Tymaret, Chosen from Death

Legendary Enchantment Creature — Demigod

Tymaret's toughness is equal to your devotion to black. (Each in the mana costs of permanents you control counts toward your devotion to black.)

: Exile up to two target cards from graveyards. You gain 1 life for each creature card exiled this way.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Lurking Skirge
Infectious Curse
Phyrexian Boon
Bala Ged Scorpion
Tar Snare
Lazotep Behemoth

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater

2 months ago


I've had my eye on a couple of those cards for a while, with the main drawback being that I'm broke. Most of the expensive cards you see I either traded for or pulled from packs. I'm currently trying to get my hands on a Dauthi Voidwalker and I'm looking to try and get the new tutor with Spree from Outlaws, but I'll keep my eyes out for the others you recommended.

This used to be a Anje Falkenrath Precon that I switched over to K'rrik and slowly upgraded over the years, you can still see a few echoes of that, with In Garruk's Wake being one of the last. I never really had a reason to remove it because it got me out of a couple jams but its been on my cutting list for a while if I can get my hands on one of the cards I'm looking for.

I think you're overestimating how much this deck relies on devotion. Tymaret, Chosen from Death and Mogis's Marauder are basically always online just by playing the deck. I've never really had a position where Sanguimancy was a dead draw because of devotion levels, it was more from immediately after a board wipe or when I was low on life, its a bit more niche but I think its a worthwhile include for the wins it can pull by just drawing 10+ cards. And Gary and Nykthos are just really good cards that are efficient even at low devotion levels.

Thanks for the feedback. About the CMC and lack of graveyard hate, its mostly shaped by my specific LGS. I basically never run into graveyards that need hating, and there is a lot higher emphasis on getting threats down early to avoid being overwhelmed. Plus, I'm a bit of a timmy so its hard for me to resist big splashy spells that I can use K'rrik to cheat out early.

Hogodar on Black Devotion The black sea!

1 year ago

I am thinking of replacing Ayara, First of Locthwain by either Tymaret, Chosen from Death or Dread Shade I have a feeling Ayara doesn't work as well in this deck except for her CMC. What do you think?

IHATENAMES on Tariel wrecker of holes

1 year ago

For decent salt but fun game I'd focus run some staxy type card.

Archfiend of Depravity weep tokens decks

Sepulchral Primordial steal 3 creature at once

Molten Primordial steal 3 creatures

Tymaret, Chosen from Deathgrave hate that works well with commander to limit the randomness

Altar of Dementia free sac plus many more upsides

Syr Konrad, the Grim with cards entering and leaving graves a decent wincon

Hofri Ghostforge double use etbs with other upside

Sire Of Insanity especially in a low budget slowing down the game works well in your favor. Also a blue players nightmare

Burnished Hart ramp

Ruinous Ultimatum sorcery speed mardu Cyclonic Rift

Tragic Arrogance you choose kinda boardwipe

Command the Dreadhorde Greatness at any cost

Victimize 1 bad guy fir 2 good guys. Seems legit

Dread Return 4 mana Reanimate you can cast for free* the 2nd time.

Painful Truths draw 3

Skullclamp for all the dorks out there. Let's make them useful

Helm of Possession trade your borrowed creature for a newer model

Smothering Tithe do you pay the tax?

Leonin Arbiter did you pay that tax

Wayfarer's Bauble ramp

Ruthless Technomancer ramp reanimation

Hoarding Ogre budget ramp

Persist reanimation

Fracture flexible removal

Stinging Study good with commander

Archon of Emeria 1 spell per turn

Rule of Law 1 spell per turn

Any of the Fleshbag Marauder effects

Visions of Ruin ramp kinda but mostly removal

Thrilling Discovery card draw

Echo Chamber fun card

Spreading Plague neat includes not great

Grave Betrayal steal creatures

These are just a few ideas. You'll have to mess with it from there.

Another deck to take ideas from

ThisIsMyAccount on Strange and Unusual

2 years ago

I think the deck is fine but I just want to give my suggestions for your consideration.

So, I would recommend you remove -2 Liliana, the Last Hope for +1 The Meathook Massacre and +1 Dark Prophecy. These cards are better for your devotion and are also more Strange and Unusual. You can also probably -1 land for +1 Inquisition of Kozilek.

Also, I think fitting in 1 or 2 Bitterblossom for the main or side so you can grind just a little better. Then, Tymaret, Chosen from Death plus Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip can be an interesting combination if you are really committed to black devotion.

N00benville on Mono Black

2 years ago

Fenlurker is a bit of a pet card, but the 2 pips and built in hand disruption feel nice. Also considering Tymaret, Chosen from Death as built in mainboard yard hate may make game one a little stronger (arguably stronger as it can trade efficiently while keeping the 2 pips)

Fritzn on Tymaret, Chosen from Death exiling …

2 years ago

I just want to see what other people think of this (possible?) interation: Tymaret, Chosen from Death + Heron of Hope or similar type effect that says "If you gain life, you gain that much +1". After rereading Timmy I think I won't get what I want, since the lifegain is only triggered when a creature card gets exiled.

My original thought was to not exile any cards or exile noncreature cards, I would gain 0 life +1. I think the 0 would just not exist at all.

ajensen6 on Ebb and Flow (Seizan EDH)

2 years ago

Suggestions Punish people for playing spells: Painful Quandary,

Lifegain: Noticed you'll be paying lots of life for card draw and some other effects. Having a few ways to recoup the life might extend your mid-long game. Shadowspear, Whip of Erebos

Ramp: Crypt Ghast (will go in every black deck you make, worth the $10)

Graveyard Hate: Especially important in control decks where you'll be blowing up the board and wheeling people's hands. Leyline of the Void, Tymaret, Chosen from Death, Withered Wretch, Soul-Guide Lantern

Generic removal: Feed the Swarm, Oubliette If you want to be really mean: Infernal Darkness

Waste Not

Moonbath on Mono Black Devotion

2 years ago

Nykthos, Lashwrithe, and Malakir Rebirth are all 3 I've heard of and/or have considered for this deck. Granted Nykthos is pretty pricey xD but it would be such a great acquisition. I really like the other recommendations Brasslord, I am keeping a list of possible cards to look into and try to figure out how they'll fit into my deck and what direction they'll take them.

I also have my eye on Thoughtseize, Leyline of the Void, Phyrexian Obliterator, though those prices are a big obstacle obviously haha Nightmare Shepherd, Fatal Push, Yarok's Fenlurker, Tymaret, Chosen from Death, Bolas's Citadel, and Ayara, First of Lochthwain are all ones that I've seen, heard of, and various ones have been cards I've been told to look into. So I have my work cut out for me to figure out which are worth it and will actually bump this deck up unless I want just a 100 card deck of all of the above lol...

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