you face such cards.

My final suggestion would just be to trim a few cards out, getting it back down to 60 usually helps a deck.

Cool deck!

Cheifettues on Cass-a-cading Animar

2 years ago


I agree that modal counter spells are not wasted. Iv’e got Mystic Confluence and I am going to add Supreme Will and Archmage's Charm.

I quite like cards that return perms to the hand. It can benefit me as well under the right conditions. Came across Umbilicus. Going to play test and see how it fits.

On that front, there is also Cyclonic Rift. I’m reminded of all the hate ppl get for this card whenever I bring up putting it in the 99. Is it really that bad compared to... say In Garruk's Wake.

I am also going to replace Mirri's Guile with Sylvan Library. Card draw and potential top decking seems more optimal.

I will need to keep looking for a board wipe that I am fine cascading into. That is the draw back I have.


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