Titanoth Rex

Creature — Dinosaur Beast


Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

When you cycle Titanoth Rex, put a trample counter on target creature you control.

SaberTech on The Charnel Army

1 month ago

I also like the idea of having Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and Yargle and Multani in the deck to go along with the Lord of Extinction. It gives the deck a backup win condition outside of commander damage to help close out the game through a clogged up board.

I think another card worth considering is Titanoth Rex. Draw a card and permanently give your commander trample for just 2 mana while putting an 11 power body into the graveyard.

A lot of your creatures have 3 or more toughness so Elemental Bond/Tribute to the World Tree would be effects ways to draw more cards. Greater Good would also be a strong choice.

If you end up adding more sac effects as you develop the deck then Ghouls' Night Out might be a card worth considering. Being able to get up to 4 creatures for 5 mana is a good deal, even if they don't stick around after attacking with them. Sac them off for value or just don't attack so that you can make use of their abilities. If you end up reanimating Sepulchral Primordial as the card from your graveyard then that would end up being up to 7 creatures total for just 5 mana.

RogueDeck on Sarulf, Realm Eater

11 months ago

Nice deck.

For trample that isn't nuked, you could use trample counters like the one in Titanoth Rex's cycling.

I'm building one Sarulf Deck too.

Dangerwillrobinson79 on The Wizard of Ooze | The Mimeoplasm [Powered]

1 year ago

I really like this build and I’m working on my own with yours as inspiration.

Your favorite suckerpunch is The Tarrasque and Titanoth Rex. My question about The Mimeoplasm is: when you pull this off, does he have to “fight target creature defending player controls”- per the text on the tarrasque?

TheOfficialCreator on Dino Hell

1 year ago

So you may want to consider changing the deck format to Modern so that the site doesn't mark it as an invalid deck.

Also, Thrash of Raptors --> Regal Behemoth? I know it says Lizard but the oracle text has changed it to Dinosaur so it's legally playable as one.

Titanoth Rex and Topiary Stomper are also pretty good.

amicdeep on Jund budget

2 years ago

i can see wha your trying to do i think. its probably worth adding some more game ending effects Titanoth Rex and Void Beckoner bot put themselves into the gy with added value, and they are very very good reanimation target they dont work with unearth but they do with victimise

i would also seriously consdier running Persist

another card id consider would be Rotting Regisaur its bigger than Shakedown Heavy without the down side and it discards cards which is good in reanimator lists!

kimosabe on Clever Gurl

2 years ago

Hello Lapouble. May i suggest some lovely dinos that we dream of getting out: Titanoth Rex, and the Terrasque. I know we miss out on some value with not casting the Terrasque but honestly.. still a menacing threat. Good luck out there.

DreadKhan on Sarulf Voltron

2 years ago

Tyrite Sanctum can give Sarulf an indestructible counter, as can Daring Fiendbonder, but it might be hard to get that one into your graveyard. Witch's Clinic might be nice if Sarulf gets big. Other stuff that gives an ability counter might also be worth a look, Titanoth Rex for Trample, but Indestructible is a particularly useful ability in a deck like this. Culling Ritual might be a good way to get under Sarulf and grab a bunch of +1/+1 counters, especially if people run lots of tokens in your meta.

Not sure it's wise, but it'd be hilarious to throw in a Worldslayer for Sarulf to use with Darksteel Plate or some other indestructible source, it's pretty strong if you can set it up. It's also funny imagining a big wolf clamping a human-sized sword between his teeth.

I could be wrong on this too, but I feel like you probably want some ramp sources that put lands into play, Green has tons of ways to do that. If you're really that concerned about cards being 1 dimensional (and being potentially dead), you can run Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf and Springbloom Druid to get lands into play while also offering a blocker I guess?

I like the idea of adding more defensive spells, very cool and challenging Commander to build.

CardTyrant on Ixalan Park

2 years ago

Thanks for all the suggestions. Sorry I haven't been very active on replying, been dealing with personal stuff so all I've been doing is Deckcycling my deck. So here we go, time to reply.


Mortlocke: Gishath is so far the only commander that cares about Dinosaurs. Zacama, Primal Calamity is great, but has not one line of text saying dinosaur, Atla Palani, Nest Tender has a similar effect to Gishath, but she only gets one creature and again, doesn't care if it's a dinosaur or not. Morophon, the Boundless is a good commander for tribal, but I feel like Morophon should aid tribes that have zero support or commander options. Kaheera, the Orphanguard is a good lord, but she loses red. So yes, as of right now Gishath should be the end all be all dinosaur commander in my mind.

The comment about the counter triggered ability, so far there are only 9 spells that counter a triggered ability and most of them only do that or activated abilities, so I don't see them being used against me or more then once. I also have a burning hatred for blue players and tend to target them until a bigger threat arrives. But yes, every effect can be countered. I will go and change that in my description.


BmoreBeast: I would run Urban Daggertooth, but I feel that the next time dinosaurs get a real boost, they won't be using enrage (hopefully I am wrong). That's why I am slowly moving away from enrage triggers and more so towards trample effects. If the next time dinosaurs get support and it is with enrage triggers, I will think about adding Urban Daggertooth to the deck. I've also been wanting to move away from Planeswalkers and focus more so on dinosaurs.


iwulf411: THANK YOU! Thank you for playtesting the deck. I love hearing people testing out my deck and giving me feedback. Warms my cold heart. :D

Titanoth Rex is in the deck because he is a large trampler and I have been slowly morphing the deck towards dinosaurs with trample. Siegehorn Ceratops is in the deck because she's a 2/2 for 2 with enrage that makes her bigger. So early game I can drop her in and cump block if need be and make her stronger. Raging Regisaur is on the coping block if we never see anymore dinosaurs with enrage. Taurean Mauler can come out without any argument from me. I will find a ramp spell to replace it.

I tried to cut lands in my commander decks, but everytime I do, I always get mana screwed in the get go. 38 just seems to be my sweet spot. I will consider going down to 36, but 34 just seems way to low for me. Ancient Tomb is a great ramp spell, yes it hurts me, but 40 life means I can use it 10 times before it gets too scary for me. If I ever get an original dual land, this will hands down come out for one of them. Bonders' Enclave & War Room, you are right but I lacked room in the deck for card draw, so I threw them in. These two would be switched out for original dual lands. Cavern of Souls is simply in the deck because I HATE blue. Forbidden Orchard has been on the cutting board several times, however, its always survived because I normally use it as a political tool or if I'm in a game with my wife, to keep her alive. Yes I know, nepotism, but I am a Mardu player at heart.

Skyshroud Claim will defiantly go back in. I cut it early on but you have a point, especially if I ever get my hands on an original dual land. Cultivate or Kodama's Reach were both in the deck at the start, but the more I played the harder it was for me to justify them because I kept cutting basic lands to the point where there were times where I could only find one land. Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip is a pet card of mine, but I cut it from the deck long ago because a lot of times I never could get it to flip due to never having enough creatures. I will consider adding it again. Elemental Bond I will consider re-adding as well. Birds of Paradise will be a maybe, if I don't go pure dinosaurs but Bloom Tender will be a no because she requires perms to be out. Fauna Shaman and Elvish Piper will be a maybe again because I have been considering going pure dinosaurs.

Thank you again for playtesting the deck.


bushido_man96: I'd love to see your list! I always like seeing what others come up with.

I run the reduce cost creatures to get Gishath out earlier or if a high costing dinosaur gets stuck in my hand for I have no ways of cheating them out anymore or returning them to the deck. However, your comments have won me over and the next time dinosaurs get support (I've heard rumors that Ixalan may be getting a new set next year), I will turn it into a pure dinosaur build.


Thank you all again for the comments. Once things calm down in my personal life and I return to work and pay off these medical bills, I will defiantly take a look at revamping Ixalan Park with your suggests and some of my own. Till then, keep the comments rolling and the upvotes a coming. :D

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