Trespasser's Curse

Enchantment — Aura Curse

Enchant player Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under enchanted player's control, that player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.

nuperokaso on Better Not to Block

4 months ago

Cool deck idea, but needs slight adjustments! - Deathcap Cultivator isn't really working - your deck can get into the graveyard an Instant, a Sorcery and a Creature, but you don't have any way how to get other type into your graveyard, so you'll never have Delirium. Considering that you are lacking any one mana drop, play Ignoble Hierarch instead. - Tear Asunder is great, but it's obvious that your 2 and 4 mana slots are quite full, and 1 mana is rather empty. I suggest looking up ways how to lower it a little. Maybe play only 2, and some mix of Fatal Push, Tragic Slip and Cut Down. - Worldly Tutor is a card disadvantage. I understand that this is a "combo deck", but it's simply easier to play additional combo cards instead. Blood Artist and Slaughter Specialist have great interaction with tokens and cost only 2 mana. - Engulfing Slagwurm is way outside of your mana curve, and has summoning sickness. I would cut it. Your mana curve effectively ends on 4. If you really insist on playing one expensive finisher just as a Worldly Tutor target, play Massacre Wurm instead. - Benefactor's Draught is questionable. Without Vicious Battlerager, it's bad. Maybe just play 1 as a random surprise. - A second Amulet of Safekeeping is a blank draw. I suggest you go down to 2 copies, and instead play a few Trespasser's Curse. - Restless Cottage is pretty much useless as your opponents will likely have tokens for blocking. - It's always best to play a robust mana base. Why play just 10 non-basic lands? Check some modern mana bases for better fixing.

Mave on endles whispers edh

7 months ago

I read the thread when I tried to look up the rules for the cards which is kinda important for EDH Endless Whispers. (I plan on including it in Obeka)

In a 1v1 match it mostly tries to get the best creature of an opponent while donating negative effects. But in commander it becomes a game of "hot potato" where you can never be sure who gets the creatures of another player but you can decide what "garbage" you donate. That is the gist of what the deck will do in a multiplayer game.

Depending on what you give away you may want cards that can counter triggered abilities in case ove Leveler, Sky Swallower, Boldwyr Heavyweights, Eater of Days, Hunted Wumpus, Inverter of Truth, Dust Elemental, Avatar of Discord, Indentured Djinn Ebon Drake Plague Reaver Master of the Feast Tempting Wurm, the haunted one like Hunted Troll, Hunted Dragon,Hunted Dragon, Hunted Lammasu or Hunted Phantasm. Personally I would use Obeka, Brute Chronologist to counter the ETB of the creatures you play by ending the turn and then giving them to an opponent. But that only works for when the creature with negative effect enters the battlefield during your turn. But it is a great plan B in case you don't have Endless Whispers to give your opponents creatures from the list above by simply playing an 8/8 trample for then ending the turn before the trigger resolves.

Other options are Jon Irenicus, Shattered One or Blim, Comedic Genius both want your opponents to control your creatures. If you just want the effect of giving your opponents negative ETBs you can also build a deck on The Beamtown Bullies. But including Endless Whispers in this deck can backfire by giving you one of the negative effects if the creature dies. And it also is hard to let e.g. Leveler enter the battlefield to donate it through endless whispers. What helps with that may be to manifest a creature with a negative effect with e.g. Scroll of Fate. You can also manifest creatures with negative effect from your library but that is a bit more random.

To prevent getting creatures with negative effects from your opponents you to gain hexproof. There are plenty of effects giving yourself hexproof in white but I couldn't find a good commander for that. To gain hexproof yourself in a non white deck you most likely need Orbs of Warding which may be the way to go to prevent opponents to return the hot potato to you. Which is what I do in Obeka (sadly I don't have any list online of that deck).

If you like Endless Whispers to take your opponent cards however you might rather want to play Grave Betrayal or Lim-Dul the Necromancer. Overall it can still be used as a politicle tool. Especially if you donate one of the Haunted once you can build a pact with another player that you always trade them with each other to get more and more tokens.

Talking tokens it is also possible to put Endless Whispers in Grismold, the Dreadsower which gets into the direction of Dagger Burn known through Rampaging Ferocidon, Trespasser's Curse, Massacre Wurm, Slaughter Specialist and e.g. Illness in the Ranks/Virulent Plague. Whenever you donate Hunted Troll to an opponent or it enters the battlefield you let the 1/1 faeris directly die causing Grismold to trigger and also cards like Poison-Tip Archer.

It is also possible to play with effects like Plaguecrafter, Abyssal Gorestalker, Gravelighter. The player who gets the creature has to sacrifice one creature less and choses who sacrifice one creature less the next turn. But as long as you profit from death triggers via e.g. enchantments or artifacts you will profit most from your favourite card.

I also like Rakdos the Defiler to use Endless Whisper. After all one can donate some negative effects and if the opponent sacrifices creatures they have to donate them to someone else. Altough that also works better in 1v1.

I hope the explanation helps to find the right deck to play Endless Whispers in Commander.

legendofa on

1 year ago

This sort of deck usually uses some amount of for Blood Seeker, Trespasser's Curse, and/or Illness in the Ranks. This deck in particular also has eleven blink effects, but only really wants to blink Hunted Phantasm. I recommend cutting most of these and adding more protection and ways to win.

If you want to stay in , Ghostly Prison and Windborn Muse help prevent attackers, and Boarded Window and Cumber Stone reduce damage. Just note that your damage output will be slowed, so you'll have to find ways to stay active.

wallisface on Improvements?

1 year ago

The list looks alright. Typically I see decks like this running playsets of both Trespasser's Curse and Blood Seeker so that all those creatures you give the opponent hurt them even more.

legendofa on

1 year ago

Trespasser's Curse. It turns all those small tokens into life drain before Illness in the Ranks makes them pop.

philsonwilson on Witch's Brew

1 year ago

Chaddish it hasn't been optimised as my partner hasn't figured out what she likes/dislikes about it yet, and as it's her first EDH deck it's not going to be super competitive yet. As well as that, it's more of a social deck too.

That being said, there are a couple of wincons. The less obivous and more difficult is draining your opponents out,Cauldron Familiar doesn't target so you can start the incremental damage there. If you're smart with the curses, Trespasser's Curse, Curse of Fool's Wisdom and a flipped Accursed Witch  Flip can start to add up. Torment of Scarabs and Cruel Reality can help here too but are reliant on them not wanting to lose resources, but that can still be helpful. Leechridden Swamp can add to this total too.

The clearest would be creature beatdown, 3/3 Demons from Tasha, the Witch Queen. It relies on opponents dealing damage to other opponents usually, but our playgroup is quite creature centric anyway. The curses can help here too; Curse of the Restless Dead, and Curse of Disturbance give you (and opponents) extra Zombies to push through some damage.

The most fun but least consistent way of winning is the wincons not in your deck - taking them via Tasha or other stealing means. A particular favourite of mine was Coffin Queen resurrecting a Gray Merchant of Asphodel for a double kill.

That being said, this deck is still in the early stages and will change over time - mostly as my partner figures out the way she wants to play the deck. At the moment it's a casual flavourful start, but I'll keep updating it as it gets more competitive too.


1 year ago

Interesting list! It seems like you are trying to go somewhat voltron which I find odd.

Here's some cards I found kinda weird: Grafted Wargear, Cement Shoes, Vorpal Sword, Whispersilk Cloak, Goldmire Bridge, Phyresis

I don't think Magnetic Theft is needed.

Run Agent of Erebos over Curse of Oblivion

I'd suggest Brilliant Restoration over Tiana, Ship's Caretaker. My problem with Tiana is that she has to be out when your stuff is destroyed. Brilliant Restoration get everything and is a great top deck.

Cards I'd consider adding: Blind Obedience, Court of Ambition, Court of Grace, Crawlspace, Curse of Conformity, Curse of Disturbance, Curse of Fool's Wisdom, Curse of Opulence, Curse of Silence, Curse of the Nightly Hunt, Ghostly Prison, Mesa Enchantress, Monologue Tax, Torment of Scarabs, Trespasser's Curse

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