Tome Anima

Creature — Spirit

Tome Anima can't be blocked as long as you've drawn two or more cards this turn.

Derpyologist on Mono Blue Mill M

3 years ago

Hey, no problem. I thought you were fine. It's just that you can probably cut Teferi's Protege for Brazen Borrower, so that way you can focus on your plan of milling them out while having defensive options to resolved nonland permanents. Keep Safe and Deliberate are probably good enough for your card draw. Stormwing Entity also has evasion like Tome Anima, plus a scry effect that lets you dig for answers and threats. It's cost reduction and prowess can also help end the game through combat damage cheaply if you aren't drawing your mill cards. If you're milling, I'd also recommend having some way of exiling their graveyard in your sideboard if you come up against graveyard-centric decks.

Murphy77 on Mono Blue Mill M

3 years ago

Apologies Derpyologist, you must have caught me at the wrong time - I was far too harsh in my response. Yes - Brazen Borrower is a good suggestion. With Covid 19, there is no FNM at the moment and that is where I play about twice a month. If I were playing this deck, on a day that I was feeling brave and aggro, I would most likely replace Tome Anima with Frantic Inventory. Similarly if my mood was defensive, I might replace Tome Anima with Brazen Borrower.

Murphy77 on Mono Blue Mill M

3 years ago

Derpyologist, thanks for your interest.

OK--- I am a bit lost. A mill deck works by having your opponent throw all his/her deck into the grave before he/her manages to kill you. your focus must always be on milling your opponent. In the current meta, there are 2 mill mechanisms - 1) Teferi's Tutelage which causes your opponent to mill each time that you draw a card, and 2) Ruin Crab which causes your opponent to mill each time that you play a land.

Yes, you need a bit of control so that your opponent doesn't roll you over too quickly, but your main focus must be mill. Cards like Keep Safe fit into the theme because they counter a spell and also allow you to draw a card, thereby causing your opponent to mill.

Then the structure of your deck depends on how brave you are. Nadir Kraken could generate a number of 1/1 blockers and grow into a powerful creature over time. A few fliers might get in a few unblocked attacks, etc. In this deck, my only fall-back creature for when mill is not working is Tome Anima because I expect at least 1 extra draw per turn, meaning that Anima becomes a 3/3 unblockable creature (better than a 3/3 flier which might evade some blocks). The only fall-back instant spell that does not add to the mill theme is Bubble Snare which could freeze out a creature that might become problematic. If I were braver, I would replace Bubble Snare with Frantic Inventory for increased card draw and a quicker game, win or lose.

Sorry, but I see no reason to spend 5 mana on a 3/3 flier that has no mill effect, no card draw effect and is not unblockable - the value is just not there.

Murphy77 on

3 years ago

I was under the impression that ELD cards were also rotating out... Facet Reader and Teferi's Protege, however work well with Teferi's Tutelage and allow you to play something like Tome Anima as an unblockable creature. Deliberate?