Tyvar's Stand


Target creature you control gets +X/+X and gains hexproof and indestructible until end of turn. (A creature with hexproof and indestructible can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control. Damage and effects that say "destroy" don't destroy it.)

NV_1980 on The Elves Of Elder Deep

5 months ago

Looks solid. Some ideas:

Hope this helped. If you're interested, feel free to check my Elf-tribal with Ezuri in command.

wallisface on Don't

7 months ago

goblin4god the changes/reductions you’ve made so far have all looked great, so I definitely think you’re on the right track!

For specifically getting down to 60 cards, i’d suggest ditching the following 7:

  • remove the 2 Talrand, Sky Summoner. You have waay stronger threats already in your deck and this card sits in a weird position of neither posing a massive threat, nor ramping/controlling the boardstate.

  • remove the 1 Eldrazi Conscription. It’s overkill when all your big threats easily end the game by themselves.

  • remove the 4 Tyvar's Stand. You have enough redundancy you can easily afford to lose a creature or two. And you should have enough control over the lategame to keep your big threat alive without needing this.

After that, here’s some other options worth considering for card swaps - i’ve tried to keep budget in mind.

  • Mana Leak is better than Negate - opponents will almost never have the mana to pay the cost, and it hits a much wider breadth of cards.

  • Wash Away is clumsy, and expensive to play the cleave cost. I’d be running Witness Protection instead so you can ruin any of your opponents threats that get into play.

  • Dispel is very situational, i’d probably swap it for 2 copies of Spell Pierce and 2 copies of Spell Snare - both cards which have a bit more universal use.

  • Shark Typhoon is super strong for both offering you early game card draw, and late game free-win-condition. If you have the $$$ i’d be running 3 total (swapping out 2 of your other big-threat cards).

  • if you want stronger card draw, Preordain will probably offer more overall value than Opt.

Good luck with the brew! :)

Crow_Umbra on Heroic Test Build

11 months ago

Heroic was one of the first decks I ever put together about 10ish years ago lol. The variant I built was G/W though. I don't have the deck list anymore for whatever reason, but I'd suggest checking out some of the following:

  • Emerge Unscathed - Could work in your current build, especially great with Rebound.

Stuff I used in the G/W build:

Newer stuff in Green that I would have loved to have played with back then:

Also, I wouldn't worry much about the competitive meter. No one is sure how it works tbh lol

Helnas on Omnath locus of mana (opinions needed)

1 year ago

Instead of the mana doublers, i would add something like Bear Umbra, untaps your land if you swing with your commander, plus totem armor. Get some protection aswell, Lightning Greaves Yeva, Nature's Herald (just cast commander straight back when he gets destroyed, keep it in your hand). maybe a few spells like Tamiyo's Safekeeping, Tyvar's Stand, Gaea's Gift, Momentous Fall, Shared Summons, Wrap in Vigor some other creatures i didnt think of before: Oracle of Mul Daya, Silverback Elder, Apex Devastator, Cultivator Colossus, Ghalta, Primal Hunger, Cankerbloom, Topiary Stomper, Regal Force

For cutting cards, i would just cut cards that arent creatures or synergize with creatures, or dont do alot most of the time. something like Exponential Growth is gonna be a dead card in your hand most of the times.

Also dont understand most artifacts in your deck. Diviner's Wand for example, 3 mana to cast, 3 to equip, 4 to draw 1 card, 10 mana to draw your first card, and 4 mana for each card after that doesnt seem worth it at all. Id also cut 1x Mirage Mirror, Staff of Compleation, Helm of the Host, Lithoform Engine, Book of Rass

Id also cut: Vigor, Ironscale Hydra, Seeker of Skybreak, Viridian Joiner, Nantuko Mentor

And i would add 4-5 lands. playing a land per turn is stronger then playing an arcane signet or sol ring and then miss a land drop. (id cut arcane signet and sol ring aswell, they are bad draws past t4)

legendofa on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

That's what Tyvar's Stand is for.

Crow_Umbra on Old One-Eyed Willie

1 year ago

Tyvar's Stand could also do some work in this deck

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