Troll Ascetic

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Troll Ascetic

Creature — Troll Shaman

Hexproof (This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)

: Regenerate Troll Ascetic.

BotaNickill on Sex-Proof Selesnyabians

3 years ago

zapyourtumor, I'm still working the "sexproof" angle I just thought maybe I could be faster with Sythis, I'm trying to decide how to move forward. I feel like if I stay with Sythis, I would have to add back into the deck a handful more of the cheap hexproof creatures to ensure I would pull at least on in my opening hand. I've got Witchstalker , Troll Ascetic , Bassara Tower Archer , Slippery Bogle , Heroic Intervention , Alpha Authority sitting here staring at me. What to do, what to doooo?

Metroid_Hybrid on Who would YOU be?

3 years ago

Troll Ascetic..

The older I get, the more I learn...

The more I learn, the more jaded I become...

Traieon on Otrimi, Pinnacle of Evolution

3 years ago

I had considered Thrun, the Last Troll but I had decided to run Troll Ascetic because it had a lower CMC.and I didn't think being uncounterable was worth the additional . I had considered Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon but it was fairly expensive at the time but I'll may have to reconsider it after the reprint. I like the interaction of Undying and mutate but I prefer the utility of Malakir Rebirth  Flip.

I have Muldrotha, the Gravetide in this deck and it never disappoints.

Epicurus on Make a Sand Token and Maybe I'll Actually Cast You

3 years ago

I agree with 1empyrean about the keyword soup stuff. It may seem intuitive, since there's a lot of keywords amongst the mutate creatures, but it's a secondary theme that's taking up space for cards that better help the deck.

I disagree, though, that your commander should necessarily always be the target of the mutate pile. It's a good strategy to do so, but not the only course of action that could be beneficial in the course of any given game. As such, I believe it's a good thing to include other strong candidates for mutation.

To that end, I also agree that Mysterious Egg is not a great base for a pile. Some of my favorites, though, are Adanto Vanguard, Gladecover Scout, Troll Ascetic, and Gruul Spellbreaker (also, Slippery Bogle, but you're not playing blue).

Now, in case you start your pile on one of these guys, but then later wish you had started with your commander, you could include some cards that bounce the pile to your hand. Obviously, and unfortunately, blue is the best color for doing this. However, black has ninjas! Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni, Throat Slitter, Azra Smokeshaper and Skullsnatcher are all good options for that. Also, Dust Elemental is a lot better for a mutate deck than it might seem.

That's all I got, but this comment is too long as it is. Cheers!

multimedia on

3 years ago

Hey, Vorinclex and Jin-Gitaxias are good cards, but they're definitely not fun or fair cards. These cards may be fun for you, but they're not fun for your opponents. Nice upgrades of Sea-Dasher, Spark, Gemrazer, Brokkos, Expertise, Wake, Tutor, River, Catacomb and Fellwar. You've done well with cutting out most of the cards in the precon that go with Zaxara and not Otrimi. Areas to improve are the manabase, the creatures who you want to first mutate too, tutors, repeatable draw and repeatable recursion.

Cards to consider adding:

The Otrimi precon is very flawed especially the manabase. The problem with the precon manabase which you haven't changed much is it's not consistent enough to make turn four to cast Otrimi. To do this you want an equal amount of each color and the precon manabase has an overwhelming amount of green compared to blue and black. The large amount of green is for one card Predator Ooze which is a good card with Otrimi, but not good enough to build the manabase around. You've cut Ooze which was a good move, but keeping with the overall precon manabase isn't helping your deck. A change to the manabase to consider is cutting Forests and adding more Islands and other dual lands.

Hexproof is very good with mutate because if the creature you're mutating too has hexproof it can't be killed by targeted removal in response to mutating or after it mutates. When you're doing a lot of mutating with one creature without hexproof it's risky because one removal spell by an opponent will kill or exile all the creatures in the mutate pile. Swiftfoot Boots equipped makes any creature you control have hexproof and Boots doesn't unequip if the creature mutates. The top creature of the mutate pile will have hexproof protecting the entire pile from targeted removal.

Regeneration is another excellent ability with mutate and it's not as annoying for your opponents since they can target a creature with regenerate. If any creature in the mutate pile has regeneration then the entire pile does just like hexproof. Regeneration protects the mutated creature from all removal except exile and bounce. It's especially helpful against board wipes that let the creature regenerate and combat where regeneration saves the mutate creature from lethal combat damage.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Otrimi Plays Hard

3 years ago

Hey, nice budget upgrades to the precon: Sea-Dasher, Reconnaissance, Brokkos, and Triome.

Elusive Tormentor  Flip and Troll Ascetic are two budget creatures who you want to mutate with Otrimi. Tormentor for Insidious Mist when mutated with Otrimi makes a 6/6 hexproof, indestructible, unblockable, trample Beast. Discard a creature with mutate to flip Tormentor and recur that creature with Otrimi. The combination of hexproof and regenerate of Ascetic is powerful with mutate.

Hexproof is key and it's wanted because it protects the creature you're mutating to from targeted removal before it mutates and then after it protects the mutate pile so you can safely mutate again. Swiftfoot Boots can equip to any creature you control giving it hexproof.

( > = could replace)

The manabase of the precon is not good and you haven't changed it much. The color fixing is not good enough to be able to consistently cast Otrimi. Needing three different colors and having 11x basic Forests is going to be problematic without more color fixing.

On a budget, a manabase change to consider is to add the Bounce lands: Simic Growth Chamber, Dimir Aqueduct, Golgari Rot Farm in place of other lands that ETB tapped. With Bounce lands have to return a land you control to your hand (bounce) and they interact well with a basic land to bounce. They help with color fixing since you tap them for two different colors of mana.

More Signets can help with faster ramp and color fixing. Arcane Signet is great, but there's three other budget Signets to consider adding: Simic Signet, Golgari Signet and Dimir Signet (Ravnica version). A Signet is helpful since any basic Forest or any other land can be used to make two different colors of mana.

Shared Summons is a budget instant creature tutor that can put any two creatures into your hand. Jarad's Orders is another creature tutor that puts a creature into your hand and any other creature into your graveyard such as one with mutate to recur with Otrimi. Primal Empathy can be repeatable draw source or repeatable source to make Otrimi bigger. Season of Growth can be another repeatable draw source, any time you cast a creature for it's mutate cost targeting a creature to mutate.

Good luck with your deck.

Magic_Faqs on

3 years ago

Looks solid! Try including Thrun, the Last Troll, Troll Ascetic and/or Silhana Ledgewalker. I run all of these in my build and it can be difficult for opponents to deal with these.

Scout's Warning and Savage Summoning are pretty spicy includes as well. Both let you drop Nethroi on the end step before your turn when your opponents are least expecting it and let you swing with a reanimated board pretty quickly.

multimedia on Otrimi, Over-Mutation - Strategy - Casual

4 years ago

Hey, two budget creatures who have hexproof you want to mutate too are Insidious Mist and Troll Ascetic. The hexproof is wanted because this protects the creature from targeted removal when being mutated and after it's mutated. In multiplayer Commander there's three or more opponents who will have potential removal for your mutated creature; without hexproof mutating is risky. Swiftfoot Boots can give any creature you control hexproof it's worth adding.

Mist is the back side of Elusive Tormentor  Flip and once it flips then you don't ever have to flip it back. Hexproof, indestructible, unblockable, trample are monster stats for 6/6 Otrimi. The combination of hexproof and regenerate of Troll is powerful with mutate; protecting from targeted removal, from most board wipes/non targeted removal and in combat.

Good luck with your deck.

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