Tunnel Ignus

Creature — Elemental

Whenever a land enters the battlefield under an opponent's control, if that player had another land enter the battlefield under his or her control this turn, Tunnel Ignus deals 3 damage to that player.

lagotripha on BOROS BURN AIKIDO

2 years ago

9-lives Ok, so the turn order goes untap, upkeep, draw, mainphase, attack phase, main phase, end step. Whenever you go from one step to the next you lose any mana you've added to your pool.

Upkeep basically exists for things that happen once at the start of a turn, after you untap your lands, before you draw a card. A lot of cards literally had 'upkeep' which makes you pay every turn to keep them (eg. Brand of Ill Omen back in the old days)

Braid of Fire was printed to help pay these, pay for instant speed effects like abilities (eg pump on Shivan Dragon) or actual instants.

If you want to play a big instant speed spell like Searing Wind, pay full price for Thunderous Wrath, or activate Soulfire Grand Master its great because you don't need to play a ton of lands.

Harsh mentor is in the same category as Ash Zealot, Immolation Shaman Tunnel Ignus and Ishi-Ishi, Akki Crackshot- they care about your opponents doing very specific things, which most opponents can just ignore.

Effects like great revel deal damage no matter what deck your opponent plays. Even more, compared to things like Young Pyromancer that care about what you are doing, they are a lot less reliable.

You can build decks around and that use them - I have in the past, especially for budget brews, but it takes planning. Tunnel ignus feels bad until you start playing Path to Exile, Cleansing Wildfire and Geomancer's Gambit, but its rare that you want to just put one in there - its home is usually in the sideboard.

Someone whose combo casts a billion cards from the gravyard will hate losing game two to a single ash zealot, and harsh mentor is in the same category.

lagotripha on Elemental Storm Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)

3 years ago

If you are playing a budget storm list, Lava Dart & Conflagrate will add reach and multiple spell casts. Escape Velocity or Underworld Rage-Hound type escape cards makes fossil find a lot better. Just jamming stuff that reads 'when spell' and 'draw a card' will work ok - though meta consideration, luminmancer is making people pack removal for that plan.

If you can find space in the budget by using the cheapest cards like Crash Through , Young Pyromancer is probably the best way to push this list to competitive.

Force of Rage is fairly cheap and a pair of ambush vipers can be useful.

There are some cool sideboard options - Tunnel Ignus , Sulfur Elemental , Ingot Chewer and so forth, but they have mostly been balanced around Flamekin Harbinger which is out of budget, so slots will dissapear quick - I'd look at hiding some mainboard.

MtgSheepish on Omnath, A Song of Creation and Chaos

3 years ago

Hey! Really like the deck as a Fellow Omnath and Horde of Notions Player. Since you're running a few flicker effects have you considered running Worldgorger Dragon or Realm Razer? Worldgorger is definitely the better combo piece but resetting your manabase with Realm Razer while Amulet of Vigor is out, the Valakut kill potential or my personal favourite Tunnel Ignus so that your opponents get burned by their own lands are all fun options. Also Manabond lets you dump lands before Song of Creation discards them if you want the extra triggers. Omnath, Locus of the Roil lets you redraw a new hand off Manabond and can do so after the Song discard too. Just some idea's that i'm playing around with for my own deck, thought you might like them as well.

sutkipala12wq23 on Alesha, Who Smiles at Death

4 years ago

Thanks so much for the suggestions! I mainly have Tunnel Ignus in there for the amusing interaction with Winds of Abandon. As far as the Hanweir business its mainly just for fun. The other creature suggestions you gave look great and thanks for keeping the budget in mind.

JRaynor on Alesha, Who Smiles at Death

4 years ago

There are some real sub optimal choices here.

While I love the classic Royal Assassin and Bounty Agent is cool, they both don't work well with Alesha as she reanimates her creatures tapped and attacking. That means these creatures have to not only survive combat but also a trip around the table before they ever get to do anything after reanimation.

They're basically strictly worse than stuff like Ravenous Chupacabra, which you also have in the deck. I'd hunt down some more Enters the Battlefield style effects like the Chupacabra instead of ones that require tapping to activate.

Hanweir Garrison is another really cool card, with Hanweir Battlements but it's important to note it doesn't trigger on reanimation because it enters the battlefield already attacking. Keep it if you just want to trigger the Meld effect, but Something like Siege-Gang Commander is just better if you want to make tokens.

Palace Guard is easily outshone by Palisade Giant or Protector of the Crown.

I don't think Tunnel Ignus is worth playing at all unless you have a friend who only plays Lord Windgrace or Tatyova all the time or something.

Burnished Hart is a fantastic addition to this deck. Often I find it better than Solemn Simulacrum as an early game value engine, because it has the ability to sac itself.

I tried to keep all my suggestions reasonably budget friendly. You've got a real diverse and interesting Alesha tool kit, and I think you can stream line it with minimal expenditure. Have fun playing Alesha! She's my favorite commander.

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

Rain of Knowledge


Draw X cards, where X is 1 plus the number of charge counters on it.

Return a land to your hand: Put two charge counters on Rain of Knowledge. You may choose a new target for it. Any player may play this ability but only if Rain of Knowledge is on the stack.

So, yesterday, I posed this challenge to no reply, so I'll repost it.

Can I get a hatebear not in white, not like Gaddock Teeg or Lavinia, Azorius Renegade, but no white, like

Also not like a Magus of Stasis-type deal or Magus of the Moon, but like Yixlid Jailer, Melira, Sylvok Outcast, Vexing Shusher (kinda?), Stigma Lasher, Eidolon of the Great Revel, Ash Zealot, Tunnel Ignus, Harsh Mentor, and Immolation Shaman.

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

Mzuzi the Unlucky

Legendary Planeswalker - Mzuzi

Spells your opponents cast that target you or permanents or spells you control cost less to cast.

+2: Each opponent creates a 3/3 green Beast creature token. During each opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Mzuzi the Unlucky if able.

+2: Target opponent gains control of Mzuzi the Unlucky.

-9: You get an emblem with "If you have cards in your graveyard, you can't lose the game." and "As long as you have 0 or less life, whenever you lose life, for each 1 life you lost, exile a permanent you control or a card from your hand or graveyard."


The static is based on Accursed Witch  Flip, the first +2 is based on Gideon Jura/goad as a mechanic, and other +2 is based on Harmless Offering as well as Gilded Drake-type effects. The ultimate is a mix of Worship, Phyrexian Unlife, and Lich's Mastery.

I couldn't really think of a green aspect, so I just gave everyone some beasts to attack Mzuzi with.

Can a hatebear not in white, not like Gaddock Teeg or Lavinia, Azorius Renegade, but no white, like

Also not like a Magus of Stasis-type deal or Magus of the Moon, but like Collector Ouphe (I'm aware is't Null Rod), Yixlid Jailer, Melira, Sylvok Outcast, Vexing Shusher (kinda?), Stigma Lasher, Eidolon of the Great Revel, Ash Zealot, Tunnel Ignus, Harsh Mentor, and Immolation Shaman.

Cartrix on Warp World Tunnelingus Deck

4 years ago

Now there's an Idea. I think my problem is that this is half way between getting lots of permanents for recurring Warp World s until your opponents have very few permanents and you have lots, and the other build which has lots of ETB damage effects. I need to pick a path and I think I will go with permanents, except for the Tunnel Ignus . So Saproling Burst is definitely in the running.

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