Torrent Elemental

Creature — Elemental


Whenever Torrent Elemental attacks, tap all creatures defending player controls.

: Put Torrent Elemental from exile onto the battlefield tapped. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.

legendofa on Why Do Some People Wish …

5 months ago

DarkKiridon That's all correct. Officially, reminder text (like this, italicized in parentheses) is not rules text and has no bearing on color identity, but Torrent Elemental uses the symbol in rules text.

It never hurts to keep Torrent Elemental on hand and ask your group if you can run it. Some groups will be flexible, as long as you let them know what you're trying to to do ahead of time.

DarkKiridon on Why Do Some People Wish …

5 months ago

If I'm not mistaken a card like Blind Obedience can legally be in a mono white or any other EDH deck that does not even use black correct?

But a card like Torrent Elemental which I used in my toughness matters/defender modern bant deck that did not even use black but I legally couldn't use in my Arcades EDH deck kinda made me sad as it was like a pet card to me.

keizerbuns on Delve Recycling

1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion Metropolis39! I’ll play around with Scrabbling Claws and see how it feels.

I don’t know if I’d replace Dimir Doppelganger with Scrabbling Claws though as Doppelganger is a pretty decent form of reanimation that fits the exile theme well and also enables me to get Torrent Elemental on the battlefield and attacking by turn 4 rather than turn 6. Replacing Doppleganger would slow my deck down too much, but maybe I can find room for the claw elsewhere.

Thanks again!

keizerbuns on Delve Recycling

2 years ago

Thanks Ziusdra, I'm glad you like the deck! :D An exile EDH deck would be so much fun! I wish there was more support for playable exiled cards too but I guess once you start being able to play too many cards from a zone that is supposed to be unplayable then it just becomes like a second graveyard.

Unfortunately I haven't actually gotten much real practice in with this deck. I've only played it about 3 times against a couple of friends in a casual setting. It did seem to do fairly well though in all 3 games, I only lost one game because a friend had a way to bounce my Torrent Elemental back to my hand every turn so I never got to use it. However, in the games I played with my friends, as well as in all my hours of playtesting, I actually never once had a problem with milling out all of my basics so drawing a fetchland was never a dead draw for me.

All that being said this deck could definitely be improved upon. You're right that the mana base is very slow and it's probably one of this decks biggest shortcomings. I didn't want to spend too much on this deck (I usually try to limit myself to about $200 max) so I didn't buy any shock lands, but those would definitely be a significant upgrade to the scry lands. I've also never thought about swapping out the scry lands for the cycling lands, maybe I could give that try!

The other things that could really be improved upon in the deck is its ability to protect its creatures once they're on the battlefield as well as ways to remove any opponents' threats.

Thanks again for the comment and the interest in the deck, I really appreciate it! :D

keizerbuns on Delve Recycling

2 years ago

ClockworkSwordfish thanks for the comment!

I thought about using Misthollow Griffin, but the deck was sort of built around Torrent Elemental's tapping ability, and Eternal Scourge was cheaper, so I left Misthollow out.

To answer your question, I don't think I fully thought that one through tbh XD. I guess my thinking was that if the cards are in the graveyard because they either got milled, got discarded from hand, or were cast and then put there from the battlefield, then they could be used as a target for delve/exile effects and still be able to come back and make an impact on the board.

I do really like your suggestion of Necrotic Fumes. I'm not entirely sure how much I like Sultai Ascendancy and Dimir-doppleganger in this deck and I did feel like it could use some removal, so that might be a pretty good substitute for those cards.

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions, I really appreciate it! :D

Scytec on New Format for EDH: Rule …

2 years ago

Because what is arguable my favorite card, and a SEVERLY underrated homie Torrent Elemental will be coming in HOT.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago


Throg, God of Thunder

Legendary Creature - Frog Barbarian God

Whenever Throg, God of Thunder attacks you may discard a card from your hand. If you do, he gets +X/+0 until end of turn where X is that card's mana value.

Whenever you discard a land, Throg, God of Thunder deals 4 damage to any target.


Lmao, nice.

Back during Fate Reforged, we got two cycles of hybrid-activation creatures; Five rares and five mythics. Strangely enough, the rares were Legendary creatures and the mythics were not.

We got; Daghatar the Adamant, Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest, Tasigur, the Golden Fang, Alesha, Who Smiles at Death and Yasova Dragonclaw. For the mythics, we got Soulfire Grand Master, Torrent Elemental, Brutal Hordechief, Shaman of the Great Hunt... and then there's this guy, who breaks the mould.

Make a new mono-, non-legendary MYTHIC creature who has an activation cost that follows the pattern of the other nine.

Scytec on The Whale Who Cried Wolf

2 years ago

Torrent Elemental could potentially be another copy of Misthollow Griffin for you. It also has a pretty solid ability letting you get some damage through consistently worst case scenario. Admittedly the additional mana to cost may be too much.

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