Tower Above


((2/G) can be paid with any two mana or with (Green). This card's converted mana cost is 6.)

Until end of turn, target creature gets +4/+4 and gains trample, wither, and "When this creature attacks, target creature blocks it this turn if able." (It deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters.)

carpecanum on Vorinclex (The Slightly Less Mean One)

3 years ago

Helix Pinnacle ?

Double counters doubles your "power" with Wither. Tower Above and Blight Sickle

Strength of the Tajuru would get stupid very quickly at instant speed. I think it could be a wincon on normal creatures much less one with infect.

glorf on Negative Nancy (Hapatra)

4 years ago


Spring Cleaning -> Barrier Breach : More cycling is always welcome. Exile > Destroy and the times I need to remove more than 3 enchantments isn't very often. Could even replace with Back to Nature

Break Asunder -> Wilt : Better card all around. Instant > Sorcery, 2CMC > 4CMC

Tower Above -> Migration Path : Making room for cycling ramp.

TheMadRocketeer on Elves

6 years ago

Made these changes to include Genesis Waves and upgrade the Trample and Fight mechanics.

1x Copperhorn Scout
1x Taunting Elf
3x Savage Punch
1x Tower Above

2x Genesis Wave
2x Nature's Way
2x Wildsize (May swap for Rancor instead.)

My thanks to randomrarehunter, Domzig138, JonAvon, Pedro2163, and Tsuru-Hime for their great suggestions.

DespairFaction on Arahbo - Legendary Cats!

6 years ago

Making a few updates to make the deck more resilient.


2 Forest, Longtusk Cub, Trained Caracal, Sword of Feast and Famine pro green is bad with arahbo. Garruk Wildspeaker great card but no real synergy with this deck. Initiate's Companion. Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip it will be too difficult to flip, and wont be able to do so reliably.


Phantom Nishoba, Heroic Intervention, Aura Shards, Austere Command, Tower Above, Urza's Incubator, Council's Judgment, Reliquary Tower

JuQ on Rhonas, MonoG Boxing Club

6 years ago

Damm, I can't resist a good primer!

I'm a big fan of Deathtouch and I love to capitalize on it.
Deathtouch is amazing with Trample and with First Strike, but Rhonas is already Indestructible, so there is no need for First Strike unless you want to make Deathtouch a deck wide theme.
Give trample to a deathtoucher and it will only need to deal 1 damage to each blocker and trample the rest to the opponent, you can easily kill by commander damage. You don't need flashy finishers when your commander is cheap, big, unstoppable and unkillable.
Rancor is definitely a must, Vow of Wildness is efficient, Fists of Ironwood it's nice because the saprolings are great to protect Rhonas agains sacrifices, Berserk a bit expensive but absolutely OP for Rhonas, Ring of Kalonia, O-Naginata low costs and amazing, Loxodon Warhammer all time classic.

Ranged damage and provoking blockers: Nature's Way, Enlarge, Revenge of the Hunted, Tower Above, Nemesis Mask, maybe Seton's Desire. I'm not naming Fight effects because I guess you know them all already.

Pariah's Shield on rhonas and you will never be attacked again.

A couple resilient creatures more with power 4 Thornling, Manor Gargoyle. Maybe I would even consider Bonesplitter as a cheap way to activate Rhonas.

Rhonas biggest problem may be targeted spells that will usually exile him, bounce him or control him. Blossoming Defense, Ranger's Guile and Vines of Vastwood best thing for only one green mana, Hapatra's Mark is not as good but if you want a fourth one, it exists. Also Homeward Path is always good if you are not the one stealing creatures or animating them from graveyards. Brooding Saurian same effect just in case your meta is full of blue and black decks.

I'd say the amount of card draw you have is OK, but in my deck I would make some changes (personal preferences):
Regal Force out because it has a high cost and it is a "win more" card, If you are losing it won't help you much. You are not going to cheat it onto the battlefield so you most likely won't be able to do anything else in the turn and you'll have to discard many of them. You're not getting any extra juice from it either, no flickering in your deck.
Soul of the Harvest I actually like a lot this card, I put it in many decks, but it never stays long, it always goes back to the album.
Four cards you're considering are better options Elemental Bond, Garruk's Packleader (Lower cost and can trigger from tokens). Hunter's Insight is great, yes. Drumhunter perfectly on curve with Rhonas. I'd add to the list Life's Legacy: I know you don't like to sacrifice your creatures, but getting four or five ccards out of a creature for just two mana is a really good deal. Mouth / Feed I'm liking this card a lot, it gives you a 3/3 body in the early game and a slightly worse Shamanic Revelation from the graveyard. Also Garruk, Primal Hunter fits perfectly here.
Don't forget to include a Reliquary Tower and maybe even Thought Vessel if you feel you're having problems to hold you hand.

I wouldn't bother with the one drop mana dorks, you need a lot of them to be sure you get one in your opening hand, but they are kinda useless after that. It is not so important to have a second turn Rhonas, if they have a Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares or Reality Shift they will be able to use it anyway.
I would however swap Cultivate, Kodama's Reach and Arbor Elf for Sakura-Tribe Elder, Nature's Lore, Rampant Growth and Emerald Medallion. Arbor elf is one of those one drop mana dorks, Sakura-tribe elder in the late game will be able to block and fulfill his duty of bringing a land. Cultivate and Kodama's Reach are great but they have the same mana as Rhonas, so you will have to delay Rhonas or cast them in the fourth turn instead of a power 4 creature.
Using CMC2 mana ramps will allow you to play Rhonas on the third turn and have a mana open for reactions (remember Blossoming Defense and the other instants to give hexproof I mentioned before?).

Personally, I'd cut all the CMC6 and higher except for Rishkar's Expertise, Seasons Past, Pathbreaker Ibex, Ghalta, Primal Hunger and maybe Zendikar Resurgent and Sandwurm Convergence. Using good lower CMC spells to activate and protect Rhonas making the deck lighter. Keep in mind that rhonas is also a mana dump for the late game and if you are using his activated ability during your turn you won't have mana available for big spells.

mortilus on Hapatra, the Withered

6 years ago

I was unable to find a tribe in your deck. There are some token generators, but few enough that a tribal card would be a dead draw most of the time. For those reasons, I'd recommend removing these:

  1. Cover of Darkness
  2. Coat of Arms
  3. Sosuke, Son of Seshiro

A lot of the utility of the deck comes from being able to massacre your tokens in the name of -1/-1 counters (e.g. Blowfly Infestation and any of Flourishing Defenses, Nest of Scarabs, or Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons herself. Add Blood Artist (or similar) and it's an infinite wincon). Any creature with 2+ toughness will not be killable from a single counter, so anything that buffs toughness without a major benefit just weakens the deck. For those reasons, I'd recommend cutting these:

  1. Spidersilk Armor
But at the same time, and for the same reason, I would add Skullclamp.

Various other cuttables:

  1. Spread the Sickness - sorcery speed kill is pretty "meh".
  2. Shambling Swarm - the counters go away at end of turn, and it's likely he'll die in a boardwipe (so there won't be anyone to put the counters on anyway), and he has 3 devotion.
  3. Soulstinger - similar to Shambling Swarm, it's likely he'll die in a boardwipe (so there won't be anyone to put the counters on). Also, you're getting a weak creature in the hopes of doing something useful with it - better to just get a good creature in the first place.
  4. Decimator Beetle - moves one counter, once per turn, and it has to attack to trigger.
  5. Essence Warden - the lifegain doesn't get you anything
  6. Fume Spitter - insufficient recursion to really get a benefit from him
  7. Wicker Warcrawler - why include a creature that just gets worse?
  8. Tower Above - i'm on the fence on this one. The CMC is a bit high, but the benefits could be large.
  9. Needle Specter - Also on the fence. I like it more than the spell though.
  10. Rendclaw Trow - a 2/2 with wither and nothing else. 2 damage will just be ignored on attack until he dies in a wipe, or manages to block and get you (at best) 3 tokens.

You need to have a minimum of 37 lands. You're also playing , the color whose greatest strength is the massive ramp it can accomplish. If you swap all the cards noted for lands and acceleration, i would expect the deck to play significantly better. Also, don't use rocks for the ramp, unless land-wipe is common in your meta. It's easy and common for artifacts to die, but (usually) much harder to kill a land. I'd recommend the standard ramp:

  1. Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
  2. Kodama's Reach
  3. Cultivate
  4. Skyshroud Claim
  5. Explosive Vegetation
  6. etc

You could also likely benefit from more draw and recursion, such as Dark Prophecy/Phyrexian Arena, or Phyrexian Reclamation,

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