

As an additional cost to play Tinker, sacrifice an artifact.

Search your library for an artifact card and put that card into play. Then shuffle your library.

nuperokaso on Brian Stacks' Anvil (E)

3 weeks ago

SufferFromEDHD on Overgrown Garden

8 months ago

Urza's Legacy was a strange set. Memory Jar and Tinker in the same set... How? Destiny was strange too. Aura Thief always stands out to me. Masticore with the Urza legendary lands is iconic. Supposed to be an artifact block, which it was, but the enchantments were ridiculous. I was a fan of Echo but it was the only cycle in the block that lacked power.

Legends for a lack of better words was legendary. Overflowing with power. Interesting that it is a favorite of yours as Telepathy is a power creeped Field of Dreams.

Alliances is a sleeper for sure. The years have been kind to it.

sylvannos on Hoax Storm v2

1 year ago

@FireMind42: Yeah in that case, you'll want to go for Underworld Breach or Paradoxical Outcome (or something weird with both). I'd lean more towards Paradoxical Outcome because it lends itself better to straight U/R Storm. Not to mention, it opens up Displacer Kitten + Coveted Jewel shenanigans. Then you won't have to rely on rituals so much (Desperate Ritual, Goblin Electromancer, and Seething Song are especially awkward). You can then fit more artifact mana and draw spells.

You'll still want Bolas's Citadel because you're never going to actually spend black mana to cast it and the card is just the nuts in Storm. Memory Jar is always fun with Hullbreacher and Narset, Parter of Veils, but Bolas's Citadel is like Yawgmoth's Will and Yawgmoth's Bargain in one card that can be Tinker'd for (especially with Sensei's Divining Top, Brainstorm, and Ponder). You'll still need Sphinx of the Steel Wind in your sideboard, which is another card you're never going to actually cast.

Since you don't want Monastery Mentor, you'll have to get by with Laelia, the Blade Reforged. Sometimes you'll want to Grapeshot. Sometimes you'll want to Brain Freeze. Sometimes you'll want to Empty the Warrens. Other times, you need something that can get big quick and an easy way to do that is Laelia, the Blade Reforged, Treasure Cruise, and Dig Through Time. She's mostly for Underworld Breach, but I'm not sure you'll need that with Paradoxical Outcome.

I also don't know how I forgot to mention Mind's Desire in my original post. That's the reason to play pure U/R Storm in Vintage LOL. Personal Tutor may also have a potential spot somewhere in this list. It grabs Tinker, Grapeshot, Time Walk, Mind's Desire, and draw 7s. I'd even consider it over the second copies of Past in Flames and Grapeshot.

FireMind42 on Hoax Storm v2

1 year ago

sylvannos Oh my god thank you so much! Sorry for the late response, but I really appreciate all the advice. Paradoxical Outcome is absolutely insane now that you mention the Mox synergy, and I have no idea how I missed Tinker in my original deck building phase.

As for your other suggestions, there are two elements of the deck I want to maintain which I forgot mention in the original post.

  • I want to keep the deck U/R because when I started playing in RTR I was obsessed with the Izzet. In Highschool I had the chance to draft MM13 for a friend's b-day, and after getting passed multiple copies of Gifts Ungiven,Grapeshot,Peer Through Depths, and Manamorphose, I managed to Grapeshot for lethal in nearly every single game. That was when I fell in love with Magic, and I thought Storm was just the coolest archetype because it fully embodies the absolute chaos that is U/R.

  • As for Thassa's Oracle, I have never really liked "you win the game cards," and I prefer to win with damage for flavor reasons. I love the feeling of counting up Storm count before casting lethal, and imagining I am a Planeswalker wielding fire and lightning to blast my opponent to dust (lol). Plus, cards that just end the game immediately tend to make opponents more frustrated than if they were killed by damage. Although that is just my experience haha

I will be experimenting with this build and I am already thinking of ways I can use your recommendations, I've always been a very casual player but I have a big interest in competitive magic so thanks again for the advice. I will be back soon for some more tips! :)

Thanks for the warm welcome, I am VERY excited to be playing such a complex format!

-Ya boi


sylvannos on Hoax Storm v2

1 year ago

To start with, there's a few cards that have better Vintage equivalents. Overmaster and Spell Pierce should be the 3rd. and 4th. copies of Force of Will. Leftover space from cutting those can be Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast, or Flusterstorm. You don't need Faithless Looting because we have Paradoxical Outcome, Sensei's Divining Top, Gush, Dig Through Time, Treasure Cruise, and Brainstorm to choose from. Merchant Scroll also belongs in here, because you can use it to grab Ancestral Recall at the very least. Usually you want it to make sure you have protection in hand by grabbing countermagic.

Library of Alexandria isn't good in this deck. And you're not the type that needs 8x sources, so Steam Vents can go, along with a few copies of Volcanic Island (1 or 2). Replace all of these with four copies of Scalding Tarn and basic lands. Or even just play 6x fetches. You need to be able to shuffle after using Brainstorm, Ponder,and Sensei's Divining Top.

From here, you have a solid U/R Storm shell. However, I wouldn't play straight "Modern U/R Storm, but Power 9" dot dec. 2 mana is a lot for Goblin Electromancer, there are easier ways of winning than Grapeshot, and so on. The question then becomes "Where to go from here?"

Hope this helps! Welcome to MtG's oldest and greatest format.

multimedia on Urza's Engines of Armageddon

1 year ago

Hey, +1 for the deck name! I really like the concept of using Vehicles to crew each other to help to pay for Urza's artifact creature affinity. One creature who can crew a single Vehicle can create a chain that essentially bypasses having to pay for Urza's Commander tax.

You have 10 playable Vehicles here, that's not many if you want a Vehicle strategy. Consider more Vehicles and interactions with Vehicles?

Anchor to Reality is a Vehicle Tinker.

Imposter Mech and Weatherlight are more Vehicles with good effects. Weatherlight can repeatedly look at the top five cards of your library and put any one artifact or legendary card into your hand. The better creatures here who have Vehicle interactions are legendary and Artifact lands are historic. Imposter can become any creature an opponent controls, but it's still an artifact/Vehicle. That's really good with Master Transmuter, who can change what creature Imposer becomes.

Another reason to add more Vehicles is Greasefang, Okiba Boss, Esper, Vehicles and Greasefang go together nicely. Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh is an underrated Planeswalker with Vehicles and Greasefang, in fact all of his abilities are good here especially -6 emblem with crew. A Vehicle crew chain can draw a ton of cards if you have his emblem.

Crew is an activated ability thus if it's the first artifact activated ability you use on a player's turn it's 2 less to crew. His +1 is Thirst for Knowledge, draw and discard before combat for Greasefang. -2 effect doesn't end until that Vehicle leaves the battlefield which can really turn any noncreature artifact you control into a 4/4 Vehicle.

Research Thief and Bident of Thassa are consistent repeatable draw effects because of Constructs as well as with Vehicles who will most likely have just as easy time then a Construct at doing combat damage to a player. Losheel, Clockwork Scholar is nice with Constructs for combat damage + repeatable draw.

Only seven ramp sources is low amount, consider more ramp? Ornithopter of Paradise without help is not a crewer, but it's good ramp for Urza which is just as important. Liquimetal Torque, if it's not making mana it can make Urza an artifact giving him menace to have an easier time attacking and doing Commander damage. Sculpting Steel can be a mana rock or any other artifact on the battlefield. It's another Metamorph effect which is excellent in multiplayer Commander. Aerial Surveyor is a Vehicle for ramp, but it can only get basic Plains which is still fine.

Cranial Plating is powerful with artifacts and it can be used with 0 power artifacts to make them crewers or attackers.

Good luck with your deck.

Arrzarrina on Roon Shenanigans

1 year ago

19/01/2023 changes: There have been a few rounds of changes. Removed counterspells to attempt to make the deck to make more fun to play against, sold the Mox Diamond because it's become worth a mint in the last 7 years, added more draw and refocused the deck on creature ETB based interaction instead of something like Oblivion Ring. It's a good card but I don't get the value that I could get out of a Fiend Hunter. You know where I'm going with this. I've also added more mana fixing to the land base and adjusted colours for the new balance.



Toherden on Goblin Charbelcher EDH

1 year ago

Hey, you can add these spells : Culling the Weak ; Jeska's Will to accelerate your mana, and all tutors : Scheming Symmetry ; Wishclaw Talisman ; Tinker ; Diabolic Intent ; Imperial Seal ; Gamble ; Grim Tutor ; Personal Tutor ; Planar Bridge ; Demonic Consultation ; Tainted Pact (with the combo Thassa's Oracle if don't play a lot of lands), you can add Divining Witch same thing, and the master piece for these tutors is Laboratory Maniac. Nowday there is a lot of mana rock : Arcane Signet ; Mox Amber ; Thran Dynamo ; Thought Vessel

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