Ulvenwald Hydra

Creature — Hydra


Ulvenwald Hydra's power and toughness are each equal to the number of lands you control.

When Ulvenwald Hydra enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

thefiresoflurve on

1 year ago

This looks like a fantastic beginner deck! Reminiscent of my buddy's mono-green deck back when we played Magic circa 2011. Glad to see some things never change :)

One thing I might recommend cutting is Field of the Dead, since you don't have a lot of land with different names. I guess you could add Command Tower and Snow-Covered Forest for an easy +2.

Elvish Reclaimer or Ulvenwald Hydra could also help. Those cards are good anyway, but I'd err towards not adding too many more - don't want to build around a card that's in the 99.

Flarhoon13 on Dredgefall Windgrace (Land reanimation)

1 year ago

Lord Windgrace victory yesterday: Torment of Hailfire, x=21 copied with Wild Ricochet, so total x=42.

Turn 4 Stone-Seeder Hierophant, who untapped my lands from turn 5 Boundless Realms to cast World Shaper, making lots of clues via Tireless Tracker.

Turn sixish,God-Eternal Bontu sacrificed my lands, my clues and World Shaper (who immediately resurrected all my lands) and drew a buttload of cards. Stone-Seeder Hierophant untaps allowed me to meant also cast  In Garruk's Wake plus have mana leftover to sac clues and Constant Mists.

Rich used Selvala's Stampede to steal my World Shaper via Sepulchral Primordial after casting my In Garruk's Wake via Diluvian Primordial.

I cast Decimate to get World Shaper back in my graveyard for an amazing Golgari Grave-Troll fueled Twilight's Call. It resurrected God-Eternal Bontu who sacrificed my tapped lands, my clues and World Shaper again. God-Eternal Bontu drew me 25 cards, leaving mana up for Constant Mists to protect my commander alongside Thespian's Stage / Dark Depths combo via Ulvenwald Hydra. I untapped and ... you know the rest.

Corrus555 on Green/blue sea monsters copy

1 year ago

Alright let's get dorky. So you want more consistent game and early game. I like your mana ramp and some big boys, I just feel you don't have the early game, you wait for your own board state to get big but only have counter spells to remove threats.

My first list of cards I think can be removed for either lower cost cards or the effects arnt good enough. Urban Evolution to much mana for 3 card draw, the extra land drop isnt enough to justify the mana cost. Seer's Sundial is decent but the recuring cost will slow you down. But with a card like Horn of Greed ,everyone getst the card draw but you should be hitting a land drop every turn realistically. Horn of Greed isnt good with cards that put them onto the battlefield, but playing additional lands will trigger it multiple times for you, free effect for doing what your commander does. it will pay for itself in two turns. Acidic Slime its just slow,I like this better than itWickerbough Elder. Reclamation Sage is better and often the land doesnt matter unless its super competative. or Beast Within will help you with the land removal. meh Stumpsquall Hydra do you really need your CMDR bigger?? slow Sporemound Elder Deep-Fiend meh? like any combos or anything with this? Sharktocrab its cool, but you can only do the effect once, and you dont care about counters, but i see its good for the octopus creature type. Stormtide Leviathan often shoots people in their own foot if you dont have the bottom requirement on your creatures.

lands I dislike,Vivid Creek Vivid Grove tapped and only good for two turns? lands I like are Evolving Wilds Simic Growth Chamber Thornwood Falls Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer better version below. Below link are slow fetches if money is a concern, but you can run them outside your color because they dont have the mana symbol, to bad you can't run other bounce lands. https://www.mtglands.com/main-slowfetches.html https://tappedout.net/mtg-questions/bounce-lands-outside-commanders-color-identity/

Decent cards to replace with Hydra Broodmaster. Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar If you go graveyard recursion consistently she isn't bad Titania, Protector of Argoth if youre using fetches and such. If you do graveyardWorld Shaper The Mending of Dominaria Springbloom Druid early blocker,Harrow Crop Rotation crop R triggers your commander and only costs one. for any land. Zendikar's Roil this doesnt get removed by board clears and makes bigger than 1/1 spores.

Skyshroud Claim any forests. if you do dual shock lands. Fabled Passage if you have the $$$. Myriad Landscape if no $$$. Slippery Karst its good with graveyard synergy but often its cycled unless you need it the first few turns to get to land searches like Cultivate

The best card you should get Azusa, Lost but Seeking Roil Elemental Rapid Hybridization one cost removal of commander worth it. Tatyova, Benthic Druid you need cards that do similar effects as your commander so they cant just shut your deck down with one removal of your CMDR.

Tutor for your big guysFierce Empath This will pay for itslef in one turn Lotus Cobra Good long game card in my opinion that can be used for sac outlet and mana sink to pay into Tireless Tracker

Lands I like Terrain Generator Temple of the False God Hinterland Harbor cheaper than dual shocks, Thats Breeding Pool this is a dual shock land.

Late game cards that are VeRy NiCe but extra Praetor's Counsel Tooth and Nail

To battlefieldWood Elves Farhaven Elf and to hand Sylvan Ranger Ulvenwald Hydra these early game guys get you lands and can chump block, which means you block them with anything big they throw at you, assuming it doesn't have trample

Plenty of more expensive fixes but this is a good start, Let me know if you got some $$$ so I can recommend that. Most these cards should be under 10$ ish.

_Delta_ on Simic Lands

1 year ago

I definitely think you can spare to cut some lands, my own Omnath, Locus of Creation landfall deck only uses 39 (mind you, it has Wooded Foothills, Misty Rainforest and the like which give me extra landfall triggers). In their place I highly suggest some stuff like Roiling Regrowth, Harrow, Kodama's Reach, Cultivate, Rampant Growth, and Growth Spiral.

Other suggestions would be as follows and I made an effort to keep price in mind for all of these as best as I could: Sylvan Awakening, Primal Surge (since you have so many permanents could be used to great effect, and if used alongside cards like Laboratory Maniac, Jace, Wielder of Mysteries and maybe even something like Enter the Infinite you could create a sudden win-con out of these. Remember also if you include some of my above suggestions which tutor for land those are helping ever so slightly thin out your deck for such a win con). More would include Nissa, Vital Force, Avenger of Zendikar, Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar, Ulvenwald Hydra,Zendikar's Roil, Ramunap Excavator, Hour of Promise (noticed you have quite a few deserts to have a chance at the bonus effect), Lotus Cobra, Tireless Provisioner, Blackblade Reforged, Druid Class, The Mending of Dominaria, Wilderness Reclamation, Reshape the Earth, Jaheira's Respite, Meloku the Clouded Mirror (let's you repeat all your landfall effects), Retreat to Coralhelm and Praetor's Counsel.

As for actual lands:

Simic Growth Chamber, Reliquary Tower, Myriad Landscape, Scavenger Grounds, and Endless Sands.

Oh and here's my Omnath list I mentioned if you want to give it a glance. I know some of the stuff featured in this is pricey, but it nonetheless may still give you some ideas for now, or otherwise for the future:

Standby for Landfall

Commander / EDH* _Delta_


Hope this helps! If I had more time to spare currently I would suggest what you might cut for these things but that may have to wait for a while unfortunately. But I'll surely return to say more sometime!

artaud21 on Azusa goes Turbo(land)

1 year ago

Boundless Realms - This spell can only find basics which are not that plenty (especially when drained with fetches), they ETB tapped and overall it's not I'm focused on. Using it for Scute or Avenger is just overkill as I only need to crack a fetch 3 times to get 64 insects or 6/7 plants to finish the game. I'd rather play Reshape the Earth which has game ending potential on its own (Field of the Dead + 9 lands) even if it costs 2 more mana.

Scapeshift - I'm considering this but I would need to find room for mass-land returners (World Shaper) to make it more of the ramp spell than quality one. Azusa with Crucible effect may not be enough to return all sacced lands in short period. Obviously would be much better with Cradle which I don't possess though.

I've been playing Genesis Wave for a long time with great success (Turn 4-5 wins happened) and it was hard decision to cut it but I need to keep big-spells count as low as possible especially I can play combo now. As for Sol Ring I'd rather use Mana Crypt for T1 Azusa but still it gets negated by Ouphe, destroyed by Bane and doesn't trigger landfall effects.

Rude Awakening - I don't see it as part of the combo as it requires 3 parts (only 2 can be tutored for) and 11+ mana to run (which is a lot) and there are cheaper effects to untap lands. As for wincon it doesn't generate that much pressure as even 20 2/2 land-creatures can only kill one player and I'm not eager to lose any of my lands in combat.

Petrified Field - I did run it for a long time but needed to cut less important utility lands for Forests as I found myself color-hungry too many times.

Regal Force - it's definitely a powerhouse but I need to keep rigor in amount of cards in each mana slot. CMC 7 has 3 creature slots already occupied by Avenger (wincon), Hulk (combo) and Wurm (pet card). It's definitely viable for people not fond of Diune series (Shai-Hulud) or Wurms as a species ;)

Garruk, Primal Hunter - I did play him back in a days but I prefer cheaper (Life's Legacy) or repeatable (Greater Good) effects for card draw (even if I lose a creature in a process). Its ability can be weakened by killing biggest creature and Return of the Wildspeaker is better anyway.

Castle Garenbrig - it's good indeed except for occassions when I don't have Forest or a fetch in my starting hand which happens from time to time. It's obviously better with mana doublers but can be ok in my build as well. I don't have it currently but I will and test it.

Sensei's Divining Top - I've tested it already. Sure it ordered my top for Augur and friends but fetches "do" it anyway and sometimes I wished it way another card - that could ramp me for instance. I'd rather play Winding Way than it.

Elvish Aberration - I'm currently testing it. The thing is it can be cycled Turn 2 to keep the momentum for next turn Azusa and can produce infinite mana with Ashaya + Quirion combo. The second one didn't happen yet but it's possible. Anyway this slot is still interchangeable as there are so many 6 CMC creatures to use in a deck that finding a perfect one is hard. It can be Duplicant, Ulvenwald Hydra, Kogla, Sweet-Gum Recluse or even Orchard Strider as long as it won't clog a hand and can be tutor target in some occassions.

Panglacial Wurm - It's a pet card of mine and effective one to boot. Combat trick/End Step fatty is one option but more often than not it's used for power-matter draw effects. Mana flood is not that scary when you can cast it from library by cracking a fetch. Bonus points for Shai-Hulud esque.

Shigeki, Jukai Visionary - it's perfect T2 play before T3 Azusa and can be used right after dropping 2 bonus lands to ramp. Channel ability is super useful even if little costly.

ILuvMtg on Her Royal Fluffness: Gorestorm

1 year ago

The Great Henge if you're not on a budget. If you are, then Leyline of Abundance and Ulvenwald Hydra.

MeneerDutchy on Henzie “The Toolman” Taylor ETB

1 year ago

Torgaar, Famine Incarnate Dusk Mangler Gruul Ragebeast Hornet Queen Meteor Golem Overseer of the Damned Regal Force Rune-Scarred Demon Terror of Mount Velus Titan of Industry Verdant Sun's Avatar Baleful Beholder Bane of Progress Blight-Breath Catoblepas Blitz Leech Brutalizer Exarch Cleanup Crew Dakmor Lancer Dark Hatchling Duplicant Earthshaker Giant Goremand Grave Titan Great Oak Guardian Greenwarden of Murasa Kodama of the East Tree Kogla, the Titan Ape Massacre Wurm Noxious Gearhulk Patron of the Vein Ravager Wurm Regal Behemoth Soul of the Harvest Sower of Discord Thief of Blood Ulvenwald Hydra Whiptongue Hydra Bloodtithe Collector Blossom Prancer Cavalier of Thorns Conclave Naturalists Custodi Lich Demanding Dragon Emrakul's Hatcher Fury Giant Ambush Beetle Gilt-Leaf Winnower Gray Merchant of Asphodel God-Eternal Rhonas Gruesome Scourger Ingot Chewer Indrik Stomphowler Invader Parasite Keldon Firebombers Massacre Girl Mindclaw Shaman Morkrut Banshee Nessian Game Warden Obsidian Charmaw Pharika's Mender Phyrexian Delver Predatory Nightstalker Priest of the Blood Rite Puppeteer Clique Qasali Slingers Regisaur Alpha Serpent Assassin Shadowborn Demon Shriekmaw Silverglade Elemental Stuffy Doll Stingerfling Spider Whiptail Moloch Wei Assassins Wild Celebrants Agent of Erebos Ancestral Statue Balustrade Spy Bloodboil Sorcerer Bramble Sovereign Cackling Fiend Carrion Imp Chain Devil Coal Stoker Dagger Caster Disciple of Bolas Dread Presence Flametongue Kavu Foundation Breaker Grief Intellect Devourer Kozilek's Predator Llanowar Empath Masked Admirers Mausoleum Turnkey Misfortune Teller Myconid Spore Tender Nekrataal Nantuko Cultivator Ondu Giant Oxidda Scrapmelter Quirion Trailblazer Rampant Rejuvenator Ravenous Chupacabra Sawblade Slinger Slippery Bogbonder Solemn Simulacrum Summoner's Egg Sylvan Messenger Traxos, Scourge of Kroog Umori, the Collector Voice of Many

buffo on GW Emiel EDH: Blink Toolbox PRIMER

2 years ago

Thanks the the comment Gashillus! I’m glad my list had been helpful! And congrats on the win streak!

I double checked mtgcommander.net where the official banlist is, and sadly Primeval Titan is still banned. My group allows it, and tbh most of the random pods I play in shops have allowed it, even though I offer to remove it. Granted, they are casual high power, so there’s definitely more of an “anything goes” vibe.

If you’re cutting the pricier stuff, I’d recommend Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx over Gaea's Cradle. I know Nykthos is still around $30, but it’s cheaper than Cradle… And if you are playing Nykthos or other good utility lands, give Ulvenwald Hydra a try. It does a good Primeval impression in a blink deck.

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