Tinder Farm


Tinder Farm enters the battlefield tapped.

Tap: Add {{G}} to your mana pool.

Tap, Sacrifice Tinder Farm: Add {{R,W}} to your mana pool.

Oda-Jimbob on Mayael and Other-wordly Allies

5 years ago

Deck Edit 2:

Avatar of Slaughter out -> Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger in. I decided that the Avatar of Slaughter could backfire against me as much as help me as it gives ALL creatures double strike (including my opponents). As Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger very much benefits me, it seemed like an automatic replacement.

Skyshroud Elf out -> Conduit of Ruin in. Both of these cards are a form of ramp. Yes, the Elf can help me early on, but I felt the Eldrazi search capability of the Conduit of Ruin as well as making first creature spells I cast 2 cheaper was too good to ignore. In addition to this Conduit of Ruin is searchable by Mayael.

Vagrant Plowbeasts out -> Avenger of Zendikar in. Although the Vagrant Plowbeasts served a very good role in the deck, and one that I am not yet 100% sure that I want to loose, the effects of dropping an Avenger of Zendikar seemed too good to miss.

Worn Powerstone out -> Mirari's Wake in. In the few games that I have had with this deck, the card draw is great - the only thing that can hold it back is access to mana. With the addition of Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger and Mirari's Wake I hope to both drop creatures onto the battlefield with Mayael, as well as hard-cast should the need arise. In addition to the mana access, the +1/+1 will also help to boost the presence of the Plant tokens put onto the battlefield with Avenger of Zendikar .

Finally, to smooth out the mana a little bit more, I did the following changes (there seemed to be too much red, and sometimes not enough white).

Fertile Thicket out -> Rith's Grove in.

Inspiring Vantage out -> Naya Panorama in.

Vivid Crag out -> Jungle Shrine in.

Vivid Meadow out -> Tinder Farm in.

geartank on

8 years ago

Hi PopcornBunni, I like your deck idea. I think you should add Irrigation Ditch, Geothermal Crevice, Sulfur Vent, Ancient Spring, and Tinder Farm to your land base, and Bloodbraid Elf. When you play with that, this can happen:

Turn 1:Irrigation Ditch

Turn 2:Sulfur Vent

Turn 3:Sacrifice both your lands to play a Bloodbraid Elf, cascade to an Ardent Plea, cascade to a Restore Balance, and your opponent has to sac pretty much everything. Then attack with your Bloodbraid Elf which triggers Ardent Plea, giving her a 1/1 counter.

The board only has your Bloodbraid Elf now. Repeat this process and ping with the elf.
This strategy has won me a few matches, and I hope it will for you too.

geartank on

8 years ago

Hi PopcornBunni, I like your deck idea. I think you should add Irrigation Ditch, Geothermal Crevice, Sulfur Vent, Ancient Spring, and Tinder Farm to your land base, and Bloodbraid Elf. When you play with that, this can happen:

Turn 1:Irrigation Ditch

Turn 2:Sulfur VentTurn 3:Sacrifice both your lands to play a Bloodbraid Elf, cascade to an Ardent Plea, cascade to a Restore Balance, and your opponent has to sac pretty much everything. Then attack with your Bloodbraid Elf which triggers Ardent Plea, giving her a 1/1 counter.

This strategy has won me a few matches, and I hope it will for you too.

zaktheripper94 on Death on Turn Two

8 years ago

You should Phytoburst over Blood Lust unless you really just CANNOT get the green mana for it.

You might also consider running Hickory Woodlot or even a Tinder Farm over one or two of the temples. Would lower price and incease the chances of a turn two or three kill. Scry is nice but there should be enough recursion in this deck, that you should be able to focus solely mana and damage.

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