Titanic Bulvox

Creature — Beast


Morph (4)(Green)(Green)(Green) (You may play this face down as a 2/2 creature for (3). Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.)

Landonius on Flicker Morphs

5 years ago

gbasso Oh yeah, I like Titanic Bulvox . Momentary Blink is great - I was trying to keep the mana as consistent as possible considering how inconsistent the rest of the deck can be, but perhaps some blue would be worth it. I used Pressure Point as a way to cycle a little bit and maybe get more damage through, but I'm sure there are better options.

DoctorMckay on Fairy Magic

7 years ago

1- Yep, pretty much the same effect.

2- I do have 4 Skyfishers because of that same reason. Now, about the abomination. The only other "viable" option would be Titanic Bulvox but not being a flier is a huge downside.

3- I do agree Miscreant is ineffectual, but, there are no other low cost faeries that could be useful. I could change some Miscreants for Pestermites but that slow down us a lot. Also, I've seen many control builds just using 8 Faeries. We could increase their numbers but that would only give us more consistency on being able to counter 3 CMC cards, imo. Could you please explain your pov on this issue? I'd like to know what you think we could do.

4- Mulldrifters were just added to fill empty slots. I was thinking about lowering the lands to 19 and adding another Mulldrifter or lowering Elgaud to 2 for the same purpouse.

What this deck lacks is a wincon apart from swinging with the Abomination and the other fliers. Capsize falls of curve and would be to slow, Titanic Bulvox would increase the damage but can be easily blocked...Maybe Ampryn Tactician could be used to generate burst, but it can't be used at instant speed. Rally the Peasants ask for for the flashback... Any ideas?