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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



At the beginning of your upkeep, choose one —

  • Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player gains 1 life.
  • Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player loses 1 life.

seizan8 on Who needs life anyway

3 months ago

Beacon of Immortality und Sun Droplet ?

Exsanguinate, Debt to the Deathless und Gary find i scho chli scammy. Hatred wer funny. Bond of Agony shiint mer au meh flavorful. Für alternate win cons wür i eher Triskaidekaphobia, Near-Death Experience, Angel's Grace und Wall of Blood spiele. isch chli interessanter als 1 charte wo eifach all gegner killt...

milohenry13 on Lucky 13

1 year ago

Thanks, Profet93!

Yeah, its biggest strength is definitely card advantage. I like to build my decks without most fast mana, sadly this deck has a sol ring, but oh well. With that said, an early engine piece in this deck that lets it start generating value early turn 2 or 3 is great.

The combos mostly revolve around reducing life totals. Sometimes rare, but against life gain decks it shines because it can make players life total a number, instead of merely doing damage or draining life. Hitting a Necropotence into a Repay in Kind and having a Leechridden Swamp out is awesome, which ironically was the first win it got at my local pub game, and a win con I hadn't even thought about until I saw it in my hand.

The deck was built to sit around and create value, while draining life, until I can go for a Triskaidekaphobia + Tree of Perdition. But Tree also works with Sorin the Mirthless but rare that could happen, but it totally could, especially if Sorin gets out there turn 2.

The creatures have some swinging power, clearly especially, Phyrexian Obliterator.

I hear everyone's critique on Sever the Bloodline. I want to point out, it is only 4 mana, and I can play it twice, it has great utility because of the token removal, people do not expect it at all, and exiles in stead of destroys, which I love. I don't mind the sorcery speed. This deck can generate so much card advantage that if I have to pitch it, it's still available from the yard, and it can sit in my hand until I need it because my hand size is usually 7+.

However, Spine of Ish Sah is excellent in my deck because of Keskit, the Flesh Sculptor's ability. It's "creature or artifact" so I can just keep recurring the Spine, and drawing.

Cheers, M

H1v3l0rd on Life Swap Shenanigans!

1 year ago

Sanguine Bond is half of an instant win combo with Exquisite Blood but also Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose and Defiant Bloodlord do the same thing as Sanguine Bond. They're easier to remove, since they're creatures, but multiple instances will proc the effect more often. Consider also Tree of Perdition and Triskaidekaphobia for a laugh, or Tree of Redemption as another source of life swapping. I wouldn't recommend building around it, but if you could play Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper and somehow let the tree attack without defender, you could swing for something like 30 or 40 damage and immediately gain that much life back, so it's 40+13, then 53+13, then 66+13, and you're killing them with just some plant, some ordinary shrubbery from outside. That's such a niche combo, but if you swap someone's life to 13 that counts as them losing 27 life, so with Exquisite Blood, you would gain that much life as well. This also applies to things like Wound Reflection and my personal favorite best boy, Master of Cruelties

TheoryCrafter on Mono-Black Liliana Tribal

1 year ago

Font of Agonies is a must for any deck relying on paying life to cast spells. I have it in my K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth deck and can kill a surprising number of creatures if both are kept on the battlefield long enough.

There's no guarantee you can get K'rrik on the battlefield soon enough to make a difference. That's why I recommend finding a spot for Defiler of Flesh to give you an increase in chances of having the ability to pay life instead of mana.

Also, Crypt Ghast, while legal in mono-black decks, can lead other players with the mistaken impression that it isn't legal due to the extort cost.

Tainted Remedy is very flavorful for a Liliana deck, but unless you add more cards that allow your opponents to gain life(including, but not limited to, Grollub and Triskaidekaphobia), or in a play circle where lifegain is well utilized, it's mostly a dead card. If you wish for an alternative I'd recommend Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose.

As for benefitting from Graveyard recursion, may I suggest Syr Konrad, the Grim? Get this on the battlefield with the Gravecrawler/Phyrexian Altar combo and it's an Insta-win.

Have you considered Liliana's Caress with all the discard in your deck?

That's all for now. Thank you for reading me out. I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

milohenry13 on Lucky 13

1 year ago

Metroid_Hybrid Thanks for the suggestions. I can come around and agree on cutting Leaden Myr. But Tree of Perdition and Triskaidekaphobia are the deck. That's how I'm trying to win... The other life drain stuff is just basic monoblack. I can get behind cutting Karn's Bastion too.

Sever the Bloodline is a good card.

I can't say I agree with all of your suggestions, but thank you for them. For instance, Malakir Mire  Flip gives the Tree the possibility of taking out two players.

Metroid_Hybrid on Lucky 13

1 year ago

I co-sign almost everything ldvatwa said, but I'm here to take it a step further..

I agree on cutting Leaden Myr, Tree of Perdition, Triskaidekaphobia, and Skeletal Vampire. I'm also wondering why Sever the Bloodline is here; do your friends play a lot of tokens too?

Adding Bontu's Monument is a good idea, but have you also thought about Mycosynth Wellspring & Ichor Wellspring as well?

You lack only one of the upkeep token generators in Mono-, that is Dreadhorde Invasion. Despite that, you otherwise have all the token generation in the world for . A couple of stax pieces like a Contamination & Smokestack, etc., could easily slide into here without changing very much at all..

Speaking of Mono-, is there any particular reason you are not running Necropotence and/or Bolas's Citadel?

Finally your land situation. I think you will want to cut down on your non-basic utility lands. Even though you are running Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, you will want to maximize your Swamp-count to consistently get the most out of Cabal Coffers (and goes triple for Cabal Stronghold), or if you even want to consistently play your Everglades & Lake of the Dead!

I would cut Barren Moor, Hagra Broodpit  Flip, Malakir Mire  Flip, Phyrexian Tower, and Vesuva; all for basic Snow-Covered Swamps... and maybe a Karn's Bastion since you are running several Planeswalkers..

ldvatwa on Lucky 13

1 year ago

I like the theme of cutting people's life totals in half or bringing them to a certain number. I think it would work well, but there's a few that I feel like could be swapped for more situational cards that might benefit you.

Leaden Myr is nice ramp that's also a creature, but you have a ton of token creation already. Why not have that be a Mind Stone or some other one/two cost ramping artifact?

Even though you're running Tree of Perdition, I'm still not sold on the incremental life loss that Triskaidekaphobia offers. It seems like a neat trick to pull it off, but I'd rather go for consistency when you already have a lot of cards that cut their life total in half. Perhaps Bontu's Monument? Over 1/3rd of your deck are creatures and the life loss AND the cost reduction to your creatures/Keskit, the Flesh Sculptor seems pretty solid.

Lastly, I'd just swap Skeletal Vampire for Grave Titan. I've never had good experiences with Skeletal Vampire in that it's usually targeted for the possible creature generation, whereas Grave Titan is a better body, better defensively, and can net an equally large amount of tokens.

Triton on

2 years ago

I feel like Triskaidekaphobia is a super on-theme card for this deck! Some other spooky and fun cards I can think of:

Hope this helps!

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